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There's Only 5 Things In All Of Creation...

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  • #16
    You make a valid point about God, yes, but you should also take note that arcangels and angels as a whole is one creation in itself. Why separate them one through four?


    • #17
      1. man-bear-pig
      2. angels
      3. horsemen
      4. reapers
      5. god


      • #18
        Originally posted by mohxinn
        Guys we are missing the main thing here. Lucifer said that the colt can't kill 5 things in all of creation

        God is not a creation.
        you have a good point there

        you cant kill death everyone knows that. it would create a paradox. i think you cant kill any of the 4 horseman. war said "you cant kill me" or something like that and dean said "we know" and choped off his finger that doesnt mean you cant make them bleed just you cant kill them. im sure war grew his finger back he just didnt have his ring anymore.

        as for angels we know the gun can kill them or cas would have said something although we do know that the only thing that can kill an angel is another angel. so that leaves a question


        • #19
          Well if you can kill Horsemen, then yes, I think Death can die. It's the Reapers that take souls to the afterlife, Death(as the Horseman) is just one of those entities that help further progress Armageddon. I don't think Death has anything to do, in SPN lore, with souls and the afterlife, and what not.

          And I don't think the Colt can kill an angel. Castiel didn't say anything otherwise because perhaps he didn't know, or maybe he was trying to support that idea, even though he kept calling it a stupid idea. But, from what we saw in "Abandon All Hope", I think that shows proof that the Colt doesn't work on angels. It'll hurt the vessel and hurt the angel(for a moment), but it doesn't kill the angel.


          • #20
            Hey. I'm just noticing that of all the people that are listing archangels by name they are not taking into account that there are generally considered to be around 7 angels. The fact that we have only seen 2 and heard talk about 1 more does not mean that even in supernatural lore the other 4 don't exist. Just thought i'd point that out.

            There is also no mention that Lucifer is an archangel, just that he is Michael's brother. So I think that the 5 things in all creation are more likely to be categories of beings with angels being one of them. Obviously God is not one of them since he is not a product of creation.

            Realistically I think the list should go like this:
            1. Archangels/Some of the higher choirs of angels (Lucifer included)
            2. Horsemen
            3. Humans (this is a long shot and probably wrong, but I reckon there not actually affected by the colts supernatural effects just the damaging effects of the ballistics.)
            3/2. The Beast (Just had an afterthought might be Jesus)
            4. The Holy Spirit
            5. The anticrist

            All the stuff about it killing reapers is i think pure speculation. As they are only carriers of the dead, like Charon in Dante's Divine Comedy, I believe the Colt would be able to kill them. But Death, the Horsemen as with the others the Colt is unable to kill, is more a construct which is vital to the function of the order of things. The apocalypse is supposed to happen, and with that comes a number of prerequisites. Which include the Second Coming, The Antichrist, The Horsemen, Lucifer, and the Holy Spirit (which probably won't come into any storyline but as a concept...).

            I understand there are probably a lot of things wrong with the theories in this post. Also probably a lot of contradictions (Ironic huh?), but its late and i'm tired. So any questions about the theories PM me.
            Last edited by NicoX; 11-23-2009, 04:19 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • #21
              Hmmm, soon as he said that I immediately thought "what are the other 3?" (cause angels and God were two obvious choices.)

              I agree that it probably cannot kill Reapers and the idea that it can't kill the Horsemen also seems very plausible (how can you kill Famine, War or Pestilence??) So there's one more on the list and I wonder what it is?


              • #22
                I just had a thought. In "Heaven and Hell", Anna mentions that only 4 angels have seen God's face. I'm assuming that Michael and Lucifer are two out of the 4. So perhaps the 5 things the Colt can't kill are:

                1. God
                2. Lucifer
                3. Michael
                4. Archangel that has seen God's face
                5. Archangel that has seen God's face

                ----- Added 3 Minutes later -----

                Originally posted by xrayvision
                I don't think the things are specific beings but classes of beings. I doubt they could kill a Horseman with it. Well, maybe war, but not Death. Unless Death will be killed towards the end because once that happens, then the reapers have no more power and it will be like that Death Takes a Holiday episode.

                So I think Archangels are one class (Lucifer, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel). God is another. The Horsemen may be another (though War getting his fingers chopped off is giving me some doubts about this). Reapers may be another since they are agents of death and would likely be unkillable, though the demons killed one of them in Death Takes a Holiday. If it is God & the 4 Archangels, then that would mean that Jesse is can definitely be killed by it. But I would really think Death would be one of those 5 things, so I'm guessing the 5 things are classes of beings.
                In "Death Takes A Holiday", it was shown that Death's weapon (scythe?) that Alastair was using could kill Reapers. I don't know if Death (Angel of/The Horsemen) can be killed.

                I think Jesse can be killed by the Colt. He is part demon. Maybe the Colt could kill of his demon side.
                Last edited by Spirit Detective; 11-23-2009, 11:55 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • #23
                  Nice.... er, um, sleuthing there Detective.

                  It has a great ring to it, that God's eternal light in their eyes would set the 5 apart and make them unkillable. I like that idea.
                  I was just going to say that the Horseman Death was referred to as an angel of death in this ep, in case that's significant here.

                  And God is present within Creation, even though He also stands outside of it. So we can't rule out the possibility He's one of the 5. Semantics.


                  • #24
                    First of all throw out anything that has to do with accepted bible lore because the show is already so far off. In lore azazel is also a fallen angel which if for some reason the show left this out then this means angels are killable. Although this shouldn't be ruled out since he is the only demon with yellow eyes to date. However assuming that he is just a demon shows that the show does not follow lore. So either angels can be killed by the colt for sure or the show just dosn't follow all the lore proving that the writers can choose to write the story as they choose. It's a show for entertainment so be entertained the show isn't meant to be religious at all.

                    That being said death and god obviously can not be killed. As death said he reaps god and that would be the true apocalypse. While death is supposedly killable by his own scythe it is only rumored by a demon not confirmed. So that makes 2 things.

                    Now lucifer makes 3 and because of his role in the apocalypse it is safe to assume Michael is in that mix so that makes 4. Unless of course it means all archangels in general making it only 3, or all angels in general making it 3 still (assuming we threw out lore and azazel didn't fall.)

                    Thats all a bit confusing but basically all I'm trying to say is well never know until the writers make up their minds and tell us.

                    On the note of sam and dean being immune thats stupid its a bullet bullets killed them before they can die again from any gun as well as any human. Sam and dean are only "immune" due to the fact that they are so important they will be resurrected if killed by anything.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Spirit Detective
                      In "Death Takes A Holiday", it was shown that Death's weapon (scythe?) that Alastair was using could kill Reapers. I don't know if Death (Angel of/The Horsemen) can be killed.
                      I would say reapers are among the five things that cannot be killed by the Colt, as Death's scythe seems to be a far more powerful weapon than the Colt, which would make sense as to why a reaper's death, let alone two reapers, are part of the 66 Seals, and they must die by using the scythe.

                      I'd say, though, from after watching "Two and a Half Men":

                      1.) God
                      2.) The Four Horsemen(especially Death since he's basically God's brother as they're likely the same age as each other, or maybe Death is the "father" of God since he could also be older; War, Famine and Pestilence aren't dead as they're still alive for the Apocalypse to happen once again, but they're just "gone" for the time being as their rings are being used at the moment)
                      3.) Angels and Archangels
                      4.) Reapers
                      5.) the Alphas


                      • #26
                        Here is the top four most powerful beings in the supernatural world.


                        Many of you are like "how is death better then God!" Well in "Two minites to midnight" it said that death will kill God in the end and that Death was born before God.

                        God is obivious because...well because hes God

                        Michael is before Lucifer because it is stated God chose Michael in the beginning as his Military leader for his angels.


                        • #27
                          Taking it a little to seriously

                          I think that when Lucifer said there was only 5 things that the colt couldn't kill, he didn't mean that there where 5 beings that it couldn't kill but 5 types of beings that it couldn't kill and here is my list
                          (P.S if you haven't seen season 6 then reading this might not be a good idea)

                          1. Devils- Lucifer (as he is the one who said it) - Crowley (When Lucifer went back into the cage he became the new devil and when he went and talked to bobby, bobby shot him with a gun that i can only assume was the colt)

                          2. creators- God (as the creator of all things i think he might be immune to the colt but he may not as death said that even god will die so he may not be immune to the colt) - Eve (she created all monsters so i assume she has enough power to survive a gun shot)

                          3. Death (and by extension the other horsemen)- (death said it himself that he cannot die as you cannot rid the world of death and i believe that the others are immortal as well on the principles that the world will always suffer famine pestilence and war so until these things are removed the horsemen will always have power)

                          4. angles- (cass said that only an angle can kill an angle and i don't think it means if a human tried to punch an angle to death it wouldn't work but if an angle tried it it would i think he means angelic weapons such as an arch angles blade or that angle oil fire stuff)

                          5. sam (sorry but no dean)- (Lilith's death wasn't the final seal. Ruby even explains it to Sam, "the first demon made of man" is the final seal. Sam drank enough demon blood to become a demon, even only for a moment. His impetus was killing Lilith, but had he used that much demonic power in any other fashion it still would have freed Lucifer. Sam was the first because other demons were created as a separate race by Lucifer. so as he is the only demon so far that was not created by Lucifer he possess incredible power when in his demon form)(not dean because dean is just human and at his most powerful he is a suite for a powerful angle to go out to dinner in and is really nothing more)

                          Thank you for reading all of this i know it was long


                          • #28
                            5 things in all of creation...

                            Death and God are not creations.. right?

                            So you have

                            1) Archangels
                            2) Reapers
                            3) Horsemen

                            Don't know if you can count the leviathans and mother of all. Castiel didn't knew about the existence of the leviathans so i doubt lucifer knew about this...

                            But i'm sure that we are never going to know this thing right, it's just one think that the writers are never going to answer.


                            • #29
                              1.) Angels and Arcangels
                              2.) Horsemen
                              3.) Reapers
                              4.) Leviathans
                              5.)...the Mother of All maybe?


                              • #30
                                1.) Angels and Arcangels
                                2.) Horsemen
                                3.) Reapers
                                4.) Leviathans
                                5.)...the Mother of All maybe?

                                I like this list the most. It doesn't make sense that he was talking about specific beings, considering there is now another Archangel we haven't seen and if they stick to real world lore Metatron is higher up in power and rank than even Michael and thus would have greater resistance than Lucifer. I never agreed with God being on the list as it should be a given and he is not a thing in Creation, he would have had to be around before creation and thus is outside of it and would not be affected they way the find God necklace can't find him it he doesn't want it to. Considering the lengths they had to go through to kill Eve (they could have just brought the Colt back instead of trying to get Phoenix ashes, if the gun would have worked on her) and Dick. I agree Leviathan and Eve (even though she may be one herself or at least some variant) belong on the list. If it turns out Eve is just a Leviathan (as hinted) I'd replace her with fairies they seem to be pretty powerful don't fear angles (to the point of scoffing at their powers) or anything else, and also seem to have very specific weaknesses none of which involve being able to kill them, only keep them busy long enough to banish them. Except the tinks, whom I suspect are not fairies but pixies which originally were not the same as fairies and their lore got crossed in more modern times.

