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A Summer In Love

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  • #31
    Condolences on your loss💔 I still miss my Grandma and she's been gone 12 years now. Best wishes to you and yours.
    It's been a crazy week all around. Just dropped into say I'd catch up this weekend and saw your note.


    • #32
      Chapter Ten:

      A/N: A fair warning!!! I don’t know anything, other than what I got from the internet and a little from what my father told me years ago, about motorcycles. So, I want to apologize ahead of time if the motorcycle scene is wrong.

      Lois was completely and utterly shell-shocked at Clark’s brilliant idea. She stared at him with wide-eyes, like he had grown a second head or something, and wondered, briefly if he had gone insane.

      She didn’t speak.

      She didn’t blink.

      When she had told him that she wanted to do something with him, she had never in a million years expected him to suggest this. It was crazy. There was no way in hell that she was even going to consider doing this—that she could even attempt to do this.

      What makes him think that this was going to be a good idea?

      It definitely wasn’t. It was a horrible, horrendous idea, and she had no intention of going along with it. Nope! No way in hell!

      She wanted to spend more time with him, of course, she did, but this? This was just outrageous. She wouldn’t—couldn’t do it. She was an adventurous person at heart. She enjoyed challenges, especially ones that made her do things she never expected doing, but this seemed more daunting than anything she has ever done before.

      It just wasn’t something that has never crossed her mind, and honestly, she didn’t believe she could actually do this.

      Clark watched, as the cogs in her brain turned and turned relentlessly, and couldn’t stop the chuckle from escaping past his lips, at the deer caught in headlights expression that was plastered across her face. He knew what she was doing. She was either trying to grasp what he suggested or was trying to think of ways to get out of this. He had a feeling it was the latter, but he wasn’t going to allow her to wriggle her way out of this one.

      He wanted to spend more time with her.

      He wanted to do this with her.

      He wanted to share this moment with her, and only her.

      He took a small step towards her. “Are you ready to do this?”

      She heard the tone in his voice, like he was absolutely positive that she was going to do this—that she wanted to do this. She blinked a few times, clearing away her hazy thoughts, and narrowed her eyes at him. “I never said that I was going to go along with this brilliant idea of yours!”

      He smirked, and crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh, you are definitely going to be doing this.”

      She copied his movements. “Why should I? Why do you want to? Why do you want me to?”

      He stood a little bit taller. He wasn’t going to let her stance intimidate him, even though he was stronger and smarter than most humans, there was something about her that shook him to the core, and he would not let her win. She was going to do this, there was no question about that. “Oh, come on, Lois. It’ll be fun, besides just think of this as a challenge. You wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation by renegading on a challenge, would you?”

      She glared. He was playing with fire, and they both knew it. He knew she never, ever denied a good challenge, and was using that to his advantage.
      She looked away from him, and down at the object—the object that was currently their subject of conversation, and glared at it, like that would make it disappear.

      His motorcycle.

      The same exact motorcycle that she had been nervous to even ride a few weeks ago, and now, now he wanted her to learn to drive it. Was he freaking delusional? Has he completely lost his mind?

      She couldn’t—wouldn’t do it. If he would have offered to give her a ride she would have been all for it, but why in the hell did he want her to learn to drive it? What was the point of this crazy idea?

      Normally, she wouldn’t have even thought twice about doing something this adventurous—something this thrilling, but this was different. She was very, very accident prone, and he knew that, especially from the circumstances in which they met, so, again, why did he think this was going to be a good idea?

      She knew what was going to happen. It was inevitable. She was going to crash, which wasn’t what was making her hesitate, no, it was the fact that this wasn’t one of her father’s cars or tanks or military jeeps. It was Clark’s motorcycle, which he really didn’t need since he could move faster than a speeding bullet, but it was his nonetheless, and she didn’t want her recklessness to ruin such a beautiful piece of machinery.

      She shook her head, vehemently, “No. No. No, I can’t do this.”

      He took another step towards her, and gently placed his hands on her shoulders. “Yes, you can. It’s simple, I promise. It’s just like learning to ride a bike.”

      She scoffed, and rolled her eyes at that. “Yeah, sure, like riding a bike without training wheels.”

      He laughed. “You don’t need training wheels. It’s really, really simple, and fun, besides you have me here.”

      She narrowed her eyes at him before sarcastically replying, “Oh, like that makes me feel any better about this situation! You, my friend, are practically invincible. Me, on the other hand, not so much.”

      He frowned, and dropped his hands from her shoulders. “Lois, do you really believe that I would let anything bad happen to you? I would never let you get hurt.”

      She shook her head. She knew that. He couldn’t even hurt a fly, let alone let anything happen to her. Honestly, she wasn’t really worried about getting hurt, that was something that never, ever dissuaded her from doing things that she probably shouldn’t have done. She was just trying to wriggle her way out of this. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, it was the fact that she was a little nervous about this, more so than she was when she rode with him the first time around.

      “What are you so worried about then?”

      She sighed. “I’m not worried exactly.” She took a deep breath. “What if I crash?”

      He smiled. She would worry about something like that. “Don’t think about that, besides if you do I’ll be there to catch you.”

      “And the motorcycle?”

      He stared at her. She was more worried about what would happen to his motorcycle? He shook his head, the smile reappearing on his face. “You’re seriously worrying about what could happen to my bike if you crashed?”

      She nodded.

      “Look, if you do crash the bike can be fixed, you can’t so, would you just stop worrying, and get on the damn bike?”

      She narrowed her eyes at him. He was serious about this. He made sure to knock out every one of her excuses, pathetic as they might be, and make her get on that damn motorcycle.

      She looked between him and the bike, a few times before sighing, in defeat, he wasn’t going to let her get out of this one. “Okay. Okay, I’ll do it.”

      He grinned from ear to ear. She was actually going to go along with it. He had really, really hoped she would want to, even though he kind of pressured her to, but if she really didn’t want to than she would have never agreed to it in the first place.

      This was going to be so much fun!

      He didn’t really know or understand why he wanted her to do this so desperately, but figured that maybe he just wanted to do anything that allowed him to spend as much time with her as possible. Besides, this would be something that he has never, ever done with anyone else before, and it was nice knowing that he would only share this memory with her. He walked over to the motorcycle, and motioned with his hands for her to take a seat.

      She hesitated, momentarily, before walking over to the motorcycle. She swung her leg over the seat, and very slowly, and very cautiously sat down.

      She was nervous, more so, than she has ever felt in her life.

      She knew it.

      He knew it.

      How the hell did she get herself into this damn situation?

      She looked at Clark, and groaned, silently, knowing the answer to that question. She could never resist that handsome face—that irresistible boyish smile—that overwhelming happiness that she could see in his eyes. She just couldn’t resist Clark Kent altogether.

      He stifled a chuckle, at her obvious nervousness, but he knew that once she felt the wind whipping across her face that she would realize that there was no reason to be nervous, and that it was going to be fun and exciting. He walked over to the front of the bike, and pointed out where the kickstand, ignition, front and back brakes, and clutch were located. He explained that she needed to keep pressure on the brakes after starting the ignition, and that she would have to slowly, and gently release the brakes, as she put pressure on the clutch, and then slowly twist the throttle to get the bike to move. He warned her that if she did it too fast that it could jerk the bike forward, and not to press on the brakes too hard or she could flip the bike.

      She nodded, listening intently to everything he was explaining to her. She could tell that this obviously meant a lot to him. He wanted her to learn this. He wanted to teach her. He wanted to experience this with her. She figured that maybe, just maybe, he wanted to share something with her that was uniquely them, and wouldn’t put a damper on that, besides it was nice knowing that this was something that only they shared together.

      After he was sure that she had grasped everything he explained, he pointed towards the side of the motorcycle. “Okay, now, I want you to push up the kickstand, and make sure to keep the bike level, then I want you to start the ignition.”

      She did.

      He took a step back, watching her, but didn’t venture too far away, just in case she wasn’t able to keep the bike upright. He wouldn’t ever let her get hurt, in any way. Once it seemed that she had control over the weight of the bike, he pointed towards the handles, “Okay, I want you to slowly release the brakes, and press the clutch at the same time, but remember what I told you, don’t do it too fast.”

      She took a deep breath before doing as he instructed, but she did it way too fast, and the motorcycle jerked forward. She yelped, clutching the brakes with her hands, and snapped her eyes closed. Her entire body was frozen. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She could feel her hands trembling.

      He quickly jumped forward, effectively placing his body in front of the bike, just in case it moved. He saw the terrified expression take over her features. He noticed how her hands were trembling. He could see how tense her body had become. “Lois?”

      She slowly opened her eyes, and looked up at him, her hazel orbs locking onto his aquamarine ones.

      “Are you okay?”

      She nodded, even though she felt anything but.

      “Do you want to try again?”

      She wasn’t too sure about this anymore. She was already nervous about this in the first place, and now, well now she was doubting herself. “I-I don’t think I can do this.”

      He smiled. “Yes, you can. Come on, just try again.”

      She shook her head. “No. No, I can’t do this, Clark.”

      He heard the fear, that was laced in the tone of her voice, and how her body still seemed tense. He needed to figure out a way to make her see that she could do this, and calm her down so, she would feel alright about all of this.

      He smiled, as an idea came to him, even though it wasn’t exactly ideal on his part, it just might help her out a little bit. “I have an idea.”

      She rolled her eyes. Great! Another one of his brilliant ideas, she thought.

      He slowly walked around the bike, tossed his leg over the seat, and sat down directly behind her.

      She froze. He was sitting behind her. He was so close to her now. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Wh-what are you doing?”

      “Relax. I’m just going to help you out a little bit. It will make it easier for you, I promise.”

      She nodded, but this was way more daunting than doing this by herself, especially since when he was too close to her he clouded everything. Her mind. Her heart. Her senses. This wasn’t going to help, nope, not at all.

      He leaned closer to her, and placed his hands-on top of hers. He tensed, immediately, when he felt the heat of her skin upon his, and wondered if this was a good idea or not. Probably not, but it was too late to back out now. He guided her left hand over the brake and throttle, and guided her right hand over the clutch. “Let’s try again, okay?”

      She took a breath, allowing him to help her, and when the bike jerked forward again, she yelped, completely startled. She felt her entire body freeze. He felt her body tense, even more so, and he needed her to calm down if they were going to get anywhere. He moved closer to her, his chest pressing against her back, softly squeezed her hands, and whispered in her ear. “Lois, just relax, okay? I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I’ve got you.”

      She nodded, and took a deep breath. She could do this. She would not back down from this challenge. She was independent. She was strong-willed. She was going to do this; besides he was here with her, and that made her feel better, knowing that he wouldn’t let anything happen to them. She trusted him with her life.

      She tried again, and this time the motorcycle gently, and slowly glided forward. She smiled. She did it! She actually did it! She knew it was only because he was there with her, he made her feel like she could do anything, as long as he was with her.

      He grinned from ear to ear. He knew she could do it. “Great job, Lois. Do you want to go faster?”

      She didn’t hesitate on the answer. “Yes.”

      He gently put pressure on her left hand, guiding her fingers to put a little more pressure on the throttle, and the bike accelerated.

      She giggled, at the new speed, and relished in the feeling that consumed her insides. She could feel the wind whipping across her face. It was the most amazing, and thrilling feeling she has ever experienced. Clark was right. This is fun.

      He grinned, at her obvious amusement. He knew she was going to enjoy this, she just had to get over her nervousness about it.

      She laughed, like never before, as she accelerated, and sped down the darkened streets of Estes Park.

      He grinned when he heard her laughing, and knew that he always wanted to hear that beautiful sound coming from her lips. After a few minutes, he slowly loosened his grip on her hands, but didn’t remove them completely, just in case she needed him, and honestly, he liked the feeling of her skin under his. He gently rested his chin on her shoulder, and allowed her to guide them wherever she wanted them to go.

      One hour later, they were still driving down a dark, isolated road, and they had smiles plastered on their faces, but it wasn’t from the rush of the ride anymore.

      Lois had never felt this amazing in her entire life. At first, the rush of driving a motorcycle for the first time was all she could think about, but now, she was acutely aware of his presence behind her. She could feel his hard, muscular chest pressing into her back. She could feel the heat radiating from his hands, as they rested atop of hers, and it felt like fire was seeping into her veins. She could feel his breath lingering on her neck, as he rested his chin on her shoulder. She was definitely aware of him now, more than ever before. A few weeks ago, when she had first ridden with him, it had felt good to have him so close, but now, it felt incredible to have him so close to her. She wanted this feeling to last forever, but knew she would have to pull over sooner or later. They couldn’t just drive all night.

      Clark felt like he couldn’t breathe, which wasn’t normal for him, but ever since he met her, she had a way of ripping the air from his lungs. It didn’t matter if she was smiling at him—talking to him—spending time with him. She always made him feel like he was incapable of breathing, more so, than ever before. He could feel her back pressed tightly against his chest. He could feel a tingling sensation spreading throughout his hands and up to his arms. It was like every time they touched, it sent reactions throughout his entire body, and it consumed his insides thoroughly. He could smell her skin—her hair, as he rested his chin on her shoulder. It was so sweet, just like her, but he would never tell her that. The more time he spent with her, the more he felt like this feeling was getting so, so much more intense, and he wasn’t sure if he ever wanted it to stop. He liked the way she made him feel.

      A few minutes later, she slowed down the motorcycle, pulled off to the side of the dirt road they were on, and killed the ignition.

      He wondered why she was stopping. He didn’t want to let go of her yet. He wished they could stay like this forever, but knew that, that just wasn’t possible, and slowly let go of her hands. He reluctantly moved away from her, and climbed off the bike, but stayed close, just in case she needed his help with anything.

      She felt the loss of his heat immediately, and momentarily regretted pulling over, but she needed a break from driving for a few minutes. She pushed the kickstand out, and gently allowed the bike to rest on its side, once she felt like it was steady enough she slowly climbed off the bike. She turned towards him, and grinned from ear to ear.

      He grinned right back at her. She seemed really, really happy, and he wanted her to stay like that…always. “So? How was it?”

      She grinned, even wider. “How was it? It was so much fun! I’ve never, ever felt anything like that before. We definitely have to do that again!”

      He chuckled, at her enthusiasm. “Well, if you want you can drive back to the hotel, and whenever you feel like it you can drive it. I don’t mind.”

      “I’d love that.”

      She started to take off her helmet, that he made her put on, but her fingers were trembling, in utter excitement that she couldn’t unclasp the straps.
      He stepped towards her, and without saying a word, removed the helmet from her head, and rested it on the handle bars. He looked down at her, noticing that her hair was a little tussled, and swiftly brushed it away from her eyes, tucking it behind her ears.

      Their eyes locked together, hazel and aquamarine meshed together, and it was nearly impossible for them to look away from each other.

      He took a small step towards her, and felt his heart accelerate, as she stepped closer to him. His eyes dropped to her lips, then back to her eyes, and noticed that she had done the same. He really, really wanted to kiss her, god, he wanted to…badly. He wanted to press his lips against hers. Softly. Gently. Sweetly. He wanted to wrap his arms around her waist, as he devoured the taste of her. He wanted to feel every single one of her curves meld into his body. He just wanted her in his arms.

      She felt her heart begin to race in her chest, as she gazed up into the swirling pools of his eyes. She wanted to kiss him…desperately. She knew she shouldn’t want to—or even think about wanting to, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted to feel his lips pressed firmly against hers. She wanted to run her fingers through his soft, dark hair, as she allowed him to take control of the kiss—her body—her. She wanted to wrap herself around him, and feel his body pressed against hers. She just wanted him. She didn’t care about right or wrong anymore. It felt right, and that’s all that mattered to her. She just wished he would make the first move.

      He blinked a few times, vanquishing his thoughts away, and took a step back away from her. He couldn’t believe the direction his thoughts were traveling. He had never in his entire life had this many tantalizing thoughts about a girl before, but somehow, she made him think and do things he never would have done with anyone else. Why did she make him feel like this? He knew he wanted to kiss her—hold her, but that was a line he wasn’t sure he was ready to cross…not yet, because if he did, he could never come back from it—he would never want to come back from it.

      She sighed, when he stepped away from her, and wondered if he was ever going to kiss her. She knew he was running from a past he wouldn’t talk about, and she was also running from her overbearing father, but honestly, she was tired of this. For the past several days, they had grown incredibly closer, and knew it was only going to get more intense. She wanted him, more than anything, and it seemed that he did to so, what was he waiting for? This was the third time that they had gotten so close that they could kiss—that they could hold each other—that they could just be with each other.

      She quickly looked away from him, trying to hide the disappointment that she knew was spreading across her face, and walked away from him. She slowly walked around the edge of the dirt road, questions running through her befuddled mind. Why wouldn’t he just kiss her already? Did he not want to? Was there something wrong with her? She looked into the darkened woods, which had more trees than she has ever seen before, hoping—praying they would give her the answers she needed—wanted.

      He watched, as she turned, and walked away from him. He swore that he saw a glimpse of disappointment cross her features, but it was gone before he could analyze if he actually saw it or not.

      He sighed.

      What the hell was wrong with him?

      Three times. He had wanted to kiss her—hold her—mold her body to his three times already, and he always, always was the first one to step away. Why couldn’t he just do it? Why couldn’t he just accept and take what he wanted?

      He knew three things for a fact. Firstly, he liked her…a lot. Secondly, he wanted her more than anything. Thirdly, he wanted to stay with her…as long as possible. So, what the hell was he waiting for? Why hasn’t he done what he’s wanted to do since they moment he laid eyes on her?

      He was brought out of his thoughts by her voice, “Clark, come here, and take a look at this.” He slowly walked over to her.

      She looked up from the pathway she had spotted, and up to his face. “I think we should check it out.”

      He stared at her. Was she crazy? They didn’t even know where they were, and she wanted to walk into the darkened woods to investigate? He wasn’t too sure about that. He didn’t want anything to happen to her, and even though he could—would protect her with his life, he would hate himself if she somehow got hurt.

      She slowly started to walk towards the path, without waiting for his reply, but felt his hand grab her wrist, and gently yank her back to him. She turned towards him, frowning, “Clark? What’s wrong?”

      “Nothing. Look, we should probably just get going, it’s really late.”

      She studied him for a few seconds, seeing hesitation and slight fear etched onto his features. She smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. “What, are you scared, Clark?”

      He scoffed. “No, I’m not, but I just don’t think this is a good idea.”

      She rolled her eyes. “Well, I’m going whether you want to or not.” And with that she turned away from him, and started walking into the dark forest.

      “Lois!” He yelled out, and quickly chased after her. He was not letting her go in there by herself, and relegated to just going with her since he knew he would never get her to change her mind about this.

      After a few minutes of walking down the dirt pathway, she stopped in her tracks because she was literally surrounded in complete darkness. She couldn’t see anything in front of her, or even the outlines from the trees. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, she thought. She wasn’t afraid of the dark, never has been, but this was just a tad bit different since she really had no idea where they were. “Clark?”

      He heard the nervousness in her voice, and quickly walked over to the sound of her voice. “It’s okay, Lois. I’m right behind you.”

      She sighed, in relief, it made her feel better knowing that he had followed her in here. “I can’t see anything.”

      He looked around, and was thankful for his powers at this moment since he could still see the path, and the trees that surrounded them. He could have easily just grabbed her, and pulled her out of here, but he knew she wanted to do this. He quickly grabbed her hand, enclosing it in his larger one, and squeezed it. “Come on.”

      They walked for a few minutes, but stopped dead in their tracks when they heard the sound of running water.

      She tried looking around, but couldn’t see anything, luckily, he still could. “What was that?”

      “I don’t know. Come on.” He dragged her behind him towards the sound of the rushing water, and they both stopped as they entered a clearing, which was illuminated in light from the moon, and that’s when they saw the most beautiful waterfall they had ever seen before.

      Lois let go of his hand, slowly walked over to the waterfall, and brushed her fingertips across the cool water. It felt amazing. What was this place? It was so beautiful here, but most of all, she could see everything around her. She turned towards him, smiling, “It’s so beautiful here.”

      He slowly walked over to her, and noticed that the bright moonlight shined down on her making her look absolutely astonishing. He had never seen anything more perfect than she looked right now. He smiled down at her, “Yeah, it really is.”

      She blushed, and looked away from him, knowing that he wasn’t talking about the waterfall or the wilderness that surrounded them.

      He smiled, at her sudden shyness, and felt the sudden urge to make her look at him, but instead he walked closer to the waterfall. He had never seen anything like this before, albeit he had never actually seen one before, but it was still breathtaking. He couldn’t understand why it was so hidden in the woods, but was grateful that they had found it, and knew he would probably want to come here a lot.

      She watched him for a few moments, and smiled at how happy he looked. She knew he was still dealing with a part of his past that he wouldn’t talk about, but over the past few days she had only seen pure joy and happiness in him, and she liked this side to him. It made her happy to see him being so content. She looked up into the night sky, and saw the bright stars twinkling down on them. “Wow. You can really see the stars from down here.”

      He looked away from the waterfall, and saw her standing in the middle of the clearing, staring up at the night sky. He walked over to her, and followed her gaze. “Yeah, you really can.”

      She twirled and twirled around in circles, enjoying everything that surrounded them, and knew she wanted to stay here for a while. She could stay here for hours, if she wanted, it was just so mesmerizing here.

      He watched her with the biggest smile on his face, and knew what she was thinking—what she wanted to do. “You want to stay for a bit?”

      She nodded, but never looked at him. She was too focused on the waterfall, stars, and wilderness. It was nearly impossible to take her eyes off the beauty of this place.

      He grinned at her. She seemed so happy here, just like he felt, but it was like she felt more herself here, and if she wanted he would bring her here every single day, as long as he could continue to see her this peaceful. He slowly sat down on the green grass, looked up into the night sky, and stared up into the stars. Memories of his old life came rushing back to him, of a time when he used to do this all the time, but he wasn’t going to let that ruin this moment. He wanted to remember the good times—the times where everything was so much simpler.

      She watched him for a few seconds, and saw a sadness creep over his features, but it was gone not even a second later, and she figured that he was probably remembering something that most likely used to mean a lot to him. “It’s peaceful here, isn’t it?”

      He looked over at her, smiling, “Yeah, it really is. You know, I used to do this all the time.”

      “Do what?”

      He smiled even more, as more memories came back to him, “I used to stargaze all the time.”

      She smiled. He was opening up to her. He was actually telling her something about his past, without her asking questions, he was doing it willingly, which surprised her because he had never done it before. “I’ve never done it before. I was always either too busy with whatever was going on in my life, and never had the time to sit down, and actually enjoy it.”

      “Well, you are definitely missing out.”

      He could see that she doubted that she was missing much, but he was going to prove her wrong. He held out his hand, “Come here.”

      She slowly walked over, and sat down next to him. He laid down on his back, pulling her down with him, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, as she rested her head on his chest. He started pointing out all the constellations that he could see from their angle, and it felt really, really good to do this again, especially with her.

      She was never one for looking up into the stars, but guessed that had more to do with how crazy her father made her life, and wished she would have at least took the time to do it once or twice because it felt nice. She was enjoying the astronomy lesson he was giving her, but knew that if it was anyone else she wouldn’t care less, but with him, everything just felt right.

      He tried pointing out a constellation called ‘Orion’s Belt’ but she just couldn’t see it. “Clark, I don’t see three stars that look like a belt. Are you sure it’s there?”

      He laughed before grabbing her hand, and raised it into the air. He pointed it directly at the constellation he was talking about. “See? It’s right there. There’s three stars, which are right next to each other. That’s Orion’s belt.”

      She smiled, and softly shook her head. “How is that supposed to be a belt? It’s just like looking at clouds and trying to guess the shape. Not everyone can see it, and that doesn’t look like a belt to me.”

      He chuckled, dropping their hands, and resting them on his stomach, but didn’t release her hand. “I don’t know, Lois. Maybe some people are just better at this than others.”

      She grinned, “Yeah, someone like you.”

      He continued to show her constellations, and gave her detailed explanations behind each one of them. It was something he had always enjoyed doing, looking into the stars, and hearing the stories about what the constellations meant, and how they got there. It was even more fun doing it with her.
      He softly brushed his thumb over the top of her hand. “You know, I used to sit up in my loft back at home, and look up into the stars, wondering what else was out there.”

      She softly giggled, as she squeezed his hand. “Clark, that’s ridiculous. You already know what’s out there.”

      He sighed, remembering the day he found out the truth of his origins. “I didn’t at the time.”

      She looked up at him. “What?”

      He looked into her eyes. “I didn’t actually know where I came from for most of my life, not until two years ago.”

      She gasped. “Oh, Clark! I’m so sorry! It must have been so hard growing up, and not knowing or understanding why you were so different from everyone else.”

      He nodded. “Yeah, it really was, but I had people that I loved who helped me get through it, and now, well now I have you.”

      She swallowed the lump in her throat, from the complete sincerity that was laced in his voice. She pushed herself up a little so, she could see his face more clearly. “Clark, I want you to know that I will always be here for you.”

      He stared up into her hazel eyes, and felt himself starting to get lost in her beautiful pools. “Do-do you mean that?”

      She smiled. “Yeah, I really do. I’m glad I met you, Clark.”

      He smiled right back. “I’m glad I met you too.”

      She slowly laid back down, resting her head on his chest, and softly closed her eyes, allowing the beat of his heart to lure her into sleep.

      He wrapped both his arms around her, absently rubbing his hands up and down her back, and before he knew what was happening, he heard her breaths deepen, and realized she had fallen asleep. He looked down at her, and smiled. She looked so peaceful. He could stare at her beautiful face all night, he wished he could, but he knew that they should probably get going since it was really late or early, he wasn’t too sure. When he was with her time didn’t matter or even register to him, it was just him and her. “Lois?”

      She softly moaned, in her sleep, and slowly wrapped her arms around his waist, curling herself into his side.

      He grinned down at her. It was obvious that she was a heavy sleeper. He softly shook her shoulder. “Lois. Lois, come on, you need to wake up.”

      She didn’t.

      He groaned, dropping his head back down onto the ground. He wasn’t going to let her sleep out here, even if it would feel nice to have her in his arms all night, and be able to wake up with her in the morning, but she could get sick.

      He very slowly, and carefully sat up with her still on his chest, she didn’t even budge from the movements. He lifted her into his arms, as he rose from the ground, and started walking back towards the road, but stopped dead in his tracks when she mumbled his name. He looked down at her, and waited—waited for her to say something else, thinking that she was waking up, but she buried her face into his neck, and he could feel her breath lingering on his skin.

      He softly closed his eyes. She was dreaming about him, and that thought caused him to smile, like he’s never smiled before. What did that mean?

      He didn’t know, but he did know that ever since they had found each other again in this town that they were getting closer and closer the more time they spent together. He tightened his arms around her, hugging her to his chest, and breathed in her scent.

      She smelled like wild cherries, and it was uniquely Lois. He let her scent overwhelm his senses, fill his mind, heart and soul.

      He started walking again, wishing—hoping that this moment would never end—that their time together would never end.

      Twenty minutes later, he was completely and utterly frustrated. She refused to wake up. She didn’t flinch, budge or even shift slightly when he tried to wake her up. He officially gave up. He made sure her face was hidden in his neck before he super sped them back to the hotel.

      He slowly walked into her room, laid her down gently on the bed, and wrapped the blankets snuggly around her. He stared down at her sleeping form for a few seconds. She was so beautiful. He really needed to figure out what he was supposed to do about these intense feelings for her. At first, he thought that they would fade away like so many other times before, but they weren’t, they were getting stronger every second he spent with her. He would never push her away because of it, but he either needed to try to ignore them or do something about it. He wasn’t sure what he should do.

      He shook his thoughts away, realizing he had been staring down at her for a few minutes, and began to walk away from her, but the touch of her hand grasping his stopped him. He slowly turned around, looked down at their intertwined hands then up at her face, and stared into her hazel eyes, which were shining up at him. He slowly sat down next to her, brushed the hair away from her face, and smiled.

      She smiled, sleepily up at him. “Thank you for bringing me back here.”

      He softly squeezed her hand, “It wasn’t a problem, Lois. You should get some sleep.”

      He started to get up, but her hand tightened around his. “Clark?”

      He sat back down. “Yes, Lois?”

      She stared deep into his beautiful orbs. “I had a great time tonight.”

      He smiled. “Me too.”

      She yawned, and softly closed her eyes, mumbling, “Goodnight, Clark.”

      He watched her until he was sure she was in a deep sleep. He really needed to figure out what he was supposed to do about his feelings. He lifted her hand up to his lips, and softly kissed the top of it. “Goodnight, Lois.” He dropped her hand, stood up, and walked out of her room.

      So? What did you think? Did you hate it? Love it? I wanted to apologize again if the motorcycle scene was completely wrong, but like I mentioned I don’t know anything about them so, I hope it didn’t set off anybody. I really liked writing Clark and Lois’ thoughts in this chapter because their feelings are getting stronger, and I need to move their relationship along a little bit so, the story can progress.

      I hope you enjoyed chapter ten!!!

      Until next time!!! 😊


      • #33
        Those last two chapters were amazing! Great timing on checking in with base life and Cassie; my mind had just started to wonder about it all. The Estes Park/Stanley Hotel was wonderfully done. It was light, subtle, as well as being real while feeding into and supporting the journey that Clois are on. The bike ride was my favorite😍 I grew up riding with my dad and have a soft spot for a well written, meaningful ride. I'm just as anxious over that kiss happening as they seem to be. Can't wait for more!
        Sending best wishes to you and your family in your time of grief.🎋 Totally understandable that you'd take time to be with and help out during this family loss.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Sykobee
          Those last two chapters were amazing! Great timing on checking in with base life and Cassie; my mind had just started to wonder about it all. The Estes Park/Stanley Hotel was wonderfully done. It was light, subtle, as well as being real while feeding into and supporting the journey that Clois are on. The bike ride was my favorite I grew up riding with my dad and have a soft spot for a well written, meaningful ride. I'm just as anxious over that kiss happening as they seem to be. Can't wait for more!
          Sending best wishes to you and your family in your time of grief. Totally understandable that you'd take time to be with and help out during this family loss.
          I'm glad you enjoyed them!

          It's going to start to get interesting with Cassie, Wes, and The General in the coming chapters so, you won't have to wait as long for an update on that aspect of things.

          I loved writing about The Stanley Hotel! I based that scene off my personal experience there, which is why i also placed both Clark and Lois in that town.

          I've only rode one a few times, and didn't know too much about how to write it, but i'm glad you enjoyed that scene

          Don't worry. You won't have to wait too much longer for that Clois kiss

          Thank you!! I appreciate it!!


          • #35
            Chapter Eleven:

            Song used in this chapter: ‘Kiss Me’ by Sixpence None The Richer

            Clark laughed, good-heartedly, as he opened the front door to the café for Lois, and followed her inside when she entered.

            Lois narrowed her eyes at his amusement, and turned around towards him before placing her hands on her hips, effectively. “This isn’t funny!”

            He laughed even harder. “It’s kind of funny.”

            “You cheated! You freaking cheated, and you know it!”

            Clark shook his head from side to side from her little rant about this situation. They had went hiking, just like they did every day at one of the many trails in this small-town. The only difference about today was that she had challenged him to a race, which he won of course, and now—now she was complaining about it.

            “I didn’t cheat. You just can’t get over the fact that I actually beat you.”

            “You cheated!” Her hazel eyes glared at him, as she stepped closer to him before leaning closer towards him, and whispered, “You used your superspeed or whatever, which by definition means that you cheated!”

            A smirk spread out across his face. He knew that he probably shouldn’t have used his abilities to purposefully beat her at a race, but he couldn’t help himself, and it was priceless seeing the expression on her face when she realized that he had beat her.

            An expression of feigned shock appeared on his face, as he gasped, slightly. “Me? What? I would never. Lois, I would never do such a thing to you.”

            “Yeah right,” she scoffed, as she rolled her eyes at him.

            “Oh, come on, Lois. Don’t be such a sore loser. Just admit it. Your peeved at the fact that I actually beat you at something. You’re not used to that, are you?”

            She grew even more irritated at his nonchalant attitude. “I am not upset! You cheated, and we both know it. We will be having a rematch, mister!”

            He grinned from ear to ear, liking that idea, immensely. If that meant beating her again, and then watching her rant and rave about it then he definitely wanted to race her again.

            It was just so much fun.

            “Okay. We will have a rematch, but whoever wins gets to choose what we do. So, when I win, which I will win I get to choose whatever I want to do, and you have to go along with it.”

            A smirk spread out across her face at his little idea, and the more she thought about it the more she was liking it. “Okay. You’re on, but that goes both ways. If I win, you have to whatever I want you to.”

            Her teasing expression quickly transformed into a more serious one, as she stepped even closer to him, and jabbed him in the chest with her finger. “But, there will be no special advantages. Is that clear, farm boy?”

            That was doable, he thought to himself, even if he did cheat this time, but he wasn’t going to tell her that.

            “Okay. It’s a deal, but like I’ve already said I didn’t cheat, and it’s going to be so much fun beating you…again.”

            “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”

            “Yeah, but you deal with me anyways.”

            She glared before turning away from him, and stomping her way towards the service counter.

            He chuckled, as he followed her, and couldn’t stop himself from thinking how cute she was when she got all riled up before he caught up to her, patiently waiting for someone to come take their order, but from the corner of his eyes he noticed that she was skimming through the menu. “You hungry?”

            “No. I was just looking; besides I only wanted a coffee, but it would be nice to have a maple donut while we walked around.” She looked up at him with an innocent expression slowly spreading out across her face. “You know, since it’s a nice day and everything.”

            “Why am I not surprised that you want a maple donut?” He rolled his eyes at her, playfully. “If you could, you would live off of those damn things.”

            “Yeah. That’s true, but you can’t deny that they’re really good because every time I get one so do you.”

            He purposefully ignored that, knowing that he wasn’t going to tell her that he actually liked him, but it wasn’t just that he didn’t want her to win this little squabble they were having. It was the fact that the only reason he ever ordered them was because she liked them, and he enjoyed doing and eating things that she liked.

            “Hi, Clark! What can I get for you?”

            Clark looked up at the familiar voice, and was completely shocked to see Joslyn standing in front of him, especially since the only time he ever saw her was in the mornings. “Joslyn? What are you doing here? I thought you only worked the morning shift?”

            Lois, who was concentrating on the menu, looked up when she heard the tone of familiarity in his voice, her eyes immediately traveling to the woman he was speaking to. She was a tall, pretty red-haired woman, who had the bluest eyes she has ever seen in her entire life, and without realizing it her eyes narrowed at her, slightly, not liking how familiar they were with each other.

            Who the hell was this girl? How does Clark know her?

            Joslyn smiled up at him. “Oh. You know, one of the other waitresses was a no show, and since I was already here I’m covering for her until someone else can come in.”

            He nodded. “Oh, um, have you met Lois?”

            No wonder he spent all his time with her, she thought to herself, as her eyes traveled over to the beautiful girl standing next to him before smiling, quite forcefully.

            “Hi! I’m Joslyn! It’s nice to finally meet you.”

            Lois quirked a brow at her. “Finally?”

            “Yeah. Clark here talks about you all of the time.”

            She turned towards him with a smirk set in place. “Oh really?”

            Clark blushed, profusely before looking away from her.

            “Well, I hope it was all good things, and it’s nice to meet you too.”

            As soon as he was positive that the blush had disappeared from his face, he spoke up, “Uh, so, can we get some coffees? And two maple donuts?”

            Lois looked at him, the smirk reappearing on her face.

            Clark felt her gaze on him, and rolled his eyes at her, but never looked at her, knowing that he would crumble underneath her teasing stare. “Shut it, Lane!”

            “I wasn’t going to say anything,” she told him, while trying her hardest to stifle her laughter.

            “Sure, you weren’t.”

            Joslyn watched their bantering for a few seconds before turning away to make their coffees. It was obvious that they had a deep connection, but that didn’t mean they were together, right?

            She didn’t know, but that thought wasn’t going to stop her from hoping—wishing that she had a chance with the most gorgeous man she has ever eyes laid her eyes on.

            As soon as their coffees were finished, she twirled back around, staring up at him with shining eyes, and flipped her long hair over her shoulder. “So, um, Clark, what are you doing later?”

            Clark turned away from Lois when he heard her voice, and frowned at her question.

            Why was she asking him that? She have never in the entire time that he has known her asked him that, so why was she doing it now?

            Lois, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes at the girl. She could see right through that plastic smile. She was flirting with him. She had the hots for him. She didn’t like that one bit.


            Not at all.

            At first, the girl seemed sweet and nice, but now that she was trying to steal him away from her, even though he wasn’t really hers, she really, really didn’t like her.

            As soon as the implication behind her question fully registered in her mind, she felt fear seep throughout every fiber in her being at the mere thought of him wanting to spend time with this girl, and slowly looked over at him before stifling a bubble of laughter from the perplexed expression that was plastered across his face.

            The poor guy couldn’t even tell that this girl was flirting with him, she thought to herself.

            Clark looked over at Lois, and frowned even more so when he noticed that she was smiling.

            Why was she smiling? Did she know something that he didn’t?

            “Uh, I think we were planning on going on a drive later, weren’t we, Lois?”

            She nodded, her smile growing ever wider. They were going to drive on his motorcycle back to the waterfall they had happened to find two days ago, or ‘their’ waterfall, as she had dubbed it. Ever since that night, they have gone back every single night just to stargaze, talk and lay in each other’s arms, but the real reason they kept going back was because they both enjoyed it there so much. She couldn’t wait to spend the night there with him…again.

            It was like their nightly ritual before they back to their hotel, and it seemed that they kept staying later and later because neither of them wanted the night to end.

            Joslyn glanced between the two of them with narrowed eyes. It seemed that whatever they had planned was something they only knew about, and it was like some big secret that only they shared together. She didn’t like that.


            It irked her like nothing else ever has.

            She wanted to be spending all that time with him.

            She wanted to share memories with him.

            What was so damn special about this Lois girl that Clark felt the need to spend all of his time with her? She was beautiful, of course she had noticed that, but what she have that she didn’t?

            She quickly pushed those thoughts aside for now. “Well, um, you can always do that later or another night, can’t you?”

            “Uh, I guess. Why?”

            A wide smile spread out across her face. “Well, I’m throwing a little party at my house later tonight, and wanted to know if you would like to come. There will be boos and food for everyone. There’s even a swimming pool and jacuzzi.”

            She batted her lashes at him. “So? Do you want to come?”

            Lois stared at the girl in complete and utter shock. In a matter of seconds, she had managed to ruin their plans for the night, and now she was attempting to get him to go to her house for some party. She could feel the jealousy rising inside of her, and felt it burning throughout every single one of her veins.

            What would he say? Would he want to go? Would he rather do that instead of going to their waterfall? What about her? Would he leave her to spend time with this girl?

            Clark stared at her completely and utterly surprised by that. He wasn’t really into the whole party scene, actually, he never has been unless he was under the influence of Red Kryptonite, and every single time he did something crazy happened.

            His eyes traveled over to Lois, who was staring at Joslyn with a weird expression lingering on her face, and wondered, briefly what that was all about, but figured that it was nothing.

            As he stared at her, his mind instantaneously went to ‘their’ waterfall, and how they had planned on going there tonight just like they usually did every night, and he really, really wanted to do that with her tonight, especially since he enjoyed it when they would stargaze—when they would talk about everything and nothing at the exact same time—when they would just lay down on the grass, holding each other.

            He enjoyed that part…a lot.

            Did he want to sacrifice that for a party? Did she want to go?

            He knew that she was more adventurous than he was, and figured that it could be fun, but he would only go if she wanted to.

            Clark looked back over at Joslyn, who was staring at him with expectation. “Uh, I’m not too sure, but um, if I do can I bring Lois?”

            Lois looked over at him completely surprised and shocked by his response.

            He wanted to go? He wanted her to come with him?

            The simple thought of him wanting her with him whether it was going to ‘their’ waterfall or some party made her smile. She knew that he was going to ask her if she wanted to go because he wasn’t into the whole drinking and partying scheme of things. She knew that for a fact, but if he wanted to go then she would too, besides it could be fun, as long as they did it together.

            Joslyn glanced between the two of them, as they stared at each other with a glint lingering in their eyes, and smiles plastered across their faces. She really, really didn’t want her to come along. It was an invitation for him, and for him alone, but figured that she should have known that was going to be his response. She could see their connection. She knew that they spent all of their time together. It was quite obvious that neither of them wanted to stray too far from the other.

            Why was that? Why did he choose to spend so much of his time with her? What was so damn special about this girl?

            There was a part of herself that just wanted tonight to be about them, and was hoping that after he spent some quality time with her he would finally see her the way that she sees him, but the other part of herself knew that he would only come if Lois was with him.

            She sighed, silently. "Uh, yeah. That’s fine I guess.”

            Lois smiled to herself when she saw the expression on her face from his answer, and even noticed how her eyes had darkened, slightly. She wasn’t happy that he wanted to bring her along, but what was she supposed to do about that?

            Clark liked spending time with her. Just as much as she did, and it wasn’t her fault that he would rather spend time with her at this party then go by himself. She liked that more anyways. It meant that she couldn’t get jealous just by simply wondering what he was doing and who he was doing it with.

            Clark just simply smiled.

            Lois rolled her eyes at him. They guy was completely oblivious to the girl’s attraction towards him, but honestly that didn’t surprise her at all, especially since he had absolutely no idea what his smiles—his gestures—even his damn voice did to her heart, mind and soul.

            “Okay. Well, um, I’ll just give you my address just in case you guys decide if you want to come, and if not that’s okay too.” She quickly wrote down her address on a piece of paper before handing it over to him.

            Clark took the piece of paper and paid for their drinks before they both walked out of the café with their coffees and donuts in hand.

            They walked in contented silence, as they enjoyed their maple donuts, and once they were both finished, Clark glanced over at her. “So, um, do you want to go to this party?”

            Lois smiled, knowing that he was going to ask her that question. “Yeah. I mean, we can if you want to, but why do you want to go in the first place?”

            She really didn’t care if they went, but in all honesty, she just wanted to be alone with him just like they intended on doing. He might not be able to see it, but she just knew that Joslyn and all the other girls would want to get their grubby little hands all over him, and what would stop him from giving them the attention they want?

            They weren’t together even though she wished that they were, and it wasn’t like she was anything special. She was just the girl he was currently spending his time with, so what would stop him from ditching her to go spend time with some other prettier girl?

            “I don’t know. I mean, it could be fun, but if you don’t want to go then we don’t have to.”

            “We don’t have to do everything together, so if you want to go then go have some fun.”

            Clark frowned, immensely, as he looked over at her. He didn’t like that sound of that at all. He wanted to spend time with her. He wanted to be with her.

            Didn’t she understand that? Didn’t she see that he was completely and utterly taken by her? Didn’t she notice the way he blushes or stammers every single time she teases him?


            Lois looked over at him completely surprised by his answer. “What?”

            “I said no. We either go together or we don’t go at all. Lois, I want to go with you and nobody else, especially not by myself. So? Do you want to go or not?”

            She was completely taken by the sincerity in his voice. He really wanted to spend time with her and only her. That thought alone filled her insides with happiness.

            “We can if you want, but I thought you wanted to go to our waterfall—” She stopped mid-sentence, and groaned, loudly when she realized that she had just let it slip that she thought of the waterfall as ‘theirs’.

            Clark stopped dead in his tracks, as the meaning behind her words hit him, and he smiled, widely. “Did you just say that you think of the waterfall as ours?”

            Lois blushed, profusely, and looked away from him. “Uh, yes. No. I mean, I, uh, that’s not what I meant to say. What I meant to say—”

            “Lois…” he attempted stopping her from mumbling past her words, but it was like she didn’t even hear him, and couldn’t stop himself from chuckling at her ramblings.

            She was just so damn cute when she was nervous, he thought to himself.

            “What I meant to say is that it’s not ours, but something we found together, and technically it can’t be ours. We don’t own it. We just found it and—”

            “Lois!” He interrupted her, and as soon as he had her full attention, he raised his hand before gripping her chin in his fingers, forcing her to look at him. “Lois, it’s okay. I, um, I kind of think of it as ours too.”

            “You do?”

            “Yeah. I do.”

            They smiled, widely at each other.

            He dropped his hand from her face, and tilted his head to one side, slightly. “So? Are we going to this party or not?”

            “Sure. I don’t see why not, but you do realize that the only reason you were invited was because Joslyn has a crush on you, right?”

            His brows furrowed in complete surprise and utter confusion. “What?”

            Lois rolled her eyes. He was completely oblivious to the effect he had on women. “You seriously don’t see it?”

            He just stared wide-eyed at her.

            “She’s attracted to you, Clark! Just like every other girl will be as soon as we get to that party.”

            Joslyn liked him?

            He just couldn’t believe that this was happening.

            It was confusing.

            It was surprising.

            But, most of all, it worried him.

            He was more than a little concerned over the fact that Lois thought he liked her too because that couldn’t be further from the truth. He didn’t see her that way, and he never would. It wasn’t that she wasn’t pretty because she was, but he just didn’t think of her in that way. The only time he ever thought about her was when he was in her presence. His eyes—his mind—his heart—his soul were completely taken by one person—one woman, and she was standing right in front of him.

            He grabbed her hand, and gently rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because I don’t see her like that, and at this party it still won’t matter because I won’t see anyone else in that way either.”

            Lois looked down to the ground.

            What did that mean? Did it mean that he would never see anyone like that because he’s already taken? Did that mean he wasn’t interested in anyone? Did that mean he would never see her like that? Did that mean he wanted to just stay friends?

            A soft groan escaped past his throat when she looked away from him, and he realized that she probably thought he meant that he would never see anyone like that, but he already did. She was standing right in front of him, and she had absolutely no idea what she did to him. She was jealous and that stirred something deep inside of himself—something that he couldn’t exactly explain. She was jealous of him—jealous of him wanting other girls—jealous of him wanting girls that weren’t her. She had absolutely no reason to be. He would only ever see her. No one shined a light as bright as Lois did in his eyes. He wanted her. He would never, ever want someone as much as he wanted to be with her.

            He could tell that she was upset, probably thinking that he just wanted to be friends with her, which he did, but he wanted so, so much more as well before he placed his finger underneath her chin, and forced her to look at him. “Lois…”

            Her eyes locked onto his, as he gently brushed his fingertips across her cheek. “It doesn’t matter what they think or what they want. I want to go to this party with you, and I want to spend my time with you, okay?”

            She nodded.

            “Good. So, I’m going to ask you one more time. Do you want to go or not?”

            “We can, but what about the waterfall? I thought you wanted to do that too?”

            A soft smile graced his lips. It was obvious that she loved it there just as much as he did, but something told him that there was more to it that than, and he hoped that it was the fact that they could spend time together completely alone. “How about after the party we go there just like we planned to? How does that sound?”

            “I’d love that.” She smiled at him before a smirk spread out across her face. “You know, she did say that she had a swimming pool. You, Mr. Kent, are going swimming with me.”

            His hand fell from her face. “Yeah. That’s not happening.”

            She pouted, which only made him chuckle at her attempt. “That’s not gonna work, Miss Lane.”

            “Spoilsport,” she growled at him, playfully.

            A chuckle escaped past his lips before they continued their journey towards their hotel with their hands still intertwined together.

            A few hours later, Clark and Lois walked up the wooden steps to Joslyn’ house before knocking on the door, and after waiting for a few seconds Joslyn swung open the front door with a wide smile lingering on her face, but it was directed towards Clark more so than Lois. “You made it!”

            Clark noticed the way she didn’t even bother greeting Lois, and for some reason it irritated him that she didn’t even acknowledge her.

            Maybe Lois was right, he thought to himself.

            “Yeah. We made it.”

            Lois smiled to herself. It was obvious that Clark had noticed the way she disregarded her like she wasn’t even there, and she also noticed the way he made sure that she knew that he was here with her and no one else.

            Joslyn glanced over at Lois, and her smile faded, slightly. She knew that she was there, of course, and a part of herself had hoped that he would come alone, but she had a feeling that she would be coming with him. She had big plans for tonight—tonight he would finally see her as something more than the girl, who serves him coffee and breakfast in the mornings, but in order for that to happen she needed to find a way to separate them so she could be alone with him. She wanted him more than she’s wanted anyone in her entire life. If she could just get him alone, flirt with him a little, and maybe just maybe kiss him then she wouldn’t have to worry about Lois anymore.

            It had always worked in the past, she thought to herself, carelessly.

            She looked Lois up and down. She was wearing black denim skinny jeans, which hugged her legs like a second skin, and a dark red tank top, which didn’t reveal too much.

            Did she not own anything else?

            This was a party. The girls were supposed to wear dresses to impress the guys of course, but it seemed she didn’t get that memo.

            This could work to her advantage, she thought to herself, she was wearing a tight, beautiful pink dress, which flowed just above her knees, and it revealed just enough to give him a little sneak preview.

            She hoped—prayed that it was enough to divert his attention from Lois onto her. “Well, come on in! What would you like to drink? We have beer, whiskey and even some fruity drinks.”

            Lois smiled a fake smile. She had noticed the way she sized her up like she was scrutinizing her, but of course, Clark didn’t notice. It’s not like it actually mattered though. He was here with her, and that’s all that mattered.

            “I think we’ll wait on drinks. We were going to go for a swim. Isn’t that right, Clark?”

            Clark just nodded. He really, really didn’t want to get involved in this. Ever since Lois had told him that Joslyn liked him he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about all of the times he had seen her, and it only made him wonder how he could miss something like that, but figured that it was because he only cared about what Lois thought of him—wanted from him.

            That’s all that mattered.

            Joslyn glared, slightly at the way she was talking for him, but smiled, nonetheless. “Uh, okay. Just let me know if I can get you anything.”

            They slowly walked up the steps, and looked around the quite large house. It wasn’t what they were expecting. Not even in the slightest. The entire house was filled with people, actually, it was just filled with a bunch of drunken teenagers, and the music was extremely loud.

            Yeah, they thought, simultaneously, this is definitely not what they were expecting when she had told them that it was going to be a small party.

            Lois grabbed his arm, making him look over at her. “I’m going to go get changed. I’ll meet you by the pool?”

            Clark nodded again, and watched her walk away from him before making his way outside. She knew that he wasn’t going to swim with her, but it made him happy that she still wanted him there with her.

            Thirty minutes later, Lois stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, and was starting to wonder if this was a good idea or not.

            She felt nervous.

            She felt overwhelmed.

            But, most of all, she felt exposed.

            This wasn’t something that was relatively new to her, especially since she had done this a million times when sneaking off to parties that she wasn’t allowed to go to, but this was different. She had worn items such as this one several times in the past, but it just didn’t feel the same, and there was one specific reason for her trepidation. It was bad enough that she would be strutting around in a bikini in front of people that she didn’t even know, but to make matters worse she would be practically half naked in front of him.

            In front of Clark.

            She felt extremely exposed at the moment more so than ever before, and she wasn’t too sure about this anymore—she wasn’t feeling so confident about this anymore.

            In any other circumstance, she would have walked out there like it was no big deal—like there was nothing stopping her from doing what she wanted when she wanted, but Clark was waiting for, and that was her problem.

            She liked him…a lot.

            She had very, very intense feelings for him.

            She wanted him like nothing she has ever wanted in her entire life.

            A soft sigh escaped past her lips before she closed her eyes. She really needed to figure out these feelings—emotions that he brings out in her because it was making everything so much more complicated than it should be. She’s liked guys in the past. That wasn’t new to her, but feeling this strongly about one guy was definitely new to her, and she didn’t know what she was supposed to do.

            There was a small part of herself that wanted him to make a move—do something since it would make everything so much easier for her, but it was obvious that he was either too scared or didn’t feel the way she did.

            Hopefully, it was the former.

            She didn’t know what she would do if he only wanted to be friends, honestly, that would crush her because she wanted to more than just friends. She wanted all of him.

            A loud groan escaped from her. She needed to figure this out, and she needed to figure this out now because she wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take.

            It was now or never, she thought to herself, as she took a deep breath, and walked out of the bathroom.

            Clark was sitting on one of the wooden benches directly next to the very large swimming pool, and he was starting to become extremely worried since it had already been forty-five minutes.

            Where the hell was she? Was she okay? Should he go looking for her? What was taking her so damn long? He contemplated on getting up to search for her, but what if she showed up and he wasn’t here?

            He wouldn’t—couldn’t do that to her.

            As he waited, patiently for her, he was feeling way too many emotions at the moment to count, but the most profound one was nervousness. He was completely and utterly nervous over what was about to happen, and what he was about to witness.

            Lois, the girl, who somehow couldn’t leave his head or heart, would be with him wearing a swimsuit—would be swimming in the water by herself in that same swimsuit.

            Was it a bikini? A one-piece? What color was it? Blue? Green? Red?

            He really, really hoped that it was red. That was his favorite color, and he already knew that she looked amazing in red.

            A loud groan escaped past his lips before he dropped his head into his hands.

            What the hell was he thinking? Why would he suggest coming to a party, knowing full well that she would go swimming, and knowing that she would wear something that would practically reveal everything? What the hell is his problem?

            Honestly, he wasn’t too sure if he would be able to control himself if he saw her like that. He wanted her badly. He knew that much, and it had taken everything inside of himself to not do anything thus far, but if he saw her looking so beautiful, half-naked in front of him, he knew what he would do—what he would want to do. He wouldn’t be able to stop the urge to grab her by the waist, and lay a searing kiss upon her perfect lips. He wanted to kiss her—hold her—do anything that made her his, and when he saw her he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.

            His thoughts were interrupted by Joslyn, “Hey, Clark.”

            Clark looked up at her, feeling thankful for the interruption from his tantalizing thoughts, but also nervous since he was alone with her and Lois was nowhere in sight.

            This wasn’t good, he thought to himself.

            “Hey, Joslyn.”

            She slowly sat down next to him. “What are you doing out here all alone?”

            He frowned, slightly, instantly remembering that he had been waiting for Lois for almost one hour now. “I’m waiting for Lois. She went to go get changed.”

            This was her chance, she thought to herself, hopefully her plan would work—hopefully her brother would keep Lois occupied long enough, so she could make her move.

            “Oh. I think I saw her inside talking to some guy.”

            His head snapped towards hers. “What?”

            She was talking to another guy? She was spending time with another guy? Is that why she was taking so long? Why would she do that?

            He couldn’t—wouldn’t believe that. She knew that he wanted to be here with her, and he also knew that she would never just ditch him for someone else. He knew that with certainty. She would be here. She wouldn’t keep him waiting much longer.

            Joslyn flipped her hair over her shoulder before running her hand, quite seductively down his arm. “I wouldn’t worry about her too much. I think she’s having a pretty great time, so I think it’s time you start having some of your own.”

            Clark glanced down at her hand, the one that was currently stroking his bare arm, and willed himself not to outwardly cringe from her touch. He didn’t want to be rude by telling her to get her grubby hands off of him, but he also didn’t like the fact that she was touching him. He only wanted Lois to do that to him. He only wanted Lois altogether.

            He was seconds away from telling her that he wasn’t interested, but whatever he was going to say was lost in transition when he spotted the woman, who consumed his heart, mind and soul every single second of every single day, from the corner of his eyes.

            His eyes widened.

            His mouth dropped open.

            Holy hell!

            She looked so jaw-dropping gorgeous in her bright red bikini, of course, he knew that she looked amazing in that particular color, but dear lord, she looked absolutely breathtaking.

            Lois smiled, softly, as she walked towards Clark, but that smile faded when she noticed that Joslyn was sitting next to him, and she had her grubby little hands all over him, which only made her fume with anger.

            Who the hell did this girl think she was?

            She just couldn’t believe it.

            Firstly, she had spent way too long in the bathroom, attempting to talk some sense into herself. Secondly, some random guy had stopped her from getting out here to Clark, where she wanted to be. And finally, she finds Joslyn hanging all over him. She didn’t like that at all. She wanted to be the only one who could do that to him.

            Clark quickly shot out of the chair, completely ignoring Joslyn’ protests, and slowly walked over towards the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on, feeling like he couldn’t breathe, which was becoming quite a normal everyday thing, especially when he was in her presence.

            As soon as he was standing a few feet away from her, he stopped in his tracks, and roamed his eyes up and down her figure, loving how she looked even better up closely. “Wow! You look great!”

            Lois smiled, softly, not only did he appreciate what he was seeing, but he had also disregarded Joslyn as soon as he had noticed her, which made her anger calm down, immensely. “Really? You think so?”

            His eyes never left hers. “You look beautiful, Lois.”

            A bright red blush crept onto her features. She was not expecting him to be so blunt.
            What happened to her shy farm boy? What happened to the guy who stammered every single time she flirted with him?

            She didn’t know, and she figured that she would find out eventually, but for now she was just going to focus on what she could control. “So? Are you going to go swimming with me?”

            He shook his head from side to side, figuring that he should have known that she wouldn’t have given up so easily.

            She grumbled, miserably at that.

            A wide grin spread out across his face. He wanted to, god, he wanted to, but he couldn’t exactly explain to her why he wouldn’t take his shirt off. He couldn’t—wouldn’t allow her to see the scar on his chest. She would have questions—questions that he wasn’t ready to tell her yet, but maybe just maybe one day he would feel comfortable enough to let her know everything.


            That day wasn’t today.

            “You know, most people enjoy going swimming.”

            “Well, I’m not like most people.”

            She rolled her eyes at that, of course, she already knew that, but they weren’t talking about his abilities here, and as she stared at him, pleading like, that’s when something occurred to her.

            It couldn’t be true, could it?

            “Don’t tell me that you can’t swim?”

            He chuckled, softly at that. “Of course, I can. I just don’t want to.”

            “So, then are you afraid of the water?”

            Why wouldn’t she just give up already? He questioned himself, as he shook his head from side to side.

            “No. I’m not afraid of the water. I just don’t want to go swimming.”

            “Whatever.” She started taking off her shoes, and tossed her clothes on a nearby bench.” I think you’re just trying to find an excuse to not go swimming with me.”

            He ignored that. He wanted to, but aside from the scar on his chest, he wasn’t sure what he would do if they were swimming together in the dark completely alone. “Well, maybe I wanna watch the competition. You know, for that rematch I was promised. It would be so great if I not only beat you on land, but in the water too.”

            “Did you seriously just say that? Are you really bringing this up again?”

            A wide smirk appeared on his face, as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh. I seriously just did and I really am.”

            She placed her hands on her hips, as she glared at him. “Let’s get something straight here buster! You cheated today! So, next time, whether it be on land or in the water you will not be using your superpowers! You got it, Clarkie?”

            He frowned at the new nickname. “What did you just call me?”

            That obviously caught him off guard, she thought to herself, as she grinned at him.

            “Oh. You mean, Clarkie?”

            A low sounding growl escaped past his throat. He didn’t like that nickname whatsoever. She could call him farm boy, Mr. Kent or even space boy for all he cared, but definitely not Clarkie. “Don’t call me that.”

            She couldn’t help but laugh at the seriousness in the tone of his voice, and from the way he was looking at her. It was pretty apparent that he didn’t like that nickname, which only made her want to tease him even more so. “Why not? I think I rather like that nickname, actually, I think I’ll just call you that from now on.”

            “Don’t you dare!”

            “Don’t dare what?” She taunted him.

            He glared at her. “I’m serious, Lois. You can call me whatever you want except that.”

            This was going to be fun, she thought to herself, as she grinned ever wider.

            “What? You mean…Clarkie?” When he just simply growled at her, she continued her endless teasing, “Clarkie. Clarkie. Clarkie. Clark—”

            “That’s it!” He interrupted her, feeling completely irritated with her incessant teasing, and picked her up from the waist, threw her over his shoulder before making his way over to the edge of the pool.

            She yelped, completely startled when he picked her up, and started to kick and pound on his back with her fists. “Hey! What are you doing, you Neanderthal! Put me down!”

            “You want down?”


            He lowered her from his shoulder, and held her above the water, so her feet were barely touching the cool liquid. “Okay. I’ll put you down if you take it back.”

            Her eyes fell to the cold water before traveling back up to him. “You wouldn’t!”

            “Really? I wouldn’t, would I?” He quirked a brow at her, as a smirk appeared on his face. “Say you’re sorry. Tell me that you’ll never, ever call me that stupid name again, and I won’t drop you in the water.”

            She smirked right back at him, mentally challenging him. “Never gonna happen…Clarkie.”

            “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He quickly let her go, and watched as she began to fall into the cold water, but wasn’t expecting her to grab his shirt, effectively pulling him in with her.

            They both shot out of the water at the exact same time, laughing and wiping the water away from their faces before he looked over at her completely shocked. “You didn’t just do that!”

            A chuckle escaped past her throat from his surprise. “Oh. I did. You know, for being superfast you can actually be quite slow sometimes.”

            “You caught me off guard,” he defended himself.

            “Yeah. Well, props for me. Isn’t that right, Clarkie?”

            “That’s it, Lane!” He growled out.

            Lois yelped, as he lunged towards her, and quickly dove under the water. Clark chased after her, and as soon as she came up for air, he quickly grabbed one of her legs, pulling her back under the water.

            They both shot out of the water, but Clark had a hold of her arms, and backed her up until she was pinned against the side of the pool. “Take it back!”




            They both started laughing at the ridiculousness of their situation, but as soon as their eyes locked onto each other, all amusement died, and they instantly realized just how close they actually were. Clark was holding her arms down by her sides, his chest was pressed against hers, lightly, holding her in place, and their legs were molded together.

            They stared into each other’s eyes, feeling themselves get lost there. It felt like the entire world was disappearing from their views. Clark loosened his grip on her wrists, and slowly moved them to her waist, slightly squeezing. Lois slowly trailed her hands up his stomach, and rested them on his chest, gripping his soaking wet shirt into her fists.

            He slowly brushed the wet hair away from her face, and dropped his eyes to her lips then back into her hazel eyes, like he was searching for permission. She moved closer to him, giving him the indication that she wanted him to do it—that she wanted him to kiss her. He slowly started leaning towards her, and tilted his head to one side before closing his eyes, softly. Her breath caught in her throat, as his mouth moved closer to hers, and softly closed her eyes when she could feel his breath lingering on her lips.


            They quickly pulled away from each other, as they were splashed with a wave of cold water, and realized once they opened their eyes that a group of drunken teenagers had jumped into the pool. They quickly looked away from each other, blushing, and didn’t dare look into each other’s eyes, scared—nervous—worried about what they would see there.

            Clark removed his hands from her waist. “Uh, I-I think I should probably go get some dry clothes.”

            Lois nodded, knowing that her voice would be incapable of coherent sound, and watched him swim away from her before crawling out of the pool.

            A heavy sigh escaped past her lips before she followed suite, and as she walked towards her pile of clothes, she wondered if they were ever going to get their chance—if they were ever going to kiss—if she would ever be able to call him hers.

            Thirty minutes later, Clark had just returned from retrieving some dry clothes from his hotel, and walked through the house looking for Lois.

            He was completely and utterly fed up! He was done with this!

            He was tired of coming so close—so close to kissing her—so close to him being able to claim her as his. He needed to find her. He didn’t know what he was going to say, but no matter what, by the end of the night he was going to have that kiss he wanted so desperately.

            As he searched through the entire house, he realized that she wasn’t there, and could feel the fear seeping deeply within himself.

            What if she left? She wouldn’t do that, would she?

            When he walked outside, he noticed her leaning against the wooden railing, drinking a beer, and breathed a sigh of relief before slowly walking over to her. “Lois.”

            Lois turned around towards him with a shy smile on her face. “Hey. What took you so long? I was starting to get worried.”

            “No need for that. I was, um, just thinking about a few things.”

            “Yeah? Like what?” She questioned him, even though she knew exactly what he was thinking about, hell, it’s all she could think about.

            He moved closer to her, effectively closing the space between them. “Lois, I think we should talk about a few things.”

            Her heart started racing inside of her chest faster and faster, knowing that he was going to ask her about the almost kiss.

            She couldn’t breathe.

            She couldn’t speak.

            “Lois, I-I don’t know what’s going on here, but—” His sentence was cut off when a drunk teenager came running out of the house, forcefully bumping into Lois on his way down the stairs, causing her to fall into his chest, and his hands quickly grabbed her waist, steading her. “Are you okay?”

            Lois looked up at him, intending to give him an answer, but quickly realized that they were in the same situation they were in less than one hour ago, and hoped—prayed that this time they wouldn’t get interrupted.

            Kiss me out of the bearded barley
            Nightly, beside the green, green grass
            Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
            You'll wear those shoes and I will wear that dress

            They stared into each other’s eyes, their unsteady and harsh breaths mingling together, while their hearts beat in synchrony, as a song playing on the radio inside the house filtered outside, encompassing every single part of themselves.

            Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
            Lead me out on the moonlit floor
            Lift your open hand
            Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
            Silvermoon's sparkling
            So kiss me

            Clark’ aquamarine eyes fell to her full, luscious lips, and he wanted to press his lips to hers so, so badly, but he also wanted to discuss this with her—he wanted to make sure that she wanted this just as much as he did.

            Kiss me down by the broken tree house
            Swing me, upon its hanging tire
            Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat
            We'll take the trail marked on your father's map

            Lois watched him, and couldn’t stop herself from doing the same exact thing. She felt anticipation and so many other emotions consume her.

            Was he going to kiss her?

            Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
            Lead me out on the moonlit floor
            Lift your open hand
            Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
            Silvermoon's sparkling
            So kiss me

            She moved even closer to him, which caused him to tighten his arms around her waist, pulling her even closer to his body.

            Their breaths meshed together.

            Their bodies were pressed together, and they could feel each other’s heartbeats beating rapidly inside of their chests.

            “Clark?” She whispered.

            “Yes, Lois?” He breathed out.

            “Are you ever going to kiss me?”

            His mouth fell open, slightly before closing again. He got his answer. She wanted this just as bad as he wanted this. “Do you want me to?”

            She sighed in complete and utter exasperation. “What do you mean, do I want you to? I’m the one who asked you! What kind of stupid question—”

            Without hesitation, he quickly leaned forward, and gently pressed his lips against hers, stopping her ramblings.

            Her eyes widened, slightly, and her entire body froze from his sudden and unexpected maneuver. She just couldn’t believe it. He was actually kissing her. She was too shell-shocked to respond to him.

            He pulled away from her with a smirk set in place. “You know, when someone kisses you you’re supposed to kiss them back.”

            “Shut up!” She told him with a roll of her eyes before she quickly gripped the back of his head, and brought his head down to hers, their lips crashing together.

            It was soft.

            It was sweet.

            It was heavenly.

            Clark quickly wrapped his arms around her body, and pulled her into his chest, so there was absolutely no space between them . Lois slowly trailed her hands through his soft hair, twisting the strands around her fingers, and scraped her nails against his scalp, softly.

            When he pulled away from her, he leaned his forehead against hers, gently. “God, Lois, I’ve wanted to do that for such a long time.”

            “Well, what took you so long?”

            Instead of responding to her, he kissed her again before wrapping his arms around her body once again, his hands gripping her waist, as his fingers dug into her soft skin, slightly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, and pressed her chest against his, tightly. He gently yanked her body even closer to his own, wanting absolutely no space between them, and smiled against her lips when she moaned, softly. He slowly walked her backwards until she was pressed up against the side of the house, and slowly trailed his hands underneath her shirt, touching the soft skin of her back. She smiled against his lips; the feel of his hands felt like fire burning on her skin.

            They both pulled away, completely breathless, and stared into each other’s eyes, as he removed his hands from her bare back before resting them on her waist, squeezing, slightly. "Lois, I want you to go out with me.”

            Lois smirked, not able to stop herself from teasing him. “We go out every night.”

            Clark rolled his eyes. “I mean, Lois, I-I want you to go on a date with me.”

            “Yes,” she didn’t hesitate on the answer.

            A wide grin spread out across his face before he pulled her into his chest, lifting her off the ground, and swung her around a few times, causing both of them to chuckle, loudly.

            After he set her back down on the ground, he kissed her, slowly, and as their lips were pressed together—as their arms wrapped around each other—as their bodies were pressed together, they just knew that this was going to be the start of something great.

            So kiss me
            So kiss me
            So kiss me

            This was a fun chapter to write from Clois constantly teasing each other to their first kiss. I’ve known for quite some time how I wanted it to go, so hopefully it didn’t disappoint.

            Hope you enjoyed chapter eleven 😊
            Last edited by Winchesters1967; 02-29-2020, 09:05 AM.


            • #36
              Thank you, thank you, thank you! The kiss chapter was sweet and so worth the wait. Now, hopefully they can have their date and spend confirmed time together before the sky falls. Joslyn worries me. . . She seems a petty, selfish schemer and could somehow lead the General to the Clois haven. I know that eventually the rest of the world will intrude, the old it'll get worse before it gets better, but I'm hoping for a little more sweet togetherness before all hell descends on them, separately or together. 🙄😇

              Awesome job. Can't wait for more😊


              • #37
                Originally posted by Sykobee
                Thank you, thank you, thank you! The kiss chapter was sweet and so worth the wait. Now, hopefully they can have their date and spend confirmed time together before the sky falls. Joslyn worries me. . . She seems a petty, selfish schemer and could somehow lead the General to the Clois haven. I know that eventually the rest of the world will intrude, the old it'll get worse before it gets better, but I'm hoping for a little more sweet togetherness before all hell descends on them, separately or together. 

                Awesome job. Can't wait for more
                They will definitely be getting some alone time together before, as you put it, the sky falls. Don't worry too much about Joslyn, she might be petty, and extremely jealous over Lois, but The General has more effective ways of finding Lois.

                This story is going to start to move along, especially after the next couple chapters, but the clois sweetness will still be there.


                • #38
                  Chapter Twelve:

                  The General sighed in complete and utter frustration, and glared, heatedly at Wes, as he once again reverberated the same damn thing he’s told him a million times.

                  Three weeks.

                  It had been three weeks since his daughter disappeared in the middle of the night, and they have yet to find a single trace of her whereabouts. It was like she had vanished from Earth entirely, but he knew that that wasn’t possible. What was possible was the simple fact that she was almost an expert at covering her tracks.

                  She is independent.

                  She is strong-willed.

                  But, most of all, she is smart.

                  It was blatantly obvious that she had been planning this for quite a long time. If she hadn’t then he was positive that he would have found her by now, but he hasn’t, and that made it perfectly clear that she had been wanting to run away for who knows how long.

                  She wasn’t naïve enough to leave a trail of her previous whereabouts or where she even was now, and that pissed him off not because she so good at staying hidden, but because he knew where she had learned all her little tricks from. She wouldn’t be his daughter if she hadn’t picked up a few Military tactics along the way.

                  He honestly didn’t know where to go from here, especially since he had tried practically everything to find her. When she first disappeared, he had traced her phone only to realize that she had turned off her GPS and taken out the SD card, knowing he couldn’t track her that way. He tried tracking down all of her credit cards, but of course, she hadn’t even touched those for months let alone use them to help her escape.

                  Thousands and thousands of questions were running through his mind every second of every day, the most profound one being how she getting by without any money, but when he checked her savings account—an account she was putting money in for her college tuition, he realized that it had been wiped clean.

                  She had enough money in that account to last her a year maybe even two at most if she was careful, which she was, and he had a feeling that she was spending it wisely, especially if she wanted to stay away for as long as possible.

                  He wasn’t having that.


                  He needed to find her. He needed her back at the base. He just needed his daughter back where she belonged, and he needed it…now.

                  “So, what you’re telling me is that you have no new information? You have no new leads? You have nothing that can help me find my daughter?”

                  Wes nodded.

                  “What about Cassie? Has she done anything-said anything that could lead us to Lois?”

                  He hesitated, slightly, knowing that his answer was only going to piss off The General even more than he already was, and as usual, he was the one he took it out on.

                  How the hell was this his fault?

                  For three weeks now, he’s been following Cassie, and just like he predicted she hasn’t done anything or said anything that could lead them to his best friend in one way of another. “Sir, Cassie hasn’t made any moves to contact Lois.”

                  “You’ve been watching her for three weeks!” He shot up from his chair in complete and utter rage. “How is it possible that she hasn’t even tried contacting my daughter yet?”

                  Wes had a feeling that the only reason she wasn’t trying to contact Lois was either because she had seen her right before she left, or she knew someone was following her. Either way, what they were doing to track her down wasn’t working, and honestly, he really, really didn’t want to continue following her. It was hard enough being around her before, but now that he was practically stalking her it made things so much more complicated.

                  “Sir, I believe we should think about this a different way. Its quite obvious that Cassie isn’t going to lead us to Lois.”

                  The General highly doubted that. They were best friends, and they did practically everything together. She would lead them to his daughter someway—somehow whether she knew she was doing it or not, and that’s when a particular idea occurred to him.

                  It would work.

                  It had to.

                  “I want you to stop following her, effective immediately.”

                  Wes sighed in relief, but it was short lived at his next words.

                  “I want you to bug her phone.”


                  “You heard me, soldier! I want you to bug her phone. It’s the only way to track who she contacts without her even realizing that she’s being monitored.”

                  He didn’t like that.


                  Not one bit.

                  “How is that supposed to lead us to Lois? Cassie hasn’t even tried contacting her, so how is that supposed to help us?”

                  “She will be contacting Lois sooner or later, and I know just what to do to make sure that happens. As soon as she does we will know within twenty four hours where my daughter is.”

                  “Sir, if I may, those devices only work if the GPS is turned on, and Lois turned hers off.”

                  “We have newer, better and stronger technology now. As soon as she makes the call, my daughter’ GPS will be turned on, and we can track her location.”

                  It could work, actually, it would work, but there was only one problem. “Sir, how do you suggest we get Cassie to make that call if she hasn’t showed any desire to thus far?”

                  He mustered a small smile, which didn’t even look like a smile coming from a Four Star General before informing Wes of his brilliant plan.

                  Wes stared at his boss.

                  Was he ****ing serious?

                  There was no way in hell this was going to work, but it’s not like he could object, especially since it could cost him his job.

                  “It’ll be done by the end of the day, sir.”

                  The General nodded.

                  Wes walked out of the office. He didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to be a part of this anymore, but he knew that this would be his life until his best friend came back albeit, forcefully.

                  He sighed, heavily, his shoulders slumping, slightly, and walked towards his quarters. He had to figure out a way to do this properly without anyone, especially Cassie catching him. He needed—wanted his life back, and it seemed that this was the only way he could bring normalcy back into his life.

                  It was quite obvious what was going to happen.

                  He would lose his best friend.

                  He would lose the girl that he was slowly falling in love with.

                  He would lose everything, and he wasn’t sure he was ready for that yet, but it’s not like he had much of a say in the matter either.

                  It had to be done.

                  Clark stood, nervously outside of Lois’ hotel room with a huge smile plastered across his face, and felt a multitude of emotions consume him.

                  He was extremely nervous—nervous because he has a date with her.

                  He has a date with Lois Lane!

                  He just couldn’t believe it. He had wanted this day to happen for awhile now, and now it was actually happening. He wasn’t sure when he started dreaming about this, but knew that he has felt a connection to her from the moment he met her, and he knew that this is what he wanted—what he needed.

                  He was uncontrollably excited—excited about what he had planned for them today. He had stayed up most of the night last night, searching for all sorts of things they could do together, and he really, really hoped that she would enjoy what he had decided upon.

                  After taking several deep breaths, he knocked on her door, tentatively, and waited for the moment she opened that door.

                  Lois stared down at the bed, and glared at every single piece of clothing that was sprawled out across the sheets. If this was just some normal outing she would have picked a damn outfit already, but this wasn’t a normal outing.

                  She had a date with Clark Kent!

                  She was feeling anxious at what he had planned for them today.

                  She was feeling enthusiastic at the mere thought that this was actually happening.

                  She was feeling giddy since she has dreamed about this moment for quite some time now.

                  Her hazel eyes studied the different pieces of clothing very, very carefully. She needed the perfect outfit. She wanted to take his breath away, literally. She desperately wanted this to be the best day of their lives.

                  After much consideration, she picked up the deep, violet dress, knowing that this was the perfect dress for what she hoped to be a perfect day, and as soon as it was on, she turned this way and that way in front of the mirror, checking her appearance. She looked amazing, and hoped that Clark would approve. She was never one of those girls that got all dolled up, especially for a guy, but this was different.

                  It was different because she would be with Clark.

                  A knock at the door caused her to smile.

                  It was Clark.

                  She quickly smoothed down her outfit, making sure that everything was in place before walking over to the door, and slowly opened it, feeling like she had lost all ability to breathe—to speak, as her eyes landed on him. He was wearing casual clothes. A pair of dark blue jeans, and a light blue button up shirt, which revealed his taut muscles. He was ten times more handsome than she had ever seen him.

                  As soon as she opened the door, his heart stopped beating for a few seconds before thundering like a jackhammer inside of his chest. She was wearing a deep, violet dress, which clung to her curves, perfectly. It flowed just above her knees, and he couldn’t stop himself from roaming his eyes over her long, fair-skinned legs. It showed just enough cleavage. Not enough to be indecent, but it certainly got his heart racing even more than it already was.

                  She was gorgeous!

                  He had never seen her looking as beautiful as she did right now.

                  He couldn’t speak.

                  He couldn’t breathe.

                  Lois smiled at the deer caught in headlights expression lingering on his face, and how his eyes continuously roamed up and down her figure. “What do you think?”

                  Clark forced his eyes up to her face before smiling, widely. “Lois…just wow. You look-you look absolutely beautiful.”

                  “You look pretty handsome yourself.”

                  They smiled, widely at each other.

                  He wanted to grab her, kiss her and just forget everything, but he couldn’t do that.

                  Not yet.

                  “Are you ready to go?”

                  She nodded, quickly grabbing her shawl and purse before turning back around towards him, and slipped her hand into his when he held it out to her, as they walked out of her hotel room.

                  A little while later, Clark and Lois were driving down the narrow streets of a small-town, which was only a few hours away from Estes Park.

                  Clark was feeling apprehensive about this, as they got closer and closer to their destination. He wasn’t too sure if she would appreciate this—if she would want to do this, but he personally believed that this would be the perfect place for their first date. He wanted to do this with her, and he hoped she would like this just as much as he knew he was going to.

                  Lois was sitting next to him, as he drove her car, which she had protested against, but he was adamant about driving. She just couldn’t stop moving around in her seat, as she glanced out the windows, hoping that would give her a clue to where he was taking her, and she could admit to herself that she was more than just a little curious. He had refused to tell her where they were going, which is why he was the one driving, and that just drove her insane. She wanted—needed to know what he had planned.

                  She glanced over at him. “Where are we going, Clark?”

                  He rolled his eyes. She had already asked that question about one thousand times since they’ve been driving. He smirked, as he looked over at her, briefly before returning his eyes back to the road. “It’s a surprise.”

                  Why was he doing this to her when he knew she hated surprises?

                  “Can you please tell me where you are taking me?”

                  “No.” When she pouted at him, he chuckled before continuing, “That isn’t going to work on me.”

                  She sighed, heavily, knowing that he wasn’t going to tell her anything, but she really, really wanted to know, and didn’t want to wait a second longer to find out. “Can you at least tell me how long until we get there?”

                  Why was she so relentless? He questioned himself, as he shook his head from side to side.

                  “We’re already here.”

                  Lois glanced out the window, enthusiastically, as a small carnival came into view before she eyed everything that was surrounding them, and smiled to herself.

                  How did he know that this would be a perfect place for a first date?

                  Clark looked over at her, cautiously, and desperately wanted to know what was running through that mind of hers.

                  Did she hate this idea? Did she want to do something else?

                  “Well? What do you think?”

                  She returned her gaze to him, grinning from ear to ear, which calmed his nerves, immensely. “I think this is a great idea, Clark. I’ve always wanted to go to a carnival, but never had the chance to.”

                  He quickly got out of the car, opened her door for her, and held out his hand, which she eagerly took before they began walking towards the main entrance. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? We could always do something else if you want.”

                  “No, I think this is perfect,” she told him, as she squeezed his hand, and when he simply smiled at her, she loudly exclaimed, “We are going to have so much fun!”

                  A few hours later, Clark and Lois were walking around the park hand in hand. They had ridden almost every single ride, all except one, which is where she was dragging him to.

                  The Ferris Wheel.

                  As they stood in line, Clark glanced up, instantly realizing just how high this ride went, and felt fear grip every single part of him. “Uh, Lois, I-I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

                  “Why not?” She questioned him, but when he didn’t respond she looked over at him, and followed his gaze to the top of the ride before she chuckled from the realization of his panicked words. “Clark, are you seriously telling me that you’re afraid of heights?”

                  A slight blush crept over his features, as he looked over at her, but he didn’t say anything.

                  “Come on. It won’t be that bad,” she told him, as she squeezed his hand.

                  He wasn’t too sure about that, especially when they were sitting at the very, very top, where they could see everything around them, and when he looked down towards the ground he felt his heart drop down to his stomach.

                  Yeah, he thought to himself, this was an absolutely horrible idea.

                  “Isn’t it beautiful, Clark?”

                  He couldn’t speak.

                  He couldn’t breathe.

                  When he didn’t respond to her once again she looked over at him, and realized just how terrified he actually was. “Are you okay?”

                  He nodded. He didn’t want her to know just how freaked out he really was. He didn’t want her to see how terrified he really was.

                  She knew that he wasn’t fine. He was clenching his hands around the seat so tight that his knuckles were beginning to turn white, and he had the most terrified expression lingering on his face, which reminded her of the first day they had met.

                  “It’s going to be okay, Clark,” she told him, as she grabbed his hand.

                  He nodded again, not believing that for a damn second, and felt pure terror consume every fiber within his being, as he looked down towards the ground.

                  As she stared at him, she noticed that he was literally trembling, and knew that she needed to do something to distract him. “Clark, look at me.”

                  He didn’t.

                  She gripped his face in her hands, and turned him towards her, forcing him to look at her. “Listen to me, okay?”

                  His aquamarine eyes stared deeply into her beautiful hazel ones.

                  “Do you remember the first day we met?”

                  “How could I forget? You almost hit me with your car.”

                  “Not like you could have actually been hurt,” she scoffed with a roll of her eyes.

                  He smiled, briefly, but it quickly faded.

                  “Did you know that even though we had just met that was the first time I wanted to kiss you?”

                  His brows rose from that. “Really?”

                  She nodded with a soft smile.

                  “Lois, I know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not going to work.”

                  A soft sigh escaped past her lips. She had hoped that telling him something that she never intended on telling him would distract him, but it seemed like she needed to up the ante, and she knew exactly what she had to do.

                  She quickly leaned forward, capturing his lips in a sweet and tender kiss.

                  His eyes widened in complete and utter surprise before he closed them, quickly responding to her.

                  He wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her a little closer to him, and rested his other hand on the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her hair. She wrapped both of her arms around his neck, and rested her hands on the nape of his neck. He tilted his head to one side, slightly, pressing his lips against hers a little harder, and deepened their kiss. She moved closer to him before straddling his lap, which wasn’t all that comfortable on this ride, but she was too caught up in the moment to care, and ran her fingers through his thick, black hair, as she softly bit his lower lip.

                  Clark moaned, softly, his hands trailing down her body until they rested on her waist, and squeezed, gently.

                  Lois smiled against his lips.

                  As they were practically wrapped around each other, he gently traced her lips with the tip of his tongue, coaxing her to open up to him, and gasped, slightly when her taste consumed him. She pressed her body closer to his, moaning, softly at the sensation, and enjoyed the sweet taste that was purely him.


                  They quickly pulled away from each other at the sound coming from directly behind them, blushing, profusely when they noticed that the ride attendant was staring at them with a scornful glare before Clark stood up with her still on his lap and lowered her to the ground before rushing off the ride.

                  They walked hand in hand with smiles plastered across their faces for a few seconds before he turned around towards her, grabbed both sides of her face, and pressed his lips against hers, softly.

                  Lois was a little dazed after he pulled away from her. “What was that for?”

                  “That was for what you did back there,” he told her, as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear with a soft smile gracing his lips. “Thank you, Lois.”

                  “It wasn’t a problem, farm boy.” She grabbed his hand before pulling him towards their next destination.

                  Lois laughed, loudly, as she clung onto the very large, dark brown bear, and held it against her chest. “I can’t believe you actually won this.”

                  Clark chuckled at her pure excitement.

                  “Even though you did cheat.” She glanced up at him with a teasing glint lingering in her eyes. “You know, you’re really good at that.”

                  “I did not cheat.”

                  “Did too.”

                  “Did not.” She glared at him, playfully, her expression saying, ‘don’t pull that crap on me’, making him sigh, softly before succumbing to the truth, “Okay. I did, but you really wanted that one.”


                  “So, you wanted it, and I want to give you whatever you want.”

                  She blushed, profusely from his words.

                  Why was he always able to make her do that?

                  He smiled down at her. She was so adorable when she did that. He loved seeing that bright pink tint flush her cheeks every single time he flirted with her or made flattering comments to her. He just couldn’t help himself.

                  Lois practically jumped up and down in joy when she spotted a photo booth before she dragged him over towards it, and once they were sitting down inside, they wrapped their arms around each other, their head touching, slightly, as they smiled at the camera.


                  Clark turned towards her, placing a sloppy kiss on her cheek, causing her to scrunch up her nose, and grin like a maniac.


                  Lois turned towards him, doing the same exact thing to him, and he chuckled, loudly.


                  They both looked at the camera, making funny faces. He widened his eyes as large as possible, scrunched up his face, and hollowed out his cheeks. She furrowed her brows, crinkling her nose, and stuck out her tongue.


                  They slowly turned towards each other, their smiles falling, as they stared into each other’s eyes before he rested his hand on the side of her face, lowering his head to hers, and kissed her, passionately.


                  They climbed out of the photo booth, patiently waiting for the pictures to print, and as soon as they did, she quickly grabbed them, studying them for a few seconds before she carefully ripped them in half, handing him his copy.

                  Clark smiled down at them for a few seconds before pulling out his wallet, and securely placed the strip of pictures inside. “I’ll always keep them there that way I can always remember our first date.”

                  Lois smiled over at him. She wanted to call him sappy, especially since that’s exactly what it was, but she couldn’t because she wanted to do the same exact thing. She would never, ever forget this day, and would hold onto these pictures…forever.

                  It was starting to get dark outside, as the cool breeze brushed across the trees that surrounded them, while they were sitting down on a nearby bench.

                  Clark slowly wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into his side, and leaned back against the metal bench, pulling her with him.

                  Lois rested her head on his shoulder with one of her hands playing with the lapels on his shirt, while the other traced invisible designs over his fingers. “I had a great time today, Clark. It was the perfect first date.”

                  He rested his chin on the top of her head before squeezing her, gently. “I had a great time too, Lois.”

                  They sat in comfortable silence just holding each other, as they watched more and more people scurry around, rushing to get to rides or concession stands.

                  Clark felt her shuffle even closer to him, and looked down at her, realizing that her eyes were closed before he nudged her, slightly, making her eyes open. “Are you tired? Do you wanna go?”

                  She just mumbled something completely incoherent before closing her eyes again.

                  He chuckled, softly. “Come on. Let’s get going.”

                  When she didn’t even budge, he rolled his eyes.

                  What was it with her and falling asleep on him?

                  After contemplating what he should do for a few seconds, he slowly placed an arm underneath her legs, lifting her into his arms, as he stood up, and carried her to the car.

                  As he was driving them back to their hotel, he looked over at her sleeping form, and noticed just how beautiful she looked when she was peacefully sleeping. He slowly brushed the hair away from her face, so he could see her more clearly. She wasn’t just beautiful. She was exquisite. She was nothing like he had previously wanted from a woman before, but she was everything he needed—everything he wanted now.

                  He had been so nervous about their first date, but he should have known that there was nothing to be nervous about since it had been the best day of his life. He knew that if he would have done this with any other woman he wouldn’t have enjoyed himself as he did today. He had fun. He had enjoyed riding all the rides with her, except for that damn Ferris Wheel.

                  A wide smile graced his lips, as he remembered the mind-blowing kiss they had shared. That was also something that was new to him. He had never, ever kissed anyone so passionately whether it was in privacy or in public, but he figured that she brought out the passion inside of himself. He had a feeling that it would always be like this with her.

                  At least he hoped it was.

                  When he pulled up to their hotel, he turned towards her, and gently shook her shoulder. “Lois, we’re here.”

                  She made a cute little noise before burying herself further into the seat, which made him smile, and supposed that he should have known better since he’s already been through this once before with her.

                  He got out of the car, moved to her side, opened the door, and lifted her into his arms before he carried her through the hotel, smiling at the receptionist, who had already seen him do this once before, as he took her to her room.

                  As soon as he gently laid her in bed, covered her up, making sure that she was tucked in nice and tight, he watched her sleep for a few minutes. He wished he could crawl into bed with her—he wished he could wrap his arms around her—he wished he could fall asleep with her locked in his embrace.


                  He couldn’t since he didn’t know how she would react to waking up with him sleeping next to her.

                  Would she be happy? Thrilled? Pissed?

                  There was no way in hell he was going to tempt the last one. He never, ever wanted her to be mad, especially not at him. He always wanted her to smile—laugh with him, and hoped that it would always stay that way between them.

                  Clark turned away from her, intending on leaving just like he had done last time, but was stopped when she grabbed his hand, and turned back around, looking down at her, as she stared up at him with those dazzling hazel eyes of hers. “Stay with me.”

                  He hesitated, slightly. He wanted to, god, he really wanted to, but he knew she was barely even awake, and probably wouldn’t remember this in the morning. There was no way he was going to risk it.

                  Lois noticed the questions lingering in his aquamarine pools, and knew what was running through that mind of his. He was worried—he was worried that she wasn’t thinking clearly, and would regret her decision in the morning, but that wasn’t the case.

                  She wanted him to stay.

                  She wanted him to hold her in his arms.

                  She wanted to fall asleep in his tight and comforting embrace.

                  “Please.” She softly squeezed his hand. “Please, Clark. Stay with me.”

                  Screw it, he thought to himself, as he slowly lifted the blankets, crawling in beside her, and wrapped his arms around her.

                  Lois rolled over, resting her head on his chest, and wrapped her arms around his waist before mumbling, “Goodnight.”

                  Clark watched her close her eyes, softly before falling asleep almost instantaneously, as he held her close to his body, burying his nose into her hair, and breathed in her sweet, sweet scent. She smelt amazing, but that wasn’t new to him. She always smelt so good. He had wanted this. He had wanted to hold her in his arms, as they slept, and couldn’t stop himself from smiling at the thought of it actually happening.

                  He stared down at her beautiful face, his fingers brushing across her soft skin, and watched as she slept so peacefully before he gently kissed her forehead. “Goodnight, Lois.”

                  Of course, he knew that she couldn’t hear him, but it didn’t matter, and as he gazed down at her, he wondered if it would always be like this between them.

                  Would they always be this happy? Would they always be this content? Would they always be in each other’s lives?

                  He didn’t know, but he was going to do everything in his power to keep her with him.

                  She made him happy.

                  She made him feel alive.

                  She made him feel so, so many things, and he never wanted this or their connection to go away.

                  His eyes closed, softly, as he tightened his arms around her, and allowed memories of her—of them lure him into a deep, peaceful sleep.

                  Clark and Lois finally had their first date.

                  Things are going to start speeding up in the next few chapters. As much as I enjoy writing what Clois are doing almost every single chapter, it’s time to speed things up just a little bit, as well as heating up their relationship.

                  Hope you enjoyed chapter twelve 😊
                  Last edited by Winchesters1967; 03-02-2020, 12:00 PM.


                  • #39
                    Hoo & Ray!! From the nervousness before the knock to the last thoughts and closing of eyes, that was a superbly magical first date. The Ferris wheel and getting lost in the kiss, to the bear; with pictures an the snuggle, just call me a sap already. I loved it. Crazy sweet how Lois concks out on him😍 And I am SO hoping they wake up floating 😇😌 Yes, ready for things to move along but just want to zap the General in the but with a lightening bolt😒. More please. I just giddy over this😊 Loved Chapter 12 💗THE DATE❣


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Sykobee
                      Hoo & Ray!! From the nervousness before the knock to the last thoughts and closing of eyes, that was a superbly magical first date. The Ferris wheel and getting lost in the kiss, to the bear; with pictures an the snuggle, just call me a sap already. I loved it. Crazy sweet how Lois concks out on him And I am SO hoping they wake up floating  Yes, ready for things to move along but just want to zap the General in the but with a lightening bolt. More please. I just giddy over this Loved Chapter 12 THE DATE❣
                      I'm glad you enjoyed their first date. It was so much to write. I thought it would be incredibly cute to have him winning the bear, them taking pictures together, and especially them getting lost in the kiss they shared on the Ferris wheel.

                      It is crazy sweet how she falls asleep on him constantly, and I love writing those scenes because it's just so darn cute!!!

                      The General, oh my, he is definitely a problem, and will continue to be. He is up to no good that's for sure.


                      • #41
                        Chapter thirteen:


                        • #42
                          Chapter Fourteen:


                          • #43
                            Chapter Fifteen:

                            Song used in this chapter, ‘The Way’ By Clay Aiken

                            NOT MINE. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.

                            Clark had his arms wrapped around Lois, his fingers tracing soothing circles over her back, as she rested her head on his shoulder, and glided her fingers across his chest. They were laying underneath the sparkling stars at ‘their’ waterfall, staring up into the night sky, enjoying the beauty surrounding them—the smells of wilderness, and the soothing sound of rushing water.

                            He had never felt happier than he was in this moment. In all the time he had spent with her, he had never felt this happy—this content—this peaceful. He loved sharing moments like this with her, moments where they could just be together with no words coming from either of them. It seemed that every day they spent together, their feelings, or his at least were only growing stronger and stronger, and he never wanted this to stop. He wanted to spend all his time with her. He wanted her to stay in his life for as long as possible.

                            She made his heart skips beats and race like no other.

                            She teased him constantly, making him blush…a lot.

                            She made him nervous, joyful and excited all at the same time.

                            She filled his heart with complete and utter admiration, and love.

                            He was falling in even more in love with her with each new adventure they experienced together. He loved her more than he’s ever loved anything or anybody before, and he never wanted the way he was feeling to end. He never wanted them to separate or part ways. He wanted to stay with her forever.

                            He tightened his arms around her, pulling her closer to his chest, and closed his eyes, as he breathed in her scent. He definitely never wanted this or them to ever end.

                            Her soft, soothing voice broke him from his thoughts. “I’m glad we decided to come here tonight, especially since we haven’t been able to in the past couple days.”

                            He opened his eyes, looking down at her, and subconsciously rubbed his hands up and down her back. “Yeah, but we have been a little preoccupied the past few days.”

                            She raised her head, and swatted his chest when she saw him wiggling his eyebrows at her, suggestively. “Is sex all you think about?”

                            He grinned from ear to ear, “When it comes to you, baby, hell yes.”

                            She laughed. She laughed so hard that her head fell onto his shoulder, and her entire body trembled, as tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

                            He rolled his eyes at her before rolling onto his side, facing her, and waited until she managed to calm herself down. He stared into her eyes, “Do you remember the first time we found this place?”

                            She smirked, “You mean, the night you were going to kiss me for the first time, but chickened out last minute?”

                            He groaned. He never should have told her about that, besides it wasn’t like she had to wait too long for that kiss. “First of all, I did not chicken out, and secondly, how long are you going to keep holding that over my head?”

                            She grinned. She was going to hold that over his head for as long as possible, especially since he made her wait so damn long, and truth be told, she just liked teasing him about it. It was fun. “For as long as possible. Now, the answer to your question is yes, I do remember that night, and I remember it being one of the happiest nights of my life.”

                            “Yeah, me too, you know, that was the first night you fell asleep on me.” He smirked, “You do that a lot.”

                            She shrugged her shoulders, “How could I not? You’re just so warm and comfortable, almost like a big teddy bear.”

                            “What? So, I’ve been relegated from boyfriend to comfy teddy bear?”

                            She nodded before leaning forward, kissing him, softly.

                            They stared deeply into each other’ eyes after they pulled away from the kiss, and could see their feelings—emotions—love for each other shining, brightly back at them.

                            “Do you remember what you promised me that night?”

                            She smiled. “I promised you that I would always be here for you.”

                            He brushed his fingertips down her smooth cheeks, “Do you still mean it?”

                            She stared at him for a few seconds, wondering why he was asking her such a question, and slowly sat up, making him do the same. “How could you even ask me that? Clark, I meant every word then, and I mean it now. I will always be here for you, and I will always be with you forever and—”

                            “Always,” he finished for her, “Do you really mean it?”

                            She nodded.

                            He grinned from ear to ear before leaning forward, capturing her lips in a soft, sweet and tender kiss. He poured all the love he felt for her into that one kiss before wrapping his arms around her, and pulling her into his lap.

                            She pulled away from him, pressing her hands against his chest, and leaned back in his arms. “I have an idea.”

                            He winked at her, “Yeah? So, do I.”

                            He tried pulling her into another kiss, but she pushed him away, and stood up. She knew what he was thinking, hell she was thinking it to, but she had a better idea. “Down boy, there’s time for that later.”

                            He pouted.

                            She chuckled, “Nice try, but it’s not going to work.”

                            She held out her hand to him, which he took greedily, and stood up with her. “I want you to dance with me, Clark.”

                            He stared at her, wide-eyed, and his mouth fell open, slightly. “Um, Lois, I-I can’t, I can’t dance.”

                            She rolled her eyes, “I don’t care.”

                            “Lois, I-I don’t know, I mean, I-I’m just going to step on your feet the whole time.”

                            She stepped closer to him. “It doesn’t matter. I just want to dance with you. Dance with me? Please?”

                            He groaned, silently. How the hell was he supposed to say no to that? She had asked so sweetly—so nicely, but it was also because she was staring up at him with sparkling, hopeful eyes, and was even pouting, slightly. “Okay. Okay. Fine. I’ll dance with you.”

                            She grinned, practically jumping up and down in excitement before rushing over to her bag, and pulled out her mp3 player. She picked a song, as she walked over to him, and handed him one ear piece before she put hers in.

                            She pressed play before she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

                            Something about the way you look tonight,
                            Something about the way that I can't take my eyes off you.
                            Something about the way your lips invite. Maybe it's the way
                            That I get nervous when you're around, and I want you to be mine.
                            And if you need a reason why.

                            They pulled each other closer, their eyes locked onto each other, as they swayed softly to the music, and let the words consume their minds, hearts, and souls.

                            It's in the way that you move me,
                            And the way you tease me,
                            The way that I want you tonight.
                            It's in the way that you hold me
                            And the way that you know me
                            When I can't find the right words to say.

                            He pulled her even closer so, her body was pressed up against his, and she tightened her arms around his neck, running her fingers softly through his hair.

                            You feel it in the way. Oh, you feel it in the way

                            After the song’s music and words slowly faded into silence, they rested their foreheads together, and continued to sway to only the music they could hear. They tightened their arms around each other, pulling each other even closer than they already were, and in that moment, knew that they would never, ever want to be anywhere else except in each other’ embraces.

                            They stared into each other’s eyes before they leaned forward, and pressed their lips together, softly. He rested one hand on her lower back, and trailed the other one behind her head before tracing her lips with his tongue coaxing her to open up to him, and massaged hers with his gingerly—lovingly when she parted her lips. She pressed her body closer to his, feeling every part of him against her, and slowly ran her fingers through his hair before pressing her lips harder against his, deepening their kiss.

                            He slowly pulled away from her, and stared into her beautiful eyes, as his breath became rapid and uneven. It happened every single time—every single time they kissed he felt like he couldn’t breathe, and it always turned him into a pile of mush. “Lois, I—”

                            She placed a finger over his lips, stopping him from speaking, and saw the want—the longing—the desire—the love shining in his aquamarine orbs. “I know. I know, baby, me too.”

                            He kissed her again before swooping her up into his arms, making her giggle, “I think it’s time I take my beautiful girlfriend away from here.”

                            She snuggled against him, “How about you super speed us out of here.”

                            He grinned, “With pleasure.”

                            As he sped them back to their hotel, he couldn’t help, but be thankful that he didn’t drive them here tonight because he wasn’t sure how long he could have waited to make love to his jaw-dropping beautiful and gorgeous woman.

                            Wes walked down the darkened streets of Estes park, his eyes scanning the many bystanders, as he searched for her. He had arrived here a lot sooner than he originally planned, which he was thankful for, except that he had been searching for over an hour now, and there was still no sign of her. He was hoping—praying that she was still here. He needed her to be here. He wanted this to be over—he wanted his life back.

                            He noticed a small café across the street, and started walking over to it. He needed a major caffeine fix, and a fresh mind set before he even contemplated searching for her again. He wasn’t leaving this beautiful small town unless he found her, no matter how long it took. He couldn’t—wouldn’t go back to the base empty handed.

                            He made his way up to the service counter. “Hey, can I get a coffee, black, no sugar or cream?”

                            A good-looking, petite red-head spun around at his voice, and smiled sweetly at him, and began to make his coffee. She was actually kind of beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as Lois, and especially not Cassie.

                            “I’m Joslyn, by the way, are you new in town or just visiting like half the other people in this town?”

                            He looked up at her, slightly frowning. He wasn’t in the mood for small talk. He just wanted his damn coffee, and to continue searching for his best friend. His job—his life depended on it. “Neither. I’m looking for someone.”

                            She raised her eyebrows. That was definitely a new one for her. “Hmm. Interesting. Why are you searching for them? Did they do something to you? Are they wanted by the police? FBI? Is it a male or female? Are they blonde? Brunette? What about their eyes?”

                            He stared at her, wide-eyed. His head was beginning to hurt from her rampage of questions. He thought Lois was inquisitive, but this girl was ten time worse than her. He cleared his throat, “Um, no. I’m looking for someone who means a lot to me, and has been MIA for over a month now.”

                            “Well, maybe I can help you out. I pretty much know everybody here, perks of working at a coffee shop, and I happen to know quite a few of the tourists as well.”

                            He raised his brows at that, maybe this girl could be of some use to him, he thought, before reaching into his back pocket for his wallet, pulled out a picture of him, Lois, and Cassie, and handed it over to her. It was a day in their lives where everything was right, and he desperately wanted those days back.

                            She looked down at the picture, and instantly scowled when she saw Lois Lane’s bubbly face looking back up at her, but quickly hid it. She knew instantly that, that was who he was looking for, and she would definitely be glad to help him find her. The sooner she got out of this town, the better, especially if that meant she got Clark all too herself.

                            “I’m looking for the girl in the middle.”

                            She nodded. “Is she your girlfriend or something?”

                            He coughed, slightly choking on his own saliva, at her words, “Um, no. Definitely not. She’s my best friend. So? Have you seen her around?”

                            She smiled, an evil glint in her eyes. “Yeah, I’ve seen her around. That’s Lois Lane, and she’s been coming in here a lot the past couple of weeks.”

                            He sighed, in relief. “Really? Is she still here?”

                            “Yeah, at least she was not even a couple of hours ago.”

                            “Where is she now?”

                            She shrugged her shoulders, “Beats me. She was here getting her normal coffee and donuts, and I haven’t seen her since then.”

                            He groaned. That was not what he wanted to hear. He wanted to find out where the hell she was. “Do you know where she might be?”

                            “I don’t know, but if I had to guess, I would say that they were probably roaming around town somewhere.”

                            He narrowed his eyes at her. “They?”

                            “Oh, yeah. She’s probably with her boyfriend.”

                            His eyes widened, and his mouth fell open for a few seconds before he managed to close it again. “I’m sorry, did you just say that Lois, my best friend, was with her boyfriend?”

                            She narrowed her eyes at him. Why was he so shocked by that? “Uh, yeah. They do practically everything together, and are always all over each other. It’s actually quite sickening.”

                            He couldn’t believe it. She was dating someone? Who? How the hell did this even happen? If what she was saying was true, when the hell did his best friend become so clingy? So dependent on one man? He didn’t know, but he was sure in hell going to find out. “Do you know where they might be? It’s important that I find her.”

                            She didn’t know what they did or where they went, and she’d rather not see their coupling all the damn time, but she did know where Clark was staying. “Uh, I’m not too sure, but you could try the hotel a few blocks down the street. It’s the one with the large, wooden oval sign, and they’re a beige—light brown color.”

                            “Thank you!” He muttered before walking away, without his coffee, but he could care less at this point. He just got a lead on Lois’ whereabouts, and he needed to get there as fast as possible.

                            He walked towards the hotel with a pep in his step. He couldn’t believe it. Was it just a coincidence that he walked into the very same café that she had been frequenting? He didn’t think so. He just hoped that she was there. He couldn’t wait to find her, and bring her back to base. He knew he shouldn’t feel so enlightened by this, but he couldn’t help it. He was about to get his life back, and he would not feel bad about feeling this way.

                            As he got closer to the hotel, he heard familiar laughter coming from behind him, and quickly ducked behind a car when he recognized it as Lois’. He peeked from behind it, and his mouth nearly dropped down to the ground at what he saw. She was in some guy’s arms with her legs wrapped around his waist, laughing, wildly, as he held her, and smothered her neck with extravagant kisses.

                            He just couldn’t believe it. It was true. His best friend, Lois freaking Lane was actually romantically involved with someone. He had seen her with past boyfriends before, and never had she ever acted like that around them. Normally, she would be with a guy just to annoy the **** of her father, but it seemed that this was the complete opposite, she was with him because she wanted to be, and she looked extremely happy.

                            He stood up from his hiding spot, as they disappeared into the hotel, and groaned, loudly, knowing what he was about to do was going to ruin his best friend’s happiness. She looked happier than he has ever seen her before, and figured that some of it had to deal with her being away from her father, but had a feeling that it was mainly because of the guy she was spending time with.

                            He leaned up against the brick wall, slid down to the ground, and dropped his head into his hands. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do in a situation like this. At first, he thought it would be just as simple as finding her, and bringing her back, but now that she was quite obviously smitten with some guy, it was going to be so, so much harder. He didn’t want to do this, but he really didn’t have a choice. He would have to rip her away from her utter happiness, and most likely lose her in the process.

                            He slowly lifted his head. He would wait for the moment she walked outside of that hotel, even if that meant he was sitting here all night. He would give her this last piece of happiness before he dragged her away from this town—her boyfriend—her freedom, and back to Arizona.

                            Clark and Lois panted, breathlessly with their arms wrapped around each other, as they laid on the bed. Their eyes were trained on the ceiling, their chests were heaving up and down, especially Lois’, their hearts were pounding ferociously in their chests, and they had the biggest grins plastered on their flushed faces.

                            She rolled onto her side, facing him, and rested her head onto the palm of her hand, as she looked down at him. “What was that? Two? Three times?”

                            He chuckled, as he copied her movements, and rested his hand on her hip. “I believe that was the third time since we got back to the hotel.”

                            She smirked, “You mean, since you practically devoured me before we even made it to the bed?”

                            He grinned, as flashes of him crashing into his hotel room with her wrapped around him, him pressing her against the wall, and how he had them stripped of their confining clothing before they even made it to the bed. He scooted closer to her, and squeezed her hip. “I just couldn’t help myself. You’re just so sexy, and I didn’t hear you complaining, besides who was the one who attacked me not even twenty minutes after our first go around?”

                            She grinned from ear to ear. She had never been one for an overzealous sex life, of course, she enjoyed it, but didn’t need it all the time, but with Clark it was like they couldn’t get enough of each other. She figured that it probably had a lot to do with their connection—a connection they’ve had from the moment they met, and for some reason every time they made love it only grew stronger and stronger. “I’m not denying or admitting anything; besides I think we leveled out the playing field just a few minutes ago.”

                            He nodded. She had a point. He loved how in touch they seemed to be with each other, it was unimaginably incredible. Their kisses revealed their longing—their desire for each other. Their love making was passionate, and quite unforgettable. He would never, ever get enough of her loving touches—her searing kisses—her undeniable passion.

                            God, he loved her so damn much, he thought, and had a feeling that there would never be a day where he wasn’t in love with her.

                            She rested her hands on his chest, “How about we watch a movie or something?”

                            He groaned, loudly, plopping onto his back, and softly closed his eyes.

                            She chuckled, “Come on, baby, it won’t be that bad.”

                            He opened his eyes, and glared at her, “Yeah, that’s exactly what you said last time.”

                            She patted his chest, “Aw! Poor baby! Well, get over it because we’re watching a movie, and not some chick flick either.” She quickly got out of bed, put on ‘Mystic River’ before climbing back into bed, snuggled up to him, and sighed in utter content when he wrapped his arms around her. “You’ll like this one, I promise.”

                            He rolled his eyes, “Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you say, Lane.”

                            She slapped his chest, making him chuckle, “Shut up and watch the movie, Kent!”

                            He softly kissed her forehead, pulled her closer to his chest, and turned his attention to the movie she wanted him to watch.

                            An hour later, his eyes were trained on the tv screen, unblinking, as he was completely engrossed in the movie. She had actually picked a good movie, and he was enjoying it…immensely.

                            He softly chuckled, shaking his head, “Okay, I admit it, you were right. This is a pretty good movie.”


                            He looked down at her when she didn’t respond to him, and realized that she had fallen asleep on him…again. “I guess she was right about the whole teddy bear thing.” He grabbed the remote, shutting off the tv, and pulled the sheet over their bodies. He stared down at her for a few seconds before gently brushing the hair away from her face, and kissed her cheek.

                            He got comfortable next to her, and softly closed his eyes, but before he fell asleep he whispered, “I love you, Lois.”

                            She shot out of bed into a sitting position, her entire body was drenched in sweat, and her heart was racing a mile a minute. She felt like she couldn’t breathe, and slightly jumped when she felt Clark shift next to her, effectively tightening his arms around her waist. She smiled down at him. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, like he was dead to the world—like he didn’t have a single care in the world.

                            She slowly untangled herself from him, grabbed his red and gold plaid t-shirt, and pulled it over her head, as she walked over to the windows. She scanned her eyes across the darkened, and empty streets, wondering what had woken her up. She didn’t know, but she did know that it wasn’t the first time that, that’s happened, and that meant only one thing…something bad was going to happen.

                            It happened the night her mom passed away in the hospital.

                            It happened the night her father was deployed to Russia for two years.

                            It happened every single time they were going to move to a different base.

                            It was like she had a sixth sense or something, and she knew something—something very bad was going to happen. She could sense it—feel it—hear it—taste it.

                            It made her feel anxious.

                            It made her feel worried.

                            But, most of all, she felt absolutely terrified, which didn’t happen very often, and for some reason it felt like her entire world was going to turn upside down. Just like when she met Clark, except this time it wouldn’t be for the better.

                            She looked over at him. She really, really hoped that whatever she was sensing didn’t have anything to do with her and Clark. She was happy. He was happy. They were at a place where they were content with each other—where they were blissful in their own lives. She didn’t want anything to destroy that.

                            She grabbed her jogging pants off the floor, slipped them on, and headed outside. She needed some fresh air. She needed to feel the cool breeze on her skin. She needed some time to clear away her hazy thoughts.

                            As soon as she stepped outside, she basked in the cool air brushing across her heated skin, and knew this is exactly what she needed. She stood there with her eyes closed for several minutes, and let the fresh air clear away her mind. It felt great.

                            You’re just tired. You’re overreacting. Nothing bad is going to happen. Everything is fine. I’m with Clark, and he’s with me. The world couldn’t be any better than it is right now.

                            She repeated this mantra over and over again in her mind before turning around to head back inside.

                            “Hello, Lois.”

                            Her entire body froze, as she heard the voice of someone she never thought she would ever hear again, at least not for much, much longer. She clamped her eyes shut, as her heart pounded in her chest, and in that moment knew why she had woken up so fearful.

                            He had found her. He knew where she was. He had sent her best friend after her.

                            She slowly turned around, and came face to face with her best friend, Wes Keenan. “W-Wes, what are you doing here?”

                            He took a step towards her, “What am I doing here? I should be asking you the same question.”

                            “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m enjoying some fresh air.”

                            He shook his head. It was always like Lois to state the obvious, and easily maneuver herself out of questions that she didn’t want to answer. “I don’t mean right now, I mean, what are you doing in Colorado? In this small-town?”

                            She stared him dead straight in the eyes. “I’m living my life. I’m enjoying myself. I’m being free for once in my god forsaken life.”

                            He sighed, “Lois, look, your father has been spending the past month looking for you, and I—”

                            “And you what? You came all this way to drag me back to Arizona? Well, that’s not happening, and you can tell The General that yourself when you go back…alone.”

                            “He misses you, Lo.”

                            She scoffed, “Yeah right. He misses his little soldier. He misses his errand girl. He misses his ****ing assistant! He doesn’t miss me! He doesn’t need me! He doesn’t even care about me!”

                            He knew that she had some major problems with her father, but he had no idea that it was this bad. He wasn’t the one she talked to about these things, it was Cassie, and he knew that she understood more than he ever would about why she left in the first place. “Lois, I need you to come back to Arizona with me.”


                            “Lois, Please!”

                            She shook her head, vehemently. “No! I’m not going back! I’m happy now, okay? I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and I will continue to live this way for as long as I possibly can!”

                            He knew she was happy. He could sense that. “Let me ask you something, are you happy because you’re finally free from your father or because of the guy I saw you with earlier?”

                            She paled, slightly, but recovered quickly. “W-What are you talking about?”

                            He smiled. “Don’t pull that on me, Lane. I know you better than practically anyone, even Cassie, even if you two won’t admit it. I saw you laughing, as he carried you into the hotel.”

                            She blushed, slightly.

                            He grinned from ear to ear. She could never hide her true feelings from him. “You looked really happy.”

                            “I am. Wes, I’m happier than I’ve felt in my entire life, and that’s because of him. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. He makes me feel happy, excited and nervous all at the same time. I-I’m in love with him.”

                            He took a step back, completely surprised by the depth of her emotions. “Wow! I never thought I’d see the day where Lois Lane actually fell in love with someone.”

                            She smiled, but if faded quickly. “You see? You understand that so, please, I’m begging you, Wes, just leave, and pretend you never found me.”
                            He really, really wished he didn’t have to do this. “Lois, I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”

                            “Why not?”

                            He took a deep breath, “You don’t understand. I’m not doing this because I want to, trust me if it was up to me, I would just leave you be, and let you come back when you were ready to, but it’s not up to me. It’s your father. He has made me and Cassie’ lives utter hell. He has questioned and questioned Cassie. He had me follow her, and report back to him daily. He had me do so, so many other things, and I just can’t take it anymore. Lois, I need my life back.”

                            She wanted to strangle her father for everything that she has put her friends through, especially Wes, and felt incredible sympathy for him.

                            “Please! Lois, Please! I need you to come back with me right now.”

                            She sighed. She knew what she should do. She should go back with Wes, and help reassemble her friends lives, even if that meant ruining her own in the process, but she just couldn’t do it. She couldn’t—wouldn’t go back to her horrid life, but of course, he didn’t need to know that. “I’m going to need a little bit of time, a few hours, I need to pack my things, and I-I need to say goodbye to C-Clark.”

                            He smiled. “Clark? So that’s prince charming’s name? You know, I’ve known you for a very, very long time, and not once have I ever seen you so smitten before so, what is it about him? What is so special about him? How did he knock down those all too famous Lane walls?”

                            She didn’t want to talk about that, especially knowing what she had to do, and besides he didn’t need to know anything about her love life. “I’ll tell you later, but can you promise me something? Can you promise me that you won’t tell my father about him?”

                            He simply nodded. He knew what her father was like when it came to her past boyfriends, and figured that she didn’t want the same thing happening to him.

                            “Thank you, just wait here, I’ll be out in about two hours.”

                            She turned away from him, and calmly walked inside, but as soon as she was out of his sights she rushed to her hotel room, and started packing her things, ferociously.

                            How the hell did this happen? How did her father find her?

                            She gasped, loudly, and rushed over to her bedside table when a horrible thought came to her. She grabbed her phone, checked the call log, and fell onto the bed when all the pieces finally clicked together. A few days ago, she had gotten a missed call from Cassie, but never called her back since she was afraid that he could find her if she made any calls, but it seems that he had, had Cassie’ phone bugged, and somehow tricked her into making the call. She knew Cassie would never jeopardize her freedom, she understood, a hell of a lot more than Wes did.

                            It seems that Wes wasn’t being a hundred percent truthful to her, she thought.

                            She felt completely and utterly stupid. She should have known better. She should have been more careful. She should have disposed of her phone the minute she left the base. She should have known that her father would stoop to as low as tricking her best friend just to get her back under his thumb.
                            She shot up off the bed, and quickly finished packing her things. She would never, ever let this happen again. It was for her safety—her desire to be free, even if it meant her friends had to remain in hell because of it. She loved them, she did, but she couldn’t—wouldn’t go back, and the only way to sidetrack Wes was to pretend like she was going with him, but she wouldn’t be going anywhere with him. She was leaving, and she was leaving tonight.

                            After packing her things into her car, she solemnly made her way back up to Clark’s room, and tried to find the strength to do what she had to do. It was for her, but most of all it was for his safety.

                            She slowly walked over to him, sat down, and gently brushed her fingers across his forehead, as she stared down at his handsome face. She knew what she had to do. She knew it the moment she set eyes on Wes. She knew that what she was feeling earlier was going to turn her world upside down, and she was right, it was for the worse. She felt the tears build up behind her eyes, and let them fall down her cheeks, not caring about holding in her emotions right now.

                            She didn’t want to do this. She didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want to leave this beautiful state—this beautiful town. She didn’t want to leave Clark, the man she was completely in love with, but she had no choice in the matter.

                            She wished, oh god, she wished she could just wake him up tell him to pack his things, and leave with him—escape with him—run away with him. But, she couldn’t. She couldn’t—wouldn’t bring him into this mess that she had made of her life.

                            If she brought him with her, she knew what was going to happen, it was inevitable. He would find her again, and as soon as he found out about Clark, he would investigate him, and everything he has done to keep his life—his origins a secret would become public.

                            She loved him. She loved him so god damn much, but she wouldn’t be the reason that his secret became unveiled—she wouldn’t be the reason why the world finds out about him—she wouldn’t be the reason he became a living, breathing lab rat, and if he was to come with her that’s exactly what would happen. She would protect him till she took her last breath, even if that meant they couldn’t be together.

                            She slowly walked over to the table, grabbed a piece of paper and pen, and proceeded to write the hardest thing she had ever written in her entire life.

                            Her goodbye letter to Clark.

                            She placed it on the pillow next to him, her pillow, the tears now streaming down her cheeks, and quietly sat down next to him. She leaned forward, kissed his forehead, and whispered, “I love you, Clark Kent. I love you so god damn much. I’m sorry.”

                            She grabbed the rest of her belongings from his room before leaving, and out the back doors of the hotel towards her car.

                            She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew it couldn’t be in Colorado. She needed to get out of this town—out of this state as soon as possible. If her father found her here once, he would find her again if she stayed. She needed to be states away from Arizona and Colorado.

                            She needed a game plan, and from this moment forward she wouldn’t be staying longer than two weeks in any town she stopped in. She wanted to remain free for as long as possible, and in order for that to become a reality she needed to be more careful.

                            As she sped down the highway, away from the love of her life, she felt the tears cascade down her cheeks, blurring her vision, but she didn’t care. She had just lost the one thing that meant absolutely everything to her. She wanted to believe that he would be alright, but she knew he wouldn’t be. He was a wreck when she found him. She had seen a change in him ever since they became closer, like he was healing, and she had just ruined that by leaving him. She knew he would hate her—he would despise her, even though she left that note, he wouldn’t understand, not fully. He would believe that she never cared about him. He would believe that she wanted to leave him. He would never, ever forgive her.

                            She knew that this was it. She knew that she had just ruined everything. She knew that she would never see him again. Her body trembled, uncontrollably, as more tears rocked her to the core, and sent sharp, aching pains straight to her broken heart.

                            A few hours later, Clark shifted slightly in bed, and felt like something was missing—like something very, very important was gone. He slowly reached across the bed, searching for her, and snapped his eyes open when all he felt was a cold spot next to him.

                            He slowly lifted his head, and scanned the room with his eyes in the darkness, but couldn’t see her or even hear her. He dropped his head onto the pillow, smiling, sleepily, as he thought about all of the times she would leave the comfort of bed for some fresh air or food. She did that quite a lot, almost as much as she fell asleep on him.

                            He softly closed his eyes, but they snapped open once again when he felt a piece of paper underneath his fingers. He quickly sat up, turned on the light, and picked up the piece of paper on her pillow.


                            I know this isn’t the best way to do this, but I couldn’t look you in the eyes when I said the words. I couldn’t even try to say the words out loud so, I’m writing them down.

                            I need you to know that I never wanted to do this. I never planned on doing this, but nevertheless I have to do this, no matter how hard this is for me.

                            I know you know that I’ve been keeping things from you, and tonight something from my past came back, and I had no choice, but to leave.

                            I wanted to bring you with me. I really did. I didn’t have much time to think about this, but I know that this was what I had to do because it’s the only way I can keep you safe. The only way I can protect you.

                            I know you won’t understand, but I need you to trust that what I did was right for both of us. I won’t allow myself to be the reason why your life gets ruined because that is what would happen if you were to stay with me.

                            I want you to know that I have cherished every single moment that we have spent together. I will cherish those memories for the rest of my life, and I will never, ever forget you or the love we shared.

                            I’m sorry.

                            Goodbye, Clark.

                            Love, Lois.

                            He chuckled, not believing the words that he had just read, “Lois?”


                            “Lois? Lois, come on, stop messing around.”


                            “Lois, seriously, this isn’t funny.”


                            He reread the note over and over again. He noticed how her penmanship was sloppier than it normally was, like she was in a hurry. He noticed the several tear strains that were spread across the paper, blotting out some of the ink. His heart dropped to his stomach, at the mere thought, that she actually left—that she left without telling him—without saying goodbye to him.

                            He scanned the room, and noticed that all of her belongings were gone, even his favorite plaid shirt was gone. He shot out of bed, threw on his clothes, and rushed towards her hotel room. He crashed through the door, not caring if it was locked or if he even broke it, and walked around her room, searching for her, but realized that everything was gone.

                            He reread the note again, his heart breaking, and his eyes began to water, as he realized that it was true.

                            She had left.

                            She had left without saying goodbye.

                            She had left him.

                            She didn’t want to be with him anymore.

                            She was gone.

                            He clutched the paper into his fist before collapsing to the ground, as tears streamed down his cheeks, and screamed out, “NOOOOOOOOOO!”

                            Wes paced up and down the front entrance of the hotel.

                            He was growing irritable.

                            He was becoming impatient.

                            He was feeling a million emotions wash over him all at once.

                            What the hell was taking her so damn long?

                            He lifted his wrist, checking the time, and realized that she had been gone for about four hours now. He paled, as a thought entered his mind, and felt fear consume his very being. He rushed into the hotel, and straight to the receptionist, “Where is Lois Lane?”

                            She looked up at him, frowning, “Excuse me?”

                            He gripped the counter so tight that his knuckles began to turn white. “Lois Joanne Lane. I know she was staying here. Where is she?”

                            “I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t give away client information.”

                            He growled, impatiently, “Look, lady, I don’t got time for this. I need to know where she is. I’m a military officer, and her father, a four-star General is searching for her.”

                            “I’ll need to see your credentials, sir.”

                            He quickly pulled out his badge, and handed it over to her. “Now, if you would kindly tell me where she went.”

                            “Sir, she checked out about three hours ago.”

                            He couldn’t believe it. She tricked him. She had only told him it would take her that long, knowing he would believe it, just so she could have enough time to escape. She left. She actually left. “Okay, Ma’am, what about a man named Clark? He’s her boyfriend.”

                            She narrowed her eyes at him, “Are you looking for him too?”

                            “Yes.” He lied.

                            “He checked out about one hour ago, sir.”

                            This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all. “Do you happen to know which way she left because I was waiting outside, and she didn’t come out the front, neither did Clark.”

                            “They both left out the back door, that’s where their vehicles were parked, sir.”

                            “Thank you.” He quickly rushed outside, and scanned his eyes around, searching for anything that could lead him in the direction that she could have went, but looked down when he heard crunching underneath his feet.

                            He sighed, heavily, when he realized that it was the remains of her cellphone. She must have figured out that they have bugged Cassie’ phone, he thought.

                            He hurriedly walked back towards his car.

                            She left.

                            She had escaped from him.

                            She had even left her boyfriend behind, who she loved more than anything, and he could see that from the look in her eyes when she talked about him.
                            He got back into his car, and rested his head against the steering wheel, groaning, loudly. What the hell was he supposed to do now?





                            It all came rushing back to him—everything that he had been able to overcome—everything that he had been able to not think about or even dream about came rushing back, hitting him like a freight train.

                            He felt that all-consuming pain.

                            He felt that unbearable guilt.

                            He felt that unforgettable shame.

                            But, most of all he felt his heart twisting in agonizing pain.

                            Three weeks.

                            For three blissful weeks, he hadn’t thought about his past—about what he’s done—about what he’s caused, and it was all because of her, because of all the time they spent together, because of his powerful love for her. She had been there for him. She had understood him. She had begun to heal him.

                            But, it had all been a lie. She lied to him. She promised him that she would always be there. She promised him that they would be together for always and forever. She promised him that they would never part ways.

                            He collapsed onto his knees in front of ‘their’ waterfall, as tears streamed down his cheeks, and could feel the rain pelting down on him, mixing with his salty tears and drenching his clothes.

                            He replayed every single moment they shared together, from the first moment they laid eyes on each other to the moment he fell asleep with her in his arms.

                            She was gone.

                            She left him.

                            She didn’t want to be with him anymore.

                            He would never see her beautiful face again. He would never feel her tender touch again. He would never feel her soft lips pressed up against his, as they kissed again. He would never feel the passion when he made love to the woman who he was completely and utterly in love with again.

                            He was all alone.

                            He would always be alone…forever.

                            He quickly stood up, staring at the waterfall, the memories of all the times they had spent here together washed over him, and he couldn’t stop the tears from falling even harder because he knew they would never share another moment here or anywhere else ever again.

                            He super sped through the pathway, jumped onto his motorcycle, revved the engine, and sped off into the night.

                            He didn’t know where he was going, but he knew one thing for an absolute fact, he couldn’t stay here in this town—in this state. He couldn’t stay in the place where he reunited with her—where he spent time with her—where he made memories with her—where he first kissed her—where he had his first date with her—where he made love to her—where he had fallen in love with her—where she had had begun to heal his broken heart and state of mind.

                            He couldn’t—wouldn’t stay in a place where such happy memories existed because he wasn’t happy anymore, and never would be ever again.

                            He accelerated his speed, the tears now cascading down his cheeks, causing his vision to become blurry, and his entire body to tremble.

                            He was in pain from everything that he’s done.

                            He was feeling guilty for everything that he’s caused.

                            He was feeling shame for all the mistakes that he had made.

                            He was heartbroken from the loss of the only person he’s ever loved so completely, and knew she would be the only woman he would ever love so intensely.

                            His heart was shattered into a million and one pieces, and his broken heart would never, ever heal.

                            I had such a hard time writing this chapter. I loved writing the happy, romantic scenes, but it wouldn’t be a story if there wasn’t a little sadness and heartbreak mixed in. So, Clois has moved on from Colorado and onto their next journey, albeit separately, but things will definitely start moving a little faster now.

                            I hope you enjoyed chapter fifteen!!!


                            • #44
                              Well, what can I say? A heartbreaking chapter. Of course, Lois is only doing what she thinks she has to do to get away from her father, but she breaks Clark's heart in the process. They are both in a lot of pain and have a lot to deal with. Now I'm wondering how you'll have them finding each other again.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by phoenixnz
                                Well, what can I say? A heartbreaking chapter. Of course, Lois is only doing what she thinks she has to do to get away from her father, but she breaks Clark's heart in the process. They are both in a lot of pain and have a lot to deal with. Now I'm wondering how you'll have them finding each other again.
                                It was such a sad part to write, especially Clark' POV. You'll just have to wait to find out how they reunite.

