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Loved it? Hated it? What did you think of "Baby"?

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  • Loved it? Hated it? What did you think of "Baby"?

    Okay, this episode was excellent! The hype was strong and I was worried it wasn’t going to live up to, that expectations were going to be too high. They more than met and more than surpassed it. Best episode so far this season and in a long while, IMO.

    We start with flashbacks to Baby. Very nice. Then Dean giving her a wash. Too bad we didn’t get to see the shorts, though. Jensen mentioned he actually was wearing shorts during that scene. From hose to rain and Dean’s “figures”.

    Dean asking where the beer was and Sam’s panic face. Cute!

    Cas doesn’t know what Netflix is? I thought Metatron gave him pop culture knowledge? Surely Netflix was in there somewhere?

    Not taking Swayze’s name in vain. Heh. And the next morning, both boys have, ahem, gotten lucky. I was a bit surprised by Sam. I thought he didn’t do random hook ups?

    The boys singing to Night Moves. I may have squealed with glee.

    Surprise Matt Cohen! I had seen a vague spoiler about a “surprise guest star” and wondered if JDM might not be appearing (or Speight). But young!John Winchester works too. Though I don’t get why everyone kept saying “The Darkness is coming” when she’s already here. I mean, okay, she’s not fully grown but she is here. Didn’t make sense to me.
    “God helps those who help themselves.” I get the feeling the show wants us to think that John was God in disguise or that God is going to be appearing soon. And the more they try to make it look that way, the less likely I find it.

    But Sam and Dean’s talk—so good! Sam finally admitting he was infected (though Dean took that rather cavalierly, I thought?), and talking about dreaming about their parents. And we even got a return of that famous terminology.

    Did that girl seriously just drive off with the Impala? I kept waiting for her to get busted (would have loved to see her pulled over by the cops, they open the trunk and--!). I’m a little sorry they didn’t.

    Sam being nerdy again. When they mentioned copper and the pennies I was thinking the same (about how older pennies had more copper), so hearing him say it on the show was great! Been a while since we’ve had nerdy!Sam. I miss him.

    Another woman steals the Impala! Grrr.

    Dean takes out the alpha and the underlings return to normal. And even monsters are afraid of the Darkness.

    Sam’s line “We are home”. I got misty. Awww, Sam.

    And Dean getting the Impala to start (both times) was just perfect. She’s always there for her boys, you know?

    Just a great episode and an old fashioned Kripke era type feel to it, as well. Enjoyed this one immensely.
    10--as perfect as "Baby" herself
    1--worse than a ghoul-pire

  • #2
    I liked this episode more then I thought. Having the impala featured in every shot made the episode better. Nice to see a new monster this time. Matt Cohen did a great job impersonating Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Matt's voice sounded just like Jeff's. I was getting some season 6 deja vu when the monster said he was building an army. I was surprised Cas didn't know what Netflix was after Metatron's download. Maybe Metatron didn't watch Netflix.


    • #3
      This was my favorite episode. It did the monster of the week, as well as touching on the arch of the show. All the things you all have just mentioned. This is one of the best episodes in years. It kept us guessing who "young John" was... speaking of...

      Young John - I'm calling it... definitely Lucifer. "I never could fool you" was a big clue, and the fact that Sam said "he said everything I 'wanted' to hear" which as Sam said was definitely not "Dad." Not to forget the violent and torture images.

      The darkness seems to be somewhat here, but not fully. Looks like that although unleashed in that weird smoke/cloud stuff that turned people, that inevitably they need Amara to be fully grown.

      It seems like since Dean and the darkness are bound, that he would have to sacrifice himself in order to stop it. If you remember what Sam said, he said, "when will we learn." Sam had to be a vessel for Lucifer, even though they talked Dean out of sacrificing his meat suit. Just recently instead of killing Sam and being sent to a different place/planet, Dean instead killed Death. It's always been about this sacrifice. Dean even made a deal to bring back Sam after he died, and had to die at the end of season 3. It's always been sacrificing themselves.

      I think this show ends with both Sam and Dean sacrificing themselves once and for all


      • #4
        Originally posted by demosthenes
        Young John - I'm calling it... definitely Lucifer.
        I don't know. Some fans have made a compelling argument for it being Gabriel/The Trickster (which I could totally see). I don't think young!John was God, as they series tried to hint at. Too obvious.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Welling_is_pretty
          I don't know. Some fans have made a compelling argument for it being Gabriel/The Trickster (which I could totally see). I don't think young!John was God, as they series tried to hint at. Too obvious.
          Totally forgot that it could be Gabriel! It actually makes a lot of sense too...


          • #6
            The line "I could never fool you," could refer to Mystery Spot where Gabriel was finally caught by Sam (pretending to be Bobby) but Dean was the one who figured him out in Changing Channels...



            • #7
              Originally posted by SuperSheltie
              The line "I could never fool you," could refer to Mystery Spot where Gabriel was finally caught by Sam (pretending to be Bobby) but Dean was the one who figured him out in Changing Channels...
              This is one of the things a lot of fans are pointing to as an indicator that it was Gabriel as John.

