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Chapter Nine - Homecoming

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  • #91
    Originally posted by vyperman7
    My point though was that Sylar wouldn't be able to get to Claire's brain because her head would repeatedly heal itself when Sylar would try to cut into it. If her ability is basically the same as Wolverine's watch the end of X3 (if you haven't already seen it)/ JG is flinging all sorts of stuff at him, and as soon as he gets inflicted with an injury, it instantly heals. It seems like the same would apply to Claire as well. So while you are right about the removal of her brain, my question is, with Claire's instant healing ability, how would Sylar get to her brain in the first place?
    Her healing ability takes time like in Genesis where her hip takes time to regenerate. If Sylar wanted to, he could cut open her skull and take the brain before it heals. Or, as gross as it is, he could take it out through her nose and she wouldn't be able to heal because she lost her brain.


    • #92
      true, but he'd need one of those thingys they use to do that. the little hook things?


      • #93
        I mean that he could telekinetically take out her brain.


        • #94
          homecoming was awesome i liked claire and peter meeting.


          • #95
            Homecoming Episode Review

            One of the classic episodes. Can you have classics after there’s only been 34 episodes? And it’s not even classic until 30 minutes into the episode. Not a whole lot happens up until that point, but from there on things get moving like crazy! Yay for plot advancement and action!

            I love the music in the opening scene with Claire and the Homecoming Queen announcement. I do not like, however, Jackie’s delivery of “I don’t believe it. ” It sounds like amateur hour.

            Nathan is still an *******. And when I first saw this episode, I was so upset when he threw that paint on the painting from Linderman. I was convinced (in true Heroes fashion) that the painting’s subject wasn’t going to be revealed for another eight episodes or so. So when Simone shows Peter the image of the painting, I was extremely relieved. Any more teasers or cliffhangers and I was going to scream.

            Jessica scares the crap out of me! And I love her for it. That’s one big gun. And once again, Noah is an amazing little actor! I love his explanation of who Jessica is. Scene stealer.

            We learn in this episode how Sylar kills people. But does he eat the brains, or just dissect them? I’m hoping he just pulls them apart to see how they work, because I think eating them is too messy for him, and too primal. He seems more detached than that. More…clinical.

            Okay, when I first saw Peter and Claire talk in the hall by the trophy case I could totally see them progressing to Claire having a crush on him and Peter having to tell the sweet high school girl that he was involved with Simone or something. There was such immediate chemistry between them! And now I feel icky for thinking that. But that’ll come up later.

            Sylar. Zachary Quinto. This guy is one of my vices. I’m going to try very, very hard not to be one of those ridiculous fans who blubber around about how attractive an actor is. He’s a real person somewhere who probably thinks these kind of things are the epitome of creepy. So I’m stating for the record that he’s beautiful, and I’ll be professional from here on out.

            The attack in the locker room was very well done. The blood spatter is wrong, considering it’s never sprayed like that before and never does after, but it’s cool to finally see Sylar’s signature finger-slice. As always, the morph-heal Claire does is very cool, and everything else that continues on from that point is just pure badass. I like the camera move as it follows Claire and Peter as they run down the hall, and I love the locker doors as Sylar flings them at Peter (especially since we’ve seen this in Isaac’s painting). Milo does a wonderful job ducking around, considering he wasn’t actually working with anything. Kudos to Milo and the CGI locker people.

            Milo and Hayden do a great, intense job at the top of the stairs, but when Sylar gets up to the top of the stairs and he and Peter go over the edge, it looks pretty awkward. The two of them posed on the ground after the fall looked good, though, and I love that we get a shot of Peter from the angle of the painting.

            I would like to know how Sylar keeps getting up and leaving after major injury! Does he already have some super strength or something? He looks a little beat up as he stumbles into the woods, but generally in much better shape than Peter was in after the fall. This scene is where I started liking Eden. Well, no, I didn’t mind her much when she began standing up to HRG about Isaac. But here I think her part isn’t overacted, she’s not too cutesy, and I want her entire outfit.

            Bits and Pieces:

            * Nice line: “Do you have any idea what it means for me to miss this game?!” “You’ll survive. ”
            * Nice popped collar, Milo. I hear that was entirely your idea. Very cool.
            * I love that piano… My favorite is the motif as Chandra walks away as he says “So be it,” in one of Mohinder’s dream sequences, and again as Mohinder wakes from it.
            * How in the world is Shanti not Mohinder’s first attempt at cracking his father’s password? This genius geneticist has a box of rocks for a brain sometimes. At least he’s pretty.
            * Names included on The List: Felipe Acerra, DL Hawkins, Byron Bevington, Niki Sanders, Daniel Buzzetti, Isaac Mendez, Tracy Chobham, Nicholas Datre, Paula Gramble, Curtis Hovsepian, Nathan Petrelli, Noel Menzies, Penkala Burton, Teresa Hue Pham, Matthew Parkman, Hiro Nakamura, David Berman, Adam Soo Hoo, Linda Tavara, Norman Ventris. Partials include Leonie, Sparrow, Amid H. , Michael, Candace (is this who we meet later?), Harry, Ethan, Abu, Frank, Diego, Jess.
            * Sound editing misstep: the canned, boring, obviously mismatched scream they attribute to Claire as she runs up the stairs away from Sylar. It’s awful.
            * Too bad we have to wait until the next episode to hear from Sylar. He’s another one of the Heroes actors with a wonderful speaking voice.

            Til next episode, or visit my website for more reviews!


            • #96
              I just started watching "Heroes" and I saw this one yesterday. One word: incredible.

