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Too Many Reasons

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  • #16
    Getting really good! Yayness!


    • #17
      Here's the next one! Enjoy!

      Chapter Fourteen

      That took her aback a bit. She wasn’t expecting that from him, not at all. “No,” she drawled out, “not you exactly. More like the thought of you turning out like your father instead of choosing a better path.”

      He thought about that for a minute. Or two. “Let’s say that you’re right and I did turn out like my father. Do you honestly think I could torture my own flesh and blood like he does to me?”

      “And like you do back to him?”

      “That’s not fair!”

      “Life rarely is, Lex. Unfortunately, that’s all I can think of being the reality. You’re a Senator in Kansas, the head of LexCorp—what would you have to offer a family?”

      “I can be a good man.” He sat up in his seat, looking at her with total sincerity.

      She smiled, “I remember telling you that. The only thing I have to say is, is ask yourself something. Could you handle being away from all that for the people you want to spend the rest of your life with?”

      “That’s a question!”

      “A fair one.”

      “I don’t know, Lana.” He threw his hands up. “I thought about what I wanted, as you left the station that day, and I was alright with you leaving until you actually started to go. You have no idea the torment that I went through, watching you leave me. I can honestly say that I wanted to be with you. I need you, but at the same time, I can’t let you do something this, this mean to me, without wondering what you’d do if I gave it all away for you.” He paused. “Do you understand?”

      She leaned back. “I’d be with you. You. Lex Luthor. Not the senator, not the billionaire, but you.”

      He screwed up his face in anguish. “You have no idea what you’re saying. If, and I mean if, if you knew what I know about our future, then you’d be saying something different. You’d walk out the door without even a wave and let me go.”

      “You came to me.”

      “I did. I did come to you, to see if what had happened would be what we wanted. Do you understand?” He stood up and started pacing in the small room.

      “No, not really, you’re being more cryptic than I care for. Just say what you want, Lex. For once, stop being scared and tell me what you want!” She was getting mad now; the lines in her jaw were strong and jutting out in defiance.

      He stopped and leaned down to her, placing each hand on each side of her face. “I love you. I know you probably don’t care about that right now, but just trust me when I say that somewhere down the line, something bad is going to happen to one of us, if we’re together. The question you have to ask yourself, Lana, is do you want to take that chance?”

      “I’d need for you to trust me enough to tell me what you know. I can’t even begin to believe you until you trust me enough for that.”

      A million emotions rushed over him after that one sentence. He thought for what seemed like hours, but in fact as only minutes. “Okay.” He sat down in the seat across from her again, and leaned up, ready to tell her the story, to recount the dream that could be.

      Chloe rushed in, carrying bags in her hands. “You guys have to see what I have here. It is so awesome! I got a ton of clothes for the baby and toys, and oh! You need to see this crib comforter in the cutest blue--.” She stared at the blank look they were giving her. “Wanna see?”

      They looked at each other, silently promising to finish this one later.

      Later came the next day, as they watched Chloe get in her car to head back to Metropolis. Lex had covered everything that he needed to do at home and work, so he could be left alone for a little time, and they could get everything worked out. It was all flowing smoothly, and Lex was sure they could get it all figured out now.

      They were sitting in the apartment eating supper when Lana got up and to get some coffee as a chaser. Lex took this as his cue. He stood up and placed his plate in the dishwater, and grabbed a cup from the rack. Standing behind her, he held it in his hands, turning it, bouncing it. She turned around in the small kitchen and about slammed the cup into his stomach. “Sorry.” She ducked her head, was she flirting?

      He smiled back. “It’s fine, Lana. I was the one standing so close.” She blushed and walked to the living room carrying her cup steadily.

      He filled his and came out too, taking what he called his ‘seat’. He’d sat there since he came there, and he was going to proclaim it his when he left.

      She sipped from her cup. “Where were we?”

      Lex looked at the ceiling, knowing exactly where, but stretching it out. “I think I was going to tell you the reason for my paranoia; an interpretation of our future.”

      She set her cup down on the table next to her and pulled an afghan over her. “Go ahead, I’m all yours.”

      “I know this is going to sound crazy, and for the most part, I think it might be. But before you start yelling ‘psychotic break’, please understand and learn from it. I know I did.” He crossed his legs to get comfortable and she nodded, so he went ahead.

      “I’m going to tell you about a dream I had while I was out last year, about my mom coming to me like it was ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. She showed me a life with love and happiness.” He paused. “Well here, it started here….”

      He told her, slowly and carefully, not leaving out any part of their tale.

      Two hours later, with a stunned Lana and an exhausted Lex, they both sat there looking at each other. Neither had spoke to the other, it was like they were both digesting what Lex had said. Lana looked exhausted, and her eyes were red from crying here and there. Lex had taken off his tie and shirt somewhere in the middle, draping them both across a chair, where they were pretty much abandoned.

      He had tried to answer all her questions as they went along, hoping it would put her at ease. He wasn’t so sure that it did.

      She looked at the floor, her face tired and staring at nothing. “So.” She didn’t say anything else

      “Yeah?” He asked.

      “Was your mother important to you?”

      He smiled at the memory of his mother, before Julian, and the love she gave to him. “I protected her with my life after she killed the baby. I didn’t want my father to hurt her, and being the sole heir, he wouldn’t do anything to me. She was my world. In fact, I seem to remember that when I was little, I wanted to marry her, but I think that’s every little boy and his mother.” He looked her in the eye. “Yes, Lana, she was important.”

      “Did I cry? Did it hurt that you know of?” Tears were coming out of her eyes again, twin streaks down those beautiful cheeks.

      He got down on his knees and closed the distance between them. “No, I don’t think it hurt. You were so strong, brave. I was never more proud of you as I was at that moment.” He pulled her to him and hugged her as she cried. The story merely a tragic memory to him; he had already mourned that loss.

      “Was Alex still precious?”

      He spoke into her hair, “Yes, Lana. He was a beautiful boy.”

      “Good, good.”

      He stood up and pulled her with him. “Why don’t we go lie you down?” She nodded and he walked with her head on his shoulder. When they got in the room, she walked over to the bed, where she started to pull off her clothes. “Lana?”

      She looked up and smiled weakly. “Sorry,” she whispered.

      “No, it’s fine. I was just going to tell you to lie down.” He pulled the covers back for her.

      She climbed in, pulling the sheet and blankets up to her neck. She looked venerable. A whisper, “Stay with me, Lex.”

      He didn’t say anything; he slid off his shoes and got under the covers with her. Her head was cradled in his arm as she fell asleep, after the sobs had receded. Lex stroked her hair until sleep overcame him too.


      • #18
        Awwww, so sweet.


        • #19
          Here's the next two. Enjoy!!

          Chapter 15

          The morning sun shone in through the slits on the mini blinds. It was warm and cozy, allowing Lana to lie there for a few minutes more, enjoying the happy feeling that surrounded her. Kind of like the smell of Nell’s flowers or Mrs. Kent’s muffins. Home.

          Something moved next to her, so she opened an eye and the night before came rushing back to her. The dream, the horrible, horrible dream Lex told her about.

          He looked bedraggled, like he’d been run through the wringer. His right arm was draped around and over his head; his left lay close to his groin. Black bags hung under his eyes, and his mouth hung open in what she assumed was his ‘snoring’ position.

          She sat up a little in bed, pulling her covers close, contemplating what she was going to do next. Her eyes moved back and forth in deep thought, and she wasn’t even aware when he slipped his hand on her own and gave it a squeeze. Almost as if she was watching the scene instead of living it.

          “Hey you. How are you, the day after?” His rusty with sleep voice murmured to her, his face now buried into his pillow, as he had turned onto his stomach.

          She shook her head, wanting to remain calm. She knew that any minute now, Alex would be waking in the next room, and for him, if only for him, she would have to be as calm as possible.

          Lex understood without her even having to speak. “I can get Alex if you need more time. He only woke up at three, and he was a cinch to put back to sleep, don’t worry.”

          He kissed her hand. “Talk to me, Lana. I want to be there for you.” He stared at her; those tired eyes searching for something he could hold on to.

          She looked down at him and smiled kindly, “I’m fine, Lex. I just need time.”

          “Oh. Okay then.” He turned back to his back, his shirt riding up and exposing his lower torso. She glanced that way, knowing inside she still cared for him, loved him, and wanted him.”

          She stood up, arranging last night’s clothes so they stayed on half way decently. Then she headed for the restroom.

          He stared at the ceiling, contemplating. She hadn’t slept well at all last night, and it had worried him. Half of the time, he’d laid there holding her. The other half, he’d paced in the living room. Alex had only been up for a short time, and he’d gone right back to sleep, true to Lex’s word.

          He heard retching, and stayed put. He knew it was her body’s natural reaction to too much information.

          If I had only let her alone, he thought, no pain, no anything. They could have gone on with their lives, without me. He sighed. Inner turmoil sucked.

          Then, softly he heard her cry, as well as Alex. He leapt off the bed and headed for his son’s room.

          Throwing up had been the easy part. At least now, she could get some coffee, maybe, and some Pepto Bismol or something. The hard part had come after; when she had realized that it was so sad. In one night, Lex had almost died, put in a coma, and lost her. The love of his life.

          She died.

          Having a beautiful little girl.

          Almost like her parents, only not just one child would she leave, but two.

          Lana slid down the wall, her arms clutching her tightly. Then she started to cry, so many things going through her head. No wonder he’d left them alone, he didn’t know how it would go. Lex was so scared of losing, it would only be natural that he give them up so they could have a normal life without the stress of the Luthors’ shoved up their ass.

          He was a scared little boy, trapped in a man’s life. Only instead of letting the one person who wanted to care about him actually do it, he shoved her away in hopes of saving her life.

          Like Clark.

          She almost laughed at that, and gave it a second thought. Who better to show Lex how to save someone than Clark? The one person he wanted most in the world to emulate. Right now, she hated Clark. But, if she was right, and she was pretty sure she was, then she could rectify the whole situation.


          Lana got up and went to the sink, brushing her teeth. Wiping her mouth when she was done, she reached over to turn on the shower. She had a job to do, and by God, she was going to get it done. So now, all she had to do was pull herself together. The person staring back at her in the mirror had such a mischievous look on her face.

          Chapter Sixteen

          Lex had left her later that day; no more talk of their future ensued. He had business that he needed to take care of, with the promise of being back as soon as he could. That gave Lana time to plan for her new idea on how to fix this mess they call their lives.

          The first call was to Chloe; for a house.

          The second call was to Clark; to help her find a job.

          The last call was to her boss here in town, letting her know that there was no way she could come back, but she would be sure to stop by and say her final goodbyes on her way out. Gloria told her that it was not a problem. She figured that someday Lana would leave, because she knew she was running from something the whole time.

          She then took Alex to the neighbor’s and went to the local grocery store for some boxes. If she were going to pack, she would have to do it quickly, before he returned. In her car, on the steering wheel, she found a note, written on a heavy paper. It read:


          Take this time to decide what you want to do.
          I will be there no matter what you decide, but you
          might get annoyed, because when I want something
          I never let go until I get it. It’s a lot to take in, but
          I’m sure you’ll make a good one.

          I’ll love you forever, Lana,


          She smiled, pressing the note to her chest. It was turning out the right way after all.

          Ever since that day in the cornfield in Smallville, when the meteors fell, he had wondered what exactly it had done for him. He knew about the increased white blood cell count, but what if the exposure had given him something else, like all the other freaks in Smallville.

          Like the lack of luck. Or maybe the absolute lack of human love from anyone else.

          He shrugged to himself and stared out the window of the car, snow drifting slowly to the earth. The landscape in Iowa wasn’t far from the plains at home, although it seemed a little dirtier.

          His mind went back to his family. He needed them. Just as much as they needed him.

          The movers came later in the afternoon, taking everything she’d packed or not. All that she had to do then, was get the baby and head home. As she walked up the stairs to the apartment, she felt a little sad about leaving, but at the same time, she knew she was going to a good place. Home.

          Lex got out of the car that evening, looking up to her window as he walked to the building. Her lights were out, meaning she must have called it an early night. He smiled, imagining her and Alex lying in bed, sleeping soundly.

          Climbing the stairs two at a time, he made the top and knocked on the door. No one answered. He waited and knocked again. Still no answer. He tried the knob. It opened, and what he walked into was nothing short of a nightmare.

          In the space of one day, he had lost them again. The house was bare, and after a short investigation, no note for him was left.

          His mind was spinning, a thousand thoughts all circulating, but not in tandem. The woman had played with him, not that he blamed her, but he was so sure it would work! Slamming the door behind him, he ran to the car, barking the order to the driver. He settled in his seat, waiting to get to the jet.

          He would find her. Oh yes, he would.

          Around midnight, Lana pulled into Chloe’s apartment building parking lot in Metropolis. She hadn’t stopped smiling when she had hit the familiar town, and now, it looked like there’d be no stopping her good mood now.

          She hopped out to get Alex and his bag out, when suddenly a man grabbed her from behind. A noxious smell, presumably his breath, wafted her way. “A pretty beauty, money too. Love to get in those pants of yours, *****!” She hit the lock on the SUV, so no one could hurt the baby, and then went the world went black.

          The keys clattered to the ground, forgotten.


          • #20
            Here's the next one too!

            Chapter Seventeen

            The next day, Chloe came out of her apartment, dressed for the day in a simple brown blouse with black slacks, a black belt finishing the outfit. Carrying her briefcase in one hand, a coffee in the other, and trying fumble her keys out of her jacket pocket. The sky was actually cloud free, and that had put a smile on her face; she had do some reporting on the transit system this morning, and she hated being outside when it was too cold.

            She unlocked her door to her car and put everything in, when she heard a cry. Faint baby cry. She lofted her head and saw Lana’s SUV parked next to hers. Walking around her car, she approached the vehicle. The crying got louder. She peeked in the backseat and saw Alex, slightly blue around the lips and eyes, crying so hard you could barely hear him. She tried the handle. It was locked. She tried all the other doors. They were locked too. Grabbing her cell phone, she called 911 and told them where she was and what was going on. In a few moments, she set the phone back into her bag and looked around under the truck for something—anything that would tell her what the hell happened to Lana.

            Across the way a little she saw something glittering in the sun. Keys.

            Although the remote was crushed, probably by another car, the key, she thought, should open all the doors.

            Her hands were shaking as she unlocked the door and unlocked the back ones. Not even realizing it, she was crying, her makeup streaked and running all the way down her chin. She reached in slowly and pulled out the baby, after opening her coat to shove him in there for warmth. He was so cold.

            She sat in the pavement, with him nestled in her jacket, rocking and talking to him. The crying had subsided and he had passed out. He was still breathing, which was good. All she had to do was keep them both warm until someone got here to help him. She closed her eyes and thought to herself, where are you, Lana?

            She could hear the sirens in the distance.

            Lex was sitting in his study going over the reports that were given to him by his secretary. To his right, lay the phone records for Lana’s apartment until yesterday. Clark, Chloe, and her boss. A moving company out of Iowa City. He tapped his pen on the desk as he thought for a minute. Where did she go? If he called any one of these people, then he’d lose her quicker than he could say ****.

            He picked up the phone and called his secretary. “I need you to look over all new rentals in the area, see if her name comes up.”

            That’s the way he’d throw someone off. Get closer to the person you don’t want to find you.

            “Sir, there’s something on the television you need to see.” Came the voice on the other line.

            He laid the phone in the cradle. Getting up, he went to her office, where she had on a news program from Metropolis. There on the screen was a picture of Lana from her high school yearbook. The woman was talking about a baby that was found this morning, in a parking area, locked in a car. The person that found him was a friend of the mother’s….

            “Sir? Sir?” The voice followed him as he ran out the door for his car.

            This was going to be the longest three-hour drive that he had ever had to endure.

            Her mind was hazy when she woke up. A headache was banging at her brain, and she was pretty sure she’d thrown up sometime, she could smell the stench very close. Colors ran across her line of vision and she couldn’t concentrate long enough to see one particular thing. It was like a kaleidoscope, really. She closed her eyes to try to focus, and she was out again.

            Chloe stood by the window, watching little Alex fight to live in the hospital. Clark had his arms around her, watching as well. The doctors had told them that today would be the day. That only time would tell in his case. If only time would go faster, thought Chloe.

            She went back to sit down in one of the chairs in the hall, when they both heard, “Where is my son!”

            It was Lex, and boy was he pissed! A nurse pointed down their way, and he thanked her, walking over to them. A nod from him, and he walked into the baby’s room.

            It seemed like forever passed before he came out. He had taken his tie off and unbuttoned the first few on his shirt. He looked at Clark. “Where is she?”

            He shrugged. “I don’t know, Lex.”

            “Where did she go, where was she headed to?”

            “You,” came from Chloe. “She was coming to be with you.”

            He sat down, stunned.

            Chloe continued, “She thought that if she just showed up, she could surprise you. Actually, she wanted to put your family together.”

            “Do the police have any clues?”

            “No, but they’re on it. They’re looking over the surveillance tapes right now. Looks to them like she was kidnapped.” She smiled slightly. “She’ll be okay, she’s a survivor.”

            No one said any more, the last bit was implied.


            • #21
              Woha! I can't believe Lana was kidnapped! By who, I wonder? Ooh, the suspense is building. Keep up the great work!


              • #22
                Okay, I'm now caught up on the story. Keep the new chapters comming


                • #23
                  Yes, where has she been?


                  • #24
                    Actually, I have been pretty sick, but I plan on having more a little later today!! Sorry about the lapse in posts!


                    • #25
                      Chapter Seventeen

                      The next day, Chloe came out of her apartment, dressed for the day in a simple brown blouse with black slacks, a black belt finishing the outfit. Carrying her briefcase in one hand, a coffee in the other, and she tried to fumble her keys out of her jacket pocket. The sky was actually cloud free, and that had put a smile on her face; she had do some reporting on the transit system this morning, and she hated being outside when it was too cold.

                      She unlocked her door to her car and put everything in, when she heard a cry. Faint baby cry. She lofted her head and saw Lana’s SUV parked next to hers. Walking around her car, she approached the vehicle. The crying got louder. She peeked in the backseat and saw Alex, slightly blue around the lips and eyes, crying so hard you could barely hear him. She tried the handle. It was locked. She tried all the other doors. They were locked too. Grabbing her cell phone, she called 911 and told them where she was and what was going on. In a few moments, she set the phone back into her bag and looked around under the truck for something—anything that would tell her what the hell happened to Lana.

                      Across the way a little she saw something glittering in the sun. Keys.

                      Although the remote was crushed, probably by another car, the key, she thought, should open all the doors.

                      Her hands were shaking as she unlocked the door and unlocked the back ones. Not even realizing it, she was crying, her makeup streaked and running all the way down her chin. She reached in slowly and pulled out the baby, after opening her coat to shove him in there for warmth. He was so cold.

                      She sat in the pavement, with him nestled in her jacket, rocking and talking to him. The crying had subsided and he had passed out. He was still breathing, which was good. All she had to do was keep them both warm until someone got here to help him. She closed her eyes and thought to herself, where are you, Lana?

                      She could hear the sirens in the distance.

                      Lex was sitting in his study going over the reports that were given to him by his secretary. To his right, lay the phone records for Lana’s apartment until yesterday. Clark, Chloe, and her boss. A moving company out of Iowa City. He tapped his pen on the desk as he thought for a minute. Where did she go? If he called any one of these people, then he’d lose her quicker than he could say ****.

                      He picked up the phone and called his secretary. “I need you to look over all new rentals in the area, see if her name comes up.”

                      That’s the way he’d throw someone off. Get closer to the person you don’t want to find you.

                      “Sir, there’s something on the television you need to see.” Came the voice on the other line.

                      He laid the phone in the cradle. Getting up, he went to her office, where she had on a news program from Metropolis. There on the screen was a picture of Lana from her high school yearbook. The woman was talking about a baby that was found this morning, in a parking area, locked in a car. The person that found him was a friend of the mother’s….

                      “Sir? Sir?” The voice followed him as he ran out the door for his car.

                      This was going to be the longest three-hour drive that he had ever had to endure.

                      Her mind was hazy when she woke up. A headache was banging at her brain, and she was pretty sure she’d thrown up sometime, she could smell the stench very close. Colors ran across her line of vision and she couldn’t concentrate long enough to see one particular thing. It was like a kaleidoscope, really. She closed her eyes to try to focus, and she was out again.

                      Chloe stood by the window, watching little Alex fight to live in the hospital. Clark had his arms around her, watching as well. The doctors had told them that today would be the day. That only time would tell in his case. If only time would go faster, thought Chloe.

                      She went back to sit down in one of the chairs in the hall, when they both heard, “Where is my son!”

                      It was Lex, and boy was he pissed! A nurse pointed down their way, and he thanked her, walking over to them. A nod from him, and he walked into the baby’s room.

                      It seemed like forever passed before he came out. He had taken his tie off and unbuttoned the first few on his shirt. He looked at Clark. “Where is she?”

                      He shrugged. “I don’t know, Lex.”

                      “Where did she go, where was she headed to?”

                      “You,” came from Chloe. “She was coming to be with you.”

                      He put his hands on his hips, stunned.

                      Chloe continued, “She thought that if she just showed up, she could surprise you. Lana wanted to put your family together.”

                      “Do the police have any clues?”

                      “No, but they’re on it. They’re looking over the surveillance tapes right now. Looks like she was kidnapped.” She smiled slightly. “She’ll be okay, she’s a survivor.”

                      No one said any more, the last bit was implied.

                      There it is, and 18 is on it's way!


                      • #26
                        Yay, a Lexana fic!!! We really need more Lexana fic writers on ksite. This fic is awesome so far, can't wait to see what happens next!


                        • #27
                          Thank you very much, MBCorp! I have been working hard at this for little while now, and I can't for the end, as I have another one in mind...

                          I love to dream!!


                          • #28
                            That's okay, randie, I just really love your stories!


                            • #29
                              I know, honey. I know. =)


                              • #30

