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How much did the Haitian take from Mrs. Bennett?

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  • How much did the Haitian take from Mrs. Bennett?

    She doesn't remember Claire or the dog. Is this HRG's revenge for Claire's little comment? Or is the guy acting on his own? What's going on?

  • #2
    i have no idea, but ths is probably going to get REALLY messy before it gets cleaned up (much like a teenagers room, heh)


    • #3
      Well from her expression or lack there of and her forgetful ways, I'd say just about everything . Shes been lobotomized

      That comment I believe came after the initial brain sweep, so I don't think that played a part. I don't believe HRG knew the toll it would take on his wife or did he? Thats the question... cause I don't believe HRG would allow "family" to be harmed, but thats just me..anyone else is fair game.


      • #4
        It seems to me that HRG would do or risk anything to protect his family.

        In the long run, I would almost bet that he ends up a "Good Guy".

        We might see HRG ripping the Haitian a new one soon.


        • #5
          I understood that what happened wasnt caused by some new mindwipe, but was caused by too many previous wipes. Probably Mrs. Bennett has had more wipes than anyone else because of need to hide Claire's ability and everything.

          Might make Mr. Bennett think twice before using it on Claire again.


          • #6
            I think TSN is right. I think this is problem resulting of too many mindwipes. HRG likely did nto think there would be consequenses, but is now surprised to find there are. I do not think this is an attack or intentional think the Haitian did, more of a side effect of this abuse of his powers by HRG.


            • #7
              Absolutely, that was my first thought when I heard about the headaches, just like Will Smith said in Men In Black 2! How many times has he flashy thinged her anyway?

