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  • Pariah

    Title: Pariah
    Author: The Fallen Sky
    Rating: PG-13
    Pairing: Chlark
    Summary: Being a pariah in high school can be painful. However, some things are worth suffering for.
    Warning: PDA ahead!
    A/N: This is a Chlark one-shot, and it's told from Chloe's POV. This takes place during Chlark's Freshmen year of high school and is extremely AU. I'd tell you more, but I don't want to spoil the surprise.

    Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!

    She can feel their eyes on her, watching her, judging her as she walks down the hallway.

    It used to bother her, used to make her feel self-conscious, like she was a freak, but she's gotten used to it, or at least gotten good at ignoring it.

    She doesn't blame them for looking. If she were in their place, she'd look, too. It's human nature, and they're all just immature teenagers, so it'd be foolish to expect anything different.

    Still, the accusing and judgmental stares and the gossipy whispers do take a toll. She's cried herself to sleep on many occasions, even broke down a time or two in the privacy of the Torch office. Hearing yourself referred to as a slut, even when it's whispered under the breath of heartless and cruel teenagers, will do that to a girl.

    But she never lets on that she's affected by their words and looks. She always maintains a calm, impassive facade when prying eyes and ears are on her. She refuses to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they can hurt her, have hurt her and no doubt will continue to hurt her.

    She prides herself on her inner strength, on knowing that she can withstand anything and come out the other side a better person for it. And while that strength is tested on a daily basis, she's still standing, still holding her head high, and still confident that she'll survive this and make it through this stronger than ever.

    That's not to say that she hasn't thought about throwing their words back at them, blowing up and just telling them all to go to hell, but she always manages to hold her tongue. She just doesn't want to sink to their level. And what good would it do, anyway? If she lashed out at them, she'd just be giving them one more thing to criticize her for, and that's not something she's prepared to do.

    So, she keeps her eyes focused in front of her, pretends she doesn't know they're looking, pretends she can't hear them whispering, and continues on her way to her destination.

    *** *** *** *** ***

    The journey seems to take forever, but then everything seems to take longer these days. It comes with the territory, and it's not like she didn't know certain things would become more difficult as things progressed.

    Still, knowing what's waiting for her at her destination makes the effort completely worthwhile.

    As she rounds the corner, she can feel her pulse quicken, can feel her excitement grow and her mood improve.

    It still amazes her that she reacts this way, even when just thinking about what's waiting for her.

    Through the throng of students, which seems to part for her, she can see the first hint of plaid, red today, and it only causes her to quicken her pace.

    With each step, she sees a little more of him, the unruly dark hair, the handsome face, the lanky yet muscular upper body covered in flannel, the long, oh-so very long legs wearing faded and worn blue jeans and the enormous work boots at the very base of this tower of male perfection.

    She can already feel her smile beginning to form.

    He's gathering books from his locker, and it's almost as if he senses her approaching, because he turns his head in her direction, their eyes meet, and she can see the smile blossom on his face, making him more handsome than anyone has a right to be.

    Her small smile explodes into a full-on beaming one, and she practically skips the last few feet to him.

    She's immediately greeted by a warm embrace and a love-filled, though rather chaste, kiss.

    He breaks the kiss first, much to her disappointment, but his arms remain around her with hers around him, both of them staring lovingly into the other's eyes.

    The world around them seems to fall away, and it's just the two of them.

    God, how she loves these moments.

    Of course, all good things must come to an end, and their little bubble of bliss is popped when someone bumps into him, which pushes him slightly into her.

    His attention leaves her, his expression and mood immediately turning to one of annoyance as he shouts "Watch it!" to whomever performed the hit and run.

    She doesn't hear a response from the offender, but the fact that his expression softens makes her certain an apology was offered and silently accepted.

    As he turns his attention back to her, his face brightens and a small smile quickly finds its way to his lips, which she promptly kisses.

    This kiss lasts much longer and is more intense, though not hurried.

    The sound of the first warning bell, signaling that classes will be starting soon, pulls them from their moment of slowly simmering passion, much to both their disappointment.

    Luckily, they both have first period free, so there's no need to hurry, but they still need to get going, lest they be reprimanded for PDA, again.

    Smile still on his face, he finally speaks, his voice soft and filled with affection. "Good morning."

    She can't help but giggle at that, because they've already greeted each other with kisses, making the statement completely unnecessary, but she loves that he still says it.

    "Good morning to you, too." Her reply is bubbly, her voice touched with humor and affection, her eyes shining, her smile brilliant.

    "How are my girls today?" He asks as his hand moves from her back to her front, gently caressing the round curve of her belly.

    She has to fight the urge to purr and moan at his touch, because it just feels so damn good. Then again, all of his touches feel good.

    Instead, her eyes slip shut, and she places one of her hands over his, stilling its movement. At that exact moment, she feels a slight kick from inside her womb, and she hears him chuckle before saying, "Looks like someone's feeling frisky today."

    Before she can respond, she feels his lips against hers, a brief caress that makes her breathe a bit harder and her heart skip a beat.

    Slowly opening her eyes, she sees a look of joyous wonder on his face, and it makes her insides melt. She didn't think it was possible to love him more than she already does, but seeing that expression on his face and the light in his eyes just proved that it is possible.

    Her voice is soft and a bit teasing as she replies, "She's just like her mother, always getting excited by your touch."

    It takes a moment for the double meaning of her statement to register, but when it does, his cheeks turn red and his smile becomes sheepish.

    God, he's adorable
    , she thinks, even as a giggle escapes her at his reaction, and she rises up on her toes to give him a quick kiss in appreciation of his adorableness.

    As she settles back on her feet, dreamy smile on her lips, she hears the sound of a throat being cleared and turns to locate the source of the interruption.

    Standing a few feet away from them is Principal Kwan, and he's looking at them with mild disapproval, which can also be heard in his voice.

    "I hope I don't need to remind you about the school's policy on public displays of affection."

    She doesn't wait for Clark to answer, because she knows he's probably blushing profusely and unable to speak, so she replies matter-of-factly, "No, Principal Kwan. We're both well aware of the school's policy." She doesn't add, 'We're intimately aware, because we've both served enough detention for our PDA this year to last a lifetime.'

    He accepts her response at face value and adds, "Then I suggest you two get to class so I won't have to cite you both for being tardy, again."

    "Yes, sir. Clark was just gathering our books, weren't you, Clark?" She turns to him then, making eye contact to emphasize her point.

    It takes him a few seconds to react, but he turns to Principal Kwan and stammers out, "Y-yeah," before holding up his book-filled backpack as evidence.

    Seemingly satisfied, Principal Kwan gives them one last appraising look before turning and heading down the crowded hallway.

    "That was close." Clark says with a measure of relief as he watches Kwan walk away.

    Feeling naughty, she says in a mischievous voice, "Not as close as this," before stepping closer to Clark, pressing her body against his and giving him a toe-curling kiss that has them both panting when they break apart.

    The smoldering look he gives her after that kiss, along with the hardness she can feel pressing against her belly, make her feel incredibly sexy and powerful, and her body is practically screaming at her to indulge his desire for her, but her brain is still somewhat functioning, so she does the wise and responsible thing.

    "We should get going."

    She sees the disappointment in his eyes at her statement, but it's fleeting.

    He sighs and says in a softly resigned voice, "You're right."

    Not liking that she worked him up only to leave him hanging, and feeling incredibly bold, she looks at him with earnest eyes and says softly and in her most sincere voice, "You know, the darkroom in the Torch has a door that locks from the inside."

    He looks at her for a long moment, his eyes turning glassy, presumably from all the naughty fantasies racing through his mind, as her words sink in.

    After several seconds, he finally blinks, shakes off the cobwebs and gives her a goofily happy smile, which she returns in kind.

    He lightly caresses her cheek as he leans in and gives her a soft, promise-filled kiss before pulling back and saying with barely contained excitement and enthusiasm, "We better get moving, then. PDA is nice and definitely worth detention, but the things I wanna do with you will get us expelled if we do them out in the open."

    The implications of his words and the hungry look he's giving her makes her breath hitch, her pulse quicken and her whole body feel like it's on fire.

    It's all she can do to whisper, "Okay."

    With that, he slings his backpack over one shoulder, closes his locker, wraps an arm around her waist and begins leading her toward the Torch office.

    Eagerly anticipating what's to come, she snuggles into his side and revels in the feel of his warmth, the love and affection he has for her radiating off him in waves.

    As they walk down the hall and despite her euphoria, she can feel the eyes on her again, but the accusing and judgmental whispers are silent.

    It seems no one ever dares to speak badly of her when she's with Clark, probably because they fear his retribution, which is funny. After all, Clark's never been in a fight in his life. In fact, he's the most harmless, sweet and innocent man she's ever known. Still, when it comes to her, he's as fierce as a lion protecting his pride, and he can instill fear with nothing more than a look.

    She likes to think of herself as an independent, modern woman who doesn't need a man to protect her, but she can't deny that she loves feeling safe and protected in Clark's presence.

    Yes, people will continue to talk about her. She is 15 and pregnant, after all. And while it hurts to be judged and looked down upon, it's not such a high price to pay to be loved by someone as special and amazing as Clark.


  • #2
    A new Sky story, YAY!!! *dances a merry jig*

    Awww! This is so lovely! When I saw the title, I thought, 'Oh Gawd, she's served up another dish of angst,' but this couldn't be further from the truth. At first I thought maybe Chloe'd gotten caught cheating on Clark; then I thought maybe she and Clark had gotten caught having sex in public on school grounds, hence the shunning from everyone...but her and Clark having a baby was the last thing I expected (and makes perfect sense). The baby reveal was brilliantly done, and I really didn't suspect a thing; which is clearly what you were hoping for, you evil genius!

    Naturally, it's a bit of a worry to me that Chloe's knocked up at 15 (aieeeee!!! ), but I love that Clark is over the moon about it, and I'm totally convinced that Grandma Martha is the happiest Nan on the planet, and will support the young ones with whatever help they need. I'm sure Jonathan would have had some choice words to say about it, and I don't even want to think about how poor Gabe Sullivan took the news...but at the end of the day, CHLARK BAYBAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

    Lovely story, Sky. Short and sweet. Love it, and thanks so much for sharing!


    • #3
      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      Title: Pariah
      Author: The Fallen Sky
      Rating: PG-13
      Pairing: Chlark
      Summary: Being a pariah in high school can be painful. However, some things are worth suffering for.
      Warning: PDA ahead!
      A/N: This is a Chlark one-shot, and it's told from Chloe's POV. This takes place during Chlark's Freshmen year of high school and is extremely AU. I'd tell you more, but I don't want to spoil the surprise.

      Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!
      Ooh! A new Sky fic! I'm sure I will on both accounts!

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      She can feel their eyes on her, watching her, judging her as she walks down the hallway.

      It used to bother her, used to make her feel self-conscious, like she was a freak, but she's gotten used to it, or at least gotten good at ignoring it.

      She doesn't blame them for looking. If she were in their place, she'd look, too. It's human nature, and they're all just immature teenagers, so it'd be foolish to expect anything different.
      I'd watch, too! Chloe's absolutely gorgeous!

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      Still, the accusing and judgmental stares and the gossipy whispers do take a toll. She's cried herself to sleep on many occasions, even broke down a time or two in the privacy of the Torch office. Hearing yourself referred to as a slut, even when it's whispered under the breath of heartless and cruel teenagers, will do that to a girl.
      *Grabs shotgun* DFL angry!

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      But she never lets on that she's affected by their words and looks. She always maintains a calm, impassive facade when prying eyes and ears are on her. She refuses to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they can hurt her, have hurt her and no doubt will continue to hurt her.

      She prides herself on her inner strength, on knowing that she can withstand anything and come out the other side a better person for it. And while that strength is tested on a daily basis, she's still standing, still holding her head high, and still confident that she'll survive this and make it through this stronger than ever.
      *Settles down* Atta girl. They're not worth it. I totally feel that this is how Chloe would react to pressure at school in this situation, or any situation for that matter.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      The journey seems to take forever, but then everything seems to take longer these days. It comes with the territory, and it's not like she didn't know certain things would become more difficult as things progressed.

      Still, knowing what's waiting for her at her destination makes the effort completely worthwhile.

      As she rounds the corner, she can feel her pulse quicken, can feel her excitement grow and her mood improve.

      It still amazes her that she reacts this way, even when just thinking about what's waiting for her.

      Through the throng of students, which seems to part for her, she can see the first hint of plaid, red today, and it only causes her to quicken her pace.

      With each step, she sees a little more of him, the unruly dark hair, the handsome face, the lanky yet muscular upper body covered in flannel, the long, oh-so very long legs wearing faded and worn blue jeans and the enormous work boots at the very base of this tower of male perfection.

      She can already feel her smile beginning to form.
      Beautiful, I love the imagery of this scene. I think that's how Chloe reacts whenever she sees Clark even in canon. After all, even near the end of the show AM still had a crush on TW!

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      He's gathering books from his locker, and it's almost as if he senses her approaching, because he turns his head in her direction, their eyes meet, and she can see the smile blossom on his face, making him more handsome than anyone has a right to be.

      Her small smile explodes into a full-on beaming one, and she practically skips the last few feet to him.

      She's immediately greeted by a warm embrace and a love-filled, though rather chaste, kiss.

      He breaks the kiss first, much to her disappointment, but his arms remain around her with hers around him, both of them staring lovingly into the other's eyes.

      The world around them seems to fall away, and it's just the two of them.

      God, how she loves these moments.
      Lovely. You do have a way with words Sky! I only hope anything I ever write can ever match up to this kind of emotional imagery.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      Of course, all good things must come to an end, and their little bubble of bliss is popped when someone bumps into him, which pushes him slightly into her.

      His attention leaves her, his expression and mood immediately turning to one of annoyance as he shouts "Watch it!" to whomever performed the hit and run.

      She doesn't hear a response from the offender, but the fact that his expression softens makes her certain an apology was offered and silently accepted.

      As he turns his attention back to her, his face brightens and a small smile quickly finds its way to his lips, which she promptly kisses.

      This kiss lasts much longer and is more intense, though not hurried.
      I immensely enjoy that judging from her reaction Chloe's too enamored with Clark to pay attention to her surroundings. Totes canon.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      The sound of the first warning bell, signaling that classes will be starting soon, pulls them from their moment of slowly simmering passion, much to both their disappointment.
      To be fair, all bells in school bring disappointment to everyone, and every bell is a warning bell. It means that something extremely boring and annoyingly school-ey is about to happen!

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      Luckily, they both have first period free, so there's no need to hurry, but they still need to get going, lest they be reprimanded for PDA, again.

      Smile still on his face, he finally speaks, his voice soft and filled with affection. "Good morning."

      She can't help but giggle at that, because they've already greeted each other with kisses, making the statement completely unnecessary, but she loves that he still says it.

      "Good morning to you, too." Her reply is bubbly, her voice touched with humor and affection, her eyes shining, her smile brilliant.
      "Again!" I love that little addendum right there, gives me tingles, and the happy emotions displayed in their words as well.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      "How are my girls today?" He asks as his hand moves from her back to her front, gently caressing the round curve of her belly.

      She has to fight the urge to purr and moan at his touch, because it just feels so damn good. Then again, all of his touches feel good.

      Instead, her eyes slip shut, and she places one of her hands over his, stilling its movement. At that exact moment, she feels a slight kick from inside her womb, and she hears him chuckle before saying, "Looks like someone's feeling frisky today."

      Before she can respond, she feels his lips against hers, a brief caress that makes her breathe a bit harder and her heart skip a beat.
      Chloe's pregnant! -This! Oh my gawd!

      I do love the happiness that they continually show one another in these few sentences. Can't help but notice that there's a lot more smiles and a lot less drama compared to regular canon.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      Slowly opening her eyes, she sees a look of joyous wonder on his face, and it makes her insides melt. She didn't think it was possible to love him more than she already does, but seeing that expression on his face and the light in his eyes just proved that it is possible.

      Her voice is soft and a bit teasing as she replies, "She's just like her mother, always getting excited by your touch."

      It takes a moment for the double meaning of her statement to register, but when it does, his cheeks turn red and his smile becomes sheepish.

      God, he's adorable
      , she thinks, even as a giggle escapes her at his reaction, and she rises up on her toes to give him a quick kiss in appreciation of his adorableness.
      Yeah, he is. But not as adorable as the mother.

      I like that Clark's still in character in this scene. Even with them having sex I imagine him blushing at the slightest thing.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      As she settles back on her feet, dreamy smile on her lips, she hears the sound of a throat being cleared and turns to locate the source of the interruption.

      Standing a few feet away from them is Principal Kwan, and he's looking at them with mild disapproval, which can also be heard in his voice.

      "I hope I don't need to remind you about the school's policy on public displays of affection."

      She doesn't wait for Clark to answer, because she knows he's probably blushing profusely and unable to speak, so she replies matter-of-factly, "No, Principal Kwan. We're both well aware of the school's policy." She doesn't add, 'We're intimately aware, because we've both served enough detention for our PDA this year to last a lifetime.'

      He accepts her response at face value and adds, "Then I suggest you two get to class so I won't have to cite you both for being tardy, again."

      "Yes, sir. Clark was just gathering our books, weren't you, Clark?" She turns to him then, making eye contact to emphasize her point.

      It takes him a few seconds to react, but he turns to Principal Kwan and stammers out, "Y-yeah," before holding up his book-filled backpack as evidence.

      Seemingly satisfied, Principal Kwan gives them one last appraising look before turning and heading down the crowded hallway.

      "That was close." Clark says with a measure of relief as he watches Kwan walk away.
      Good job in keeping with canon Smallville there, I didn't expect that cameo, but I did laugh at how even Kwan seemed to realize that his efforts were fruitless, and Chlark's amusement.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      Feeling naughty, she says in a mischievous voice, "Not as close as this," before stepping closer to Clark, pressing her body against his and giving him a toe-curling kiss that has them both panting when they break apart.

      The smoldering look he gives her after that kiss, along with the hardness she can feel pressing against her belly, make her feel incredibly sexy and powerful, and her body is practically screaming at her to indulge his desire for her, but her brain is still somewhat functioning, so she does the wise and responsible thing.

      "We should get going."

      She sees the disappointment in his eyes at her statement, but it's fleeting.

      He sighs and says in a softly resigned voice, "You're right."

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      Not liking that she worked him up only to leave him hanging, and feeling incredibly bold, she looks at him with earnest eyes and says softly and in her most sincere voice, "You know, the darkroom in the Torch has a door that locks from the inside."

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      He looks at her for a long moment, his eyes turning glassy, presumably from all the naughty fantasies racing through his mind, as her words sink in.

      After several seconds, he finally blinks, shakes off the cobwebs and gives her a goofily happy smile, which she returns in kind.

      He lightly caresses her cheek as he leans in and gives her a soft, promise-filled kiss before pulling back and saying with barely contained excitement and enthusiasm, "We better get moving, then. PDA is nice and definitely worth detention, but the things I wanna do with you will get us expelled if we do them out in the open."
      Love it! And with the two of them doing that in public I'd think it more likely to get them straight A's.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      The implications of his words and the hungry look he's giving her makes her breath hitch, her pulse quicken and her whole body feel like it's on fire.

      It's all she can do to whisper, "Okay."

      With that, he slings his backpack over one shoulder, closes his locker, wraps an arm around her waist and begins leading her toward the Torch office.

      Eagerly anticipating what's to come, she snuggles into his side and revels in the feel of his warmth, the love and affection he has for her radiating off him in waves.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      As they walk down the hall and despite her euphoria, she can feel the eyes on her again, but the accusing and judgmental whispers are silent.

      It seems no one ever dares to speak badly of her when she's with Clark, probably because they fear his retribution, which is funny. After all, Clark's never been in a fight in his life. In fact, he's the most harmless, sweet and innocent man she's ever known. Still, when it comes to her, he's as fierce as a lion protecting his pride, and he can instill fear with nothing more than a look.

      She likes to think of herself as an independent, modern woman who doesn't need a man to protect her, but she can't deny that she loves feeling safe and protected in Clark's presence.
      Yeah, they better step off, or Kal'll cap 'em. Yeah!

      Still, does this mean that Chloe doesn't know about his powers?

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      Yes, people will continue to talk about her. She is 15 and pregnant, after all. And while it hurts to be judged and looked down upon, it's not such a high price to pay to be loved by someone as special and amazing as Clark.
      15!? Well, I knew it was early in the series, and I should've guessed by Kwan, but Damn. Still, I can get that he's so happy even at 15, all things considered. You hear a lot of horror stories, but I don't think Chlark'll regret a thing.

      Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
      Well, I wasn't expecting that little piece, surprisingly light for you, Sky! I LOVED it! An utterly amazing piece that gave me butterflies in my tummy-tum.

      It was, in all seriousness, fantastic! I was so inspired that I did an entire review, which, if you know me (Which you should by now. ) you'll acknowledge as unusual.

      No offence to anyone else out there, but this is now officially one of my, if not the, favourite stories. My only regret is that it wouldn't be continued. I'd so love to see their parent's reactions, and Lex's, Lana's and Pete's, and her finding out about his powers, thinking of a name, actually finding out the gender, him being all protective of her and finding out about the pregnancy, ect.

      If ever you decide to expand the fic, write a sequel or continue from here I gladly offer my services as idea bouncer and Beta. (However unlikely it may be.) Because this was awesome!
      Last edited by Darkfirelight; 02-05-2014, 07:34 AM.


      • #4
        You're havin' my baby
        What a lovely way of sayin'
        How much you love me

        You're havin' my baby
        What a lovely way of sayin'
        What you're thinkin' of me

        I can see it, your face is glowing
        I can see it in your eyes
        I'm happy you know it

        That you're havin' my baby
        You're the woman I love
        And I love what it's doin' to ya
        You're havin' my baby
        You're a woman in love
        And I love what's goin' through ya

        The need inside you
        I see it showin'
        Whoa, the seed inside you
        Baby, do you feel it growin'
        Are you happy you know it

        That you're havin' my baby
        You're the woman I love
        And I love what it's doin' to ya
        You're havin' my baby
        You're a woman in love
        And I love what's goin' through ya

        Didn't have to keep it
        Wouldn't put you through it
        You could have swept it from you life
        But you wouldn't do it
        No, you wouldn't do it

        And you're havin' my baby
        You're the woman I love
        And I love what it's doin' to ya
        You're havin' my baby
        You're a woman in love
        And I love what's goin' through ya

        You're havin' my baby
        You're the woman I love
        And I love what it's doin' to ya
        And you're havin' my baby
        You're a woman in love
        And I love what's goin' through ya
        Yeah you're havin' my baby.


        • #5
          Ooh! Reviews and comments! Comments and reviews! YAY!!!!!

          Thank you so much Dee, DFL and Karsten! I'll be back to reply to each of your reviews/comments as soon as I'm able.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BabyDee
            A new Sky story, YAY!!! *dances a merry jig*

            YAY!!! Dee dancing a jig!! *sits back and watches in rapt fascination*

            Awww! This is so lovely!

            When I saw the title, I thought, 'Oh Gawd, she's served up another dish of angst,' but this couldn't be further from the truth.
            I completely understand your initial concerns, especially given the title and my history of writing angst. However, I'm glad I could surprise you.

            At first I thought maybe Chloe'd gotten caught cheating on Clark;
            Not a bad thought, but I've already done that in a story, and I'm not fond of either of them cheating on the other.

            then I thought maybe she and Clark had gotten caught having sex in public on school grounds, hence the shunning from everyone
            Sounds like something I'd have them do. Alas, that's not the reason for the shunning, but public sex may be in Chlark's future.

            ...but her and Clark having a baby was the last thing I expected (and makes perfect sense). The baby reveal was brilliantly done, and I really didn't suspect a thing; which is clearly what you were hoping for, you evil genius!
            Yay! I'm thrilled that I could surprise you like that. It's not often a writer can do that, especially when the reader knows you so well, as you do me. By the way, huge thanks for the evil genius moniker.

            Naturally, it's a bit of a worry to me that Chloe's knocked up at 15 (aieeeee!!! ),
            I figured you'd have some concerns, but stuff happens, especially when teenagers are in love...or just horny.

            but I love that Clark is over the moon about it,
            Believe me, no one is happier than Clark is about Chloe being pregnant. Not only has he proven that he, an alien, can have children with a human, but he also knows he won't be alone, which has always been his number one fear.

            and I'm totally convinced that Grandma Martha is the happiest Nan on the planet, and will support the young ones with whatever help they need.
            Absolutely. I'm sure she was worried and a bit disappointed in Clark and Chloe at first, but once she accepted that this baby was on its way, she'd no doubt be thrilled. After all, she's gonna be a grandma, and she's gonna have a baby to dote on, which is something she's always wanted. And, to top it off, she's got herself a brand new daughter in Chloe, because you know Martha will consider her family, and I'm pretty sure Chlark's wedding isn't far off.

            I'm sure Jonathan would have had some choice words to say about it,
            That's putting it mildly. He, no doubt, tore Clark a new one about being irresponsible and lectured him on how difficult it's gonna be raising a child. Then, there's Jonathan's increased worry about keeping Clark's secret and protecting him, the baby and Chloe from anyone who might want to exploit/study them, like Lionel. I wouldn't be surprised if Jonathan suffered a mild heart attack when he heard the news.

            and I don't even want to think about how poor Gabe Sullivan took the news
            He probably just went blank and then convinced himself that he was having a horrible nightmare. When he realized it was real, he probably went out to buy a shotgun.

            ...but at the end of the day, CHLARK BAYBAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

            Chlark baby, FTW!!!!!! This is a beautiful image of the Chlark family, btw.

            Lovely story, Sky. Short and sweet. Love it, and thanks so much for sharing!

            *beams and takes a bow* Thank you so much for the awesome review and all the love, Dee! I'm positively thrilled that you enjoyed this, babes!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Darkfirelight
              Ooh! A new Sky fic! I'm sure I will on both accounts!
              Yep, new fic. Huzzah!

              I'd watch, too! Chloe's absolutely gorgeous!
              Trudat!! And while I would love watching her stroll by, I don't think the people in the story are exactly appreciating her beauty or thinking highly of her.

              *Grabs shotgun* DFL angry!
              Easy there, cowboy. Violence is not the answer. Well, maybe it is, sometimes, but not the lethal variety.

              *Settles down* Atta girl. They're not worth it. I totally feel that this is how Chloe would react to pressure at school in this situation, or any situation for that matter.
              Indeed. She's got a good head on her shoulders. She knows how to pick her battles, and this is one battle that isn't worth fighting.

              Beautiful, I love the imagery of this scene. I think that's how Chloe reacts whenever she sees Clark even in canon. After all, even near the end of the show AM still had a crush on TW!
              I wholeheartedly agree. She's in love, so seeing Clark just makes her happy, and Chloe happy and in love is always beautiful.

              Lovely. You do have a way with words Sky! I only hope anything I ever write can ever match up to this kind of emotional imagery.
              *blushes* Aw! You're too kind, but thank you. And I think you underestimate yourself when it comes to emotional imagery. You do know how to spin a yarn.

              I immensely enjoy that judging from her reaction Chloe's too enamored with Clark to pay attention to her surroundings. Totes canon.
              You mean, there are things in existence other than Clark? The hell you say! But seriously, I do think Chloe tends to ignore most everything when Clark is around, and I don't blame her.

              To be fair, all bells in school bring disappointment to everyone, and every bell is a warning bell. It means that something extremely boring and annoyingly school-ey is about to happen!
              Too true!

              "Again!" I love that little addendum right there, gives me tingles, and the happy emotions displayed in their words as well.
              Did you really think this was Chlark's first foray into the world of PDA? Dude, Chloe's pregnant. There have been all kinds of displays of affection, both private and public, between Chlark. But I'm glad I could give you tingles. And, boy, did that sound dirty.

              Chloe's pregnant! -This! Oh my gawd!
              Ah, I see you hadn't gotten to the 'Chloe's pregnant' bit yet. My bad. But, yes, Chloe is indeed preggers. That's what happens when Public Displays of Affection go Private.

              I do love the happiness that they continually show one another in these few sentences. Can't help but notice that there's a lot more smiles and a lot less drama compared to regular canon.
              Well, I didn't like all the drama between Chlark and the Lana obsession in the early seasons, so I just eliminated it, choosing instead to go with the way things should've gone, had TPTB had brains. After all, we all know that Chlark are perfect for each other, and that if Clark had returned her feelings from the beginning, they'd have been immeasurably happy, just like in my story.

              Yeah, he is. But not as adorable as the mother.
              It's a pretty close call on the adorable front. We could call it a tie until their baby is born, then it's no contest. Chlark babies always win when it comes to adorableness.

              I like that Clark's still in character in this scene. Even with them having sex I imagine him blushing at the slightest thing.
              Absolutely. He's probably done all kinds of freaky stuff with Chloe, but thinking about it or talking about it still makes him blush. He's just sweet like that, which is a huge part of his charm.

              Good job in keeping with canon Smallville there, I didn't expect that cameo, but I did laugh at how even Kwan seemed to realize that his efforts were fruitless, and Chlark's amusement.
              Including Kwan was a must. I liked him on the show and was disappointed that they killed him off. And yes, Kwan is well aware that trying to put a stop to Chlark's PDA is a losing proposition, but he's gotta keep up appearances.

              Yeah, it sucks that they had to put the brakes on, but I don't think having sex in the hall would be a wise move.

              Well, just because she doesn't want to have sex in the hall doesn't mean that she doesn't want to have sex.

              Love it! And with the two of them doing that in public I'd think it more likely to get them straight A's.
              Thought you might enjoy that. And if we're talking grades for that, well, let's just say that Chlark would easily earn enough credits to graduate with but one session of that.

              Isn't it, though?

              Yeah, they better step off, or Kal'll cap 'em. Yeah!
              Cap 'em, burn 'em to a crisp, crush 'em into little balls of goo, it's all good.

              Still, does this mean that Chloe doesn't know about his powers?
              You know, I never even thought of that, but now that you mention it, I think she's definitely aware of his powers and his origins. See, when I envision Chlark's relationship and how it started, I think they instantly knew that they were meant to be together the day they first met. I also believe that they're friendship was instant and profound and that their journey to romance was a natural thing. By that I mean that they just naturally did the things couples do, like hold hands, sit close together while watching TV or movies, and, at some point, they just started kissing occasionally. As things progressed, they never had to define what they were, just friends or a couple, because they both just knew, and the pace at which things moved was set by them both simply by them knowing when the time was right for each new milestone.

              So, I have to believe that, at some point, Clark found out he's an alien, and that upset him greatly, like on the show, but it was Chloe he went to, and he felt comfortable enough with her to tell her the truth about himself, and he also shared his concern that she might not love him knowing that he's not human. To his relief, Chloe quickly reassured him that she loved him no matter what, whether he was human or alien, and that lead to them consummating their relationship, physically, for the first time. At least, that's how I envision it in my head.

              Anyway, Chloe does know about Clark and his powers, but he doesn't use them against normal people, hence he's never been in a 'fight.' I'm sure he's fought meteor mutants, but that doesn't count here.

              15!? Well, I knew it was early in the series, and I should've guessed by Kwan, but Damn. Still, I can get that he's so happy even at 15, all things considered. You hear a lot of horror stories, but I don't think Chlark'll regret a thing.
              I know 15 is pretty young to be having kids, and it's not the best of ideas, but I felt this situation was unique. After all, Chlark aren't exactly your typical teenagers, and their love is built to last. Add to that having the Kents as grandparents, and I think Chlark will be just fine.

              Well, I wasn't expecting that little piece, surprisingly light for you, Sky!
              Glad I could surprise you. And while I don't do light and fluffy a lot, I'm at least capable.

              I LOVED it! An utterly amazing piece that gave me butterflies in my tummy-tum.

              It was, in all seriousness, fantastic! I was so inspired that I did an entire review, which, if you know me (Which you should by now. ) you'll acknowledge as unusual.
              *blushes and beams* I'm so thrilled that you enjoyed this, and I'm honored and humbled that you were so moved by it that you, a man of few words, did this amazing uber review.

              No offence to anyone else out there, but this is now officially one of my, if not the, favourite stories.
              *iz stunned but pleased and bows in deference* You honor me.

              My only regret is that it wouldn't be continued. I'd so love to see their parent's reactions, and Lex's, Lana's and Pete's, and her finding out about his powers, thinking of a name, actually finding out the gender, him being all protective of her and finding out about the pregnancy, ect.

              If ever you decide to expand the fic, write a sequel or continue from here I gladly offer my services as idea bouncer and Beta. (However unlikely it may be.) Because this was awesome!
              I'm so sorry to disappoint you by not continuing this. Truly, I only envisioned this moment of Chlark's life and hadn't considered anything else beyond this point. Plus, I'm usually of the mind that it's better to leave 'em wanting more than to drag things out and possibly ruin what otherwise is a great story. However, if ever I should feel like continuing this or simply playing in this verse again, I thank you for your offer of idea bouncer and Beta and may take you up on it.

              Thank you so much for your lovely and wonderfully thoughtful comments and for the fantastic review! It means the world to me that you stepped out of your comfort zone and went above and beyond, because my words spoke to and inspired you. *hugs*


              • #8
                Originally posted by DJ Doena
                You're havin' my baby
                What a lovely way of sayin'
                How much you love me

                You're havin' my baby
                What a lovely way of sayin'
                What you're thinkin' of me

                I can see it, your face is glowing
                I can see it in your eyes
                I'm happy you know it

                That you're havin' my baby
                You're the woman I love
                And I love what it's doin' to ya
                You're havin' my baby
                You're a woman in love
                And I love what's goin' through ya

                The need inside you
                I see it showin'
                Whoa, the seed inside you
                Baby, do you feel it growin'
                Are you happy you know it

                That you're havin' my baby
                You're the woman I love
                And I love what it's doin' to ya
                You're havin' my baby
                You're a woman in love
                And I love what's goin' through ya

                Didn't have to keep it
                Wouldn't put you through it
                You could have swept it from you life
                But you wouldn't do it
                No, you wouldn't do it

                And you're havin' my baby
                You're the woman I love
                And I love what it's doin' to ya
                You're havin' my baby
                You're a woman in love
                And I love what's goin' through ya

                You're havin' my baby
                You're the woman I love
                And I love what it's doin' to ya
                And you're havin' my baby
                You're a woman in love
                And I love what's goin' through ya
                Yeah you're havin' my baby.
                You know, I've never cared much for this particular song, but it's very apropos. Hmm, I wonder if Clark sang this to Chloe when he found out she's pregnant?

                Anyway, thanks so much for the truly inspired comment, Karsten!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The Fallen Sky
                  You know, I've never cared much for this particular song, but it's very apropos. Hmm, I wonder if Clark sang this to Chloe when he found out she's pregnant?
                  Clark Kent and Karaoke? Isn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse?


                  • #10
                    Thank YOU for the amazing fic!

                    While I am sad that there won't be more, the offer still stands, for both this and any other Chlark fics that you may think of. It also inspired me to start properly writing my own, as I promised another author a while back. Glad you liked my review.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DJ Doena
                      Clark Kent and Karaoke? Isn't that one of the signs of the apocalypse?
                      I was wondering what all that fire and brimstone falling from the sky was all about.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Darkfirelight
                        Thank YOU for the amazing fic!
                        You're quite welcome.

                        While I am sad that there won't be more, the offer still stands, for both this and any other Chlark fics that you may think of.
                        Again, sorry to disappoint you by not continuing this. As for your offer of assistance with this or other Chlark fics I may write, I really appreciate it, and I can't thank you enough for caring so much or for your enthusiastic support.

                        It also inspired me to start properly writing my own, as I promised another author a while back.
                        Inspiring you to write your own fic is perhaps the greatest compliment anyone has ever given me.

                        Glad you liked my review.
                        How could I not like your uber review? It was fantastic.

                        By the way, I LOVE your new avatar!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          Thank you! I love it too.


                          • #14
                            Very nice.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by trinna
                              Very nice.
                              Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, trinna.

