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Meg and Cas

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  • Meg and Cas

    So just so i understand were we to believe that Meg and Cas had a relationship when he was in the hospital?

    Also Nioami and Crowly had one too?

  • #2
    Don't know about Naomi and Crowley, although I'm pretty sure that something happened between the two of them....although Crowley is not as old as Naomi appears to be....I think Crowley said Messopitamia (sp?)....that would have been waaay longer than Crowley was around....

    Meg and Cas in the hospital I don't think had a relationship at all. They are referring more to the "pizza" man which was in the episode Caged Heat....before that, they just kind of bantered a bit....Cas and Meg first had a "moment" when he used her to break the ring of fire....

    CrazyCas woke up in the hospital and there was Meg who was keeping an eye on him while he was comatose. I think Cas always crushed on her, and I think there were offscreen moments between them, but not anything more physical than Cas planting one on her in Caged Heat.

    I hope we get a moment where he finally finds out who Clarence is....

    I really really didn't like Meg getting killed off...BUT this IS Supernatural....


    • #3
      What Megstiel had was love. Sicko Crowley and Naomi was just pure lust How dare you compare the two!!!!

