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The Fix Episode Review

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  • The Fix Episode Review

    After several amazing episodes all in a row, it had to end somewhere. This episode is kind of a place holder for me, with the two really great moments right at the end, saving 1x13 The Fix from having just a series of complaints stacked against it in this review.

    Poor Sylar. HRG is really going all out on this guy. And this doctor must be pretty dumb, because after playing with Sylar for several days, he’s still got nothing. It’s going to take Mohinder about 30 minutes to solve the entire genetic puzzle when he finally gets his hands on him.

    I simultaneously like and dislike the way they tied Hiro’s powers to his emotions and self-esteem. I like that stress and emotional issues can affect a power, much the same as a normal person’s immune system can slip a little in times of stress. However, it doesn’t happen to anyone else, and it never happens again. Are we meant to assume this was just Hiro’s own personal growing pains, and that he’s a little more sensitive than the others?

    George Takei in the opening credits? Not cool, people. You need to learn from The X-Files and Buffy that when you’re pulling out a super-sweet guest star and you’ve filmed a big dramatic reveal, don’t put their name in the credits. True, this had been publicized and a lot of fans already knew, but for those who didn’t, you should have let the OMG moment come when it was supposed to!

    I’m not sold on Hiro’s line: “Release unspecial Ando and I go with you!” I know it’s supposed to be cute and funny, but it comes off silly. The final two lines of the scene made up for it, though: “You came back for me.” “This is how we roll.” Aw. How very sweet. Frodo + Samwise 4EVA.

    What do you see in the Rorschach test behind DL on the wall of Micah’s bedroom? And when Micah says, “Yeah, but she always found a way to make some money,” the question that immediately sprung to mind was “are we going to get to see DL strip in the garage now?” Good job again, Noah, and Leonard, you need another scene partner, because this kid is wiping the floor with you.

    Way to not even slightly scare the most gullible girl on the planet (read: me) with the Sylar-is-dead phone call. I knew you were bluffing, Heroes. That wasn’t remotely believable. You can’t kill off the badass villain that easily. They’re never really dead. Especially if we don’t know the doctor’s name that’s in with him. Talk about expendable. And kudos to Zachary’s make-up team, because he looked awful by the end there.

    I liked the scene in Peter’s apartment between him, Nathan, and Mohinder. Although it looks like Milo has been getting acting lessons from Adrian, because the slow hand-on-the-shoulder technique here was used by lil bro instead. And making up for the earlier Sylar-death non-fake-out, I totally fell for Peter running out the door and the others assuming he’d flown out the window. When the camera pulled back to reveal Claude and Peter still in the hallway… Geeky fan moment; I thought it was very cool.

    It’s nice to see Matt happy again with Janice, if only for a little while. But how in the world does he not immediately flip out and start questioning her as to whether the baby is his? That would be my first question! Duh! She’s probably had a whole lot more s*x with your coworker lately than you. Chances are he’s the one who’s going to be a daddy. And check out the look on her face as they kiss after Matt says “I can do that.” Oh, you know that baby isn’t his. So the follow up “We’re havin’ a baby!” is heart-breaking. Greg, I adore you.

    Major continuity misstep: DL can’t figure out how to get Niki out of the cell? Are you kidding? A hardened criminal such as yourself would have figured out the fact that yes, you can phase other people along with you. You do it a whole bunch in later episodes! Don’t tell me your power grew and you learned how to do it between now and then.

    Awesome moment when we’re finally introduced to Claire’s birth mom. I love that the woman who supposedly died in a fire was a fire-starter who most likely caused the fire, and I love that Claire only survived because not only is she special, but her ability is regeneration! I would love to know how far back they wrote this plot line. Because whenever they hatched this idea, it’s genius. The added touch of her being a smoker and having a digital lighter was perfect.

    And the truly great moment of the episode: the doc is dead, and Sylar is looking much better. Someone must have given him some chapstick. I like Jack’s frozen oh-sh*t reaction, and Zachary does a great job looking calmly amused.

    Bits and Pieces:

    * Nice line: “Dr. Suresh, do you remember me?” “Nathan Petrelli.” “You yelled at my car.” It takes a real man to wear hot pink, and congrats, Sendhil, you pull it off well. Now if you’d only forgone the scarf later in the episode.
    * Ugly suit, Nathan. Ugly outfit in general. And you’re usually so good about this kind of thing. I wouldn’t vote for you in that suit. You look like baby diarrhea in that suit.
    * Nathan only stopped by Mohinder’s apartment to see if there was a possible cure for Peter? Nothing else? And when he finds out there’s nothing available immediately, he tries to high-tail it out of there. Polite.
    * I like the blue tinge Peter and Claude’s scene on the rooftop has. Milo plays the help-me-Yoda angle very well, and we are treated to yet another fun character with a cool accent.
    * Hey, look, Oprah is trying to rehabilitate Niki. (Funny Star Wars Oprah video:
    * Weepy Blonde Moment-of-the-Week goes to Hayden for the reprise of her conversation with Jimmy under the metal structure. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, darlin’.
    * Nice delivery: “Kermit. Why does that sound so familiar?” “Because of the frog?” I was taught to drive a car while I was living in Hawaii by a one-armed man named Kermit. And the punch line is that I’m not even kidding.
    * Creepy Paire moment: “Great, an uncle.” Yep. You met him, remember? You made eyes at him at the high school and again in his cell in jail.
    * Ooh, Micah, you deviant... Wanna go shopping?
    * As creepy as HRG was in the opening scene with Sylar, I love how Jack Coleman delivers his “I will be there for you… always” line. He really rings true as a dad here.
    * Cute: Hiro’s subtitled GULP!

    Til next episode, or check out my website for more reviews!