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Peter's Dreams

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  • Peter's Dreams

    Does anyone know where Peter's dreams are coming from. He's been in different locations when he got the dreams, so it doesn't seem as if it is a stolen power. Some may suggest a higher power or his subconscious, but that seems like too big of an easy out on Heroes. Did they explain this and I just miss it???

  • #2
    Not that I've seen. I've noticed that Pete's dreams seem to have some sort of foresight, but they are always slightly off.
    That seems to be the recurring pattern.


    • #3
      Peter's Dreams

      Peter's first prophetic dream was the night Nathan in Heidi got in the accident right? Maybe they are triggered by something really huge happening to people close to him or himself. He also had several dreams about flying and a dream about Simone's dad right before he died. The dreams are a part of his power. Maybe he's like a sponge soaking in powers and bits of the future which he emits in vision form... I don't know. LOL!

      I watched Peter's visions in slow motion. One thing from his visions happened in the episode. He came across an Invisible man stealing. He confronted the man who then started strangling him and got away. Strangely Peter can see this guy. Is he on the list?

      So perhaps everything in the dream is not directly related to the explosion.

      At first I thought there were two different Peter's in the dream but the dream is not chronological's one Peter at different times. The calm one is before he starts to explode and the franantic one is after he starts to explode.

      Peter's interactions with Claire, Nathan and Simone could be symbolic. The fact that Isaac hold Simone back from coming to Peter... that sort of happened in the episode.

      I'm a little geeky.

      Vision #1

      Peter gets out of a cab, the camera shows him from below, he’s in the city. There are stopped cars – mostly cabs – all around him, some of them have open doors and are askew on the street. The camera does a close up on his eyes as they glow red.

      Claire is running toward him; Mohinder looks on aghast. Nathan could almost be in a different scene as he looks on from somewhere completely passive. There is a close up on a fallen bike. How is this significant? Then Peter looks on as though there are two Peters. This Peter is concerned and curious, completely composed. Is there a shape shifter? This Peter is very like the Peter at the beginning of the dream. Invisible guy seems minicing as the only person not worried. There is a close up on his hands shuffling thoruhg some papers, then a full shot of him from the waist up. He seems either unaware of what is going on or as though it’s not a surprise to him as he goes about his business. Simone is running up smiling. Peter goes up in flames.

      Vision #2

      Peter has another vision. I didn’t watch this one as closely. Invisible guy is beating up on Peter – strangling him. There’s a shot of Mohinder getting out of a car. Nikki, D.L. and Mika are running in the other direction; Nikki’s looking over her shoulder, very concerned. Peter as an observer looks around. There are empty cabs. Peter’s hand is glowing. There is a shot of passive Nate just watching. Happy Simone runs toward the camera, hair streaming.

      Vision #3

      Peter is lying on the ground in front of what looks like the entrance to a subway tunnel or a tunnel in the highway. I think it’s the latter. Peter sits up, disoriented. Peter starts to stand. FLASH! There are cabs and cars all over the road with open doors. Close up on Peter’s glowing red eyes. Claire is running. Mohinder, smiling, exits his cab. FLASH! Back to the original Peter – he’s standing and now it seems the sun has risen higher than before. Invisible guy is handling some papers in some sort of shop full of people (restaurant). He’s looking through someone’s purse! Back to Peter standing, he turns toward the sun – FLASH – he’s gone – FLASH he’s back. He faces away from the tunnel. FLASH! Peter is looking at his hands. Taxi doors open… Glowing red eyes… Smiling Mohinder… Running Clare… Invisible man choking Peter… Open car doors… Peter starts walking and looks down. He sees the bike wheel spinning. He looks up and he’s at his brother’s campaign building. Clare is running away from Peter now. Peter’s face crumples in anguish. Peter is burning. Passive Nathan exits the building and walks onto the sidewalk. Calm, observing Pete watches Nathan. Smiling Mohinder exits his cab. Peter’s face crumples in anguish. Matt in cop uniform seems to be urging observer Peter to run. Peter stares at Matt with wonder. Matt ushers D.L. and his family away. Nikki is glancing over her shoulder as if worried about Peter. Smiling invisible man steals cash. Burning Peter…Smiling Invisible man, this time he’s out on the street. Observer Peter… Simone is coming toward Peter but Isaac stops her and they struggle as she tries to get away from him. Are they all rushing to get away from Peter? Clare is running toward Peter. Peter face to face with Nathan out in the street… Claire face to face with Peter out in the street… Invisible man is stealing and snooping in the purse. Hiro and Ando arrive and look on passively. Observer Peter looks down at his hands, they are burning. Peter: “I took to his power, Nathan! I can’t control it!”

      Nathan: Let me help you. (In an emotionless voice.)

      Peter: “You can’t!”

      Nathan (In emotionless voice): “I’m not leaving you.”

      Smiling Simone runs toward Peter. Peter: “NO!” He explodes! It looks really cool. Nathan and Simone are “blown apart like leaves.” I love that scene from T2. LOL!


      • #4
        The dream is FULL of symbolism. And it's half done. I will try to watch the scene over and over again to catch the symbolism I have a feeling everything is a symbol in it, from the bike, to the way they are running away, to the way Matt is holidng up his hand, then way the papers are. EVERYTHING is most likely a symbol.

