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Beyond Smallville: Time Shards 3

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  • Beyond Smallville: Time Shards 3


    Chapter 1

    Red Shard – Clark begins the final leg of his Time Shards trilogy. The odyssey carries him into previously unknown lands, where he must continue his quest for an elite group of super beings that will become the Justice League, and The Legion of Superheroes.

    The Hex Factor: Guest Starring Zatanna

    Pairing: Clark/Lois. Clark/Diana

    Clark and the talented magician Zatanna tumbled onto the floor of the barn loft hideaway that was home to Clark for many years of his early life. “Ouch!” Zatanna rubbed her tender buttocks. “Is it too much to ask for a seatbelt?” She asked him cynically.

    Clark smirked. “You’re the one that wanted to fly Clark Kent airlines.” He quipped, helping Zatanna to her feet. The promising young sorceress checked her magic spell book first for damage. The ancient brown leather bound book was unscathed. She checked the yellowed pages as well.

    “Not that I’m complaining, but why would you want to hitch a ride out of a time line?” Clark began to grill Zatanna, having a general mistrust of any magical being. “How’re you planning to get back? I mean what if a shard fails, and you die or get stuck outside of time?”

    “Not to worry, Clark.” Zatanna said. “Once I’m here, I can spell cast my way around the realm. Also, my crystal ball instructed me to go along with you on your adventure.” Clark stared at her blankly. “Aw come on! A crystal ball?” Zatanna scowled. “Ye of little faith. Magic is more than pulling rabbits out of hats, making coins appear or disappear, or sawing people in half.”

    “Are you sure you can control all this?” Clark scoffed. “Magic is more of a faith or a type of religion.” Zatanna explained. “It’s a tool, a tool that requires a skill. I use magic as easily as you can use a hammer and nails.” Clark nodded, unsure if the leggy beauty actually answered his question.

    “Smallville! What the hell?” A familiar shrill voice hollered up from the loft staircase. “Why is it that every time I see you lately, I either wind up with a major headache or short term memory loss?” Clark and Zatanna exchanged glances. Lois climbed up the stairs removing pieces of straw from her golden brown hair. “Do I know you from somewhere?” She questioned Zatanna.

    “Uh oh!” Zatanna remarked. “Yeah! Big time!” Clark shook his head. “Mind you, I’m a patient woman.” Lois continued her minor rant. “I don’t mind having one of our lip locks interrupted, but to find you sprawled out in the loft with another woman is pushing it, don’t you think?”

    “This is my friend, Zatanna.” Clark reddened. “A pleasure.” Lois forced herself to be civil and shook the young spell caster’s hand. “Zatanna…Zatanna…” Lois winced. “Oh yeah. You were at my cousin Chloe’s birthday party at the Ace of Clubs. I assume you’re not doing a personal magic show for my boyfriend.” Clark flushed a deeper red as Lois referred to him.

    “We’re actually working.” Clark began lamely. “Okay, I’ll bite! Whatcha workin on?” Lois absently grabbed Zatanna’s spell book. “Neat old book!” She commented as a horrified look crossed Zatanna’s face. “Lois! Don’t touch that…” It was too late. The book spun in Lois’s hands.

    The books pages flipped as a bright yellow and white light poured from it nearly blinding Lois. “Oh crap!” Zatanna exclaimed. She grabbed Clark’s hand and then Lois’s. They subsequently disappeared in a puff of white smoke. The barn was empty. A few strands of hay smoldered in the dusty daylight.

    “Wah!” Lois yelled as they reappeared in a green meadow flanked by a creeping whitish silver fog. The air smelled dank and musty. Clark wrinkled his nose at a familiar, though pungent aroma. Zatanna stood nearby, fuming. “Lois! Give me the book!” She ordered curtly.

    Lois ignored her, instead focusing on her feet. “Ew! What the hell did I step in?” Clark fought back a laugh, remembering that it was likely a dangerous situation that they’d soon find themselves in. He hadn’t long to wait. A galloping group of horsemen approached.

    They were traveling at a high speed based on estimates by Clark’s superior hearing. “Uh Lois, maybe you’d better get…” He began as the first of the riders approached them. “Out of the way, scarlet wench!” The first grubby horseman yelled. Lois half turned to face him. “What did you…?”

    “Move thine arse, maiden, or I shall smite you myself!” A second angry rider bellowed as he quickly approached Lois’s position. “Lois!” Clark dove at her waist, using a textbook football tackle, and his blinding speed. Zatanna dove in the opposite direction when it became clear that the horsemen wouldn’t stop. Clark intercepted Lois and the two of them flew into a thick, greenish hedge.

    Zatanna, meanwhile, flipped backwards onto a muddy rise. Apparently the experienced magic user had some surprisingly swift moves of her own. “Smallville! As much as I would enjoy a roll in the grass with you, this is hardly the time or place.” Lois, ever quick witted, responded.

    “That’s just it, Lois. We have no idea what you’ve done.” Clark rebuked her as he helped her back on her feet. “Maybe we should start with what exactly you two were doing!” Lois countered, ineffectively trying to keep the angry edge out of her voice.

    “This is exactly why I can’t stand magic!” Clark complained as they crossed back over to Zatanna’s side of the gravely, mucky roadway. “Kent! Don’t start!” Zatanna snapped, as she vaulted back towards them. “Nice gymnastics, bad attitude!” Lois checked out the young magician.

    “Magic is like a weapon. It can be used for good or evil, defense or offense.” Zatanna lectured, as her tone softened just a bit. “I thought that you said that you could control this magic power of yours.” Clark retorted. “I can. Lois can’t. In fact, I’m at a loss to explain why Lois was able to do any magic at all.” Zatanna narrowed her big brown eyes.

    “Okay, I appreciate your close contact with me, Smallville, but I’d hardly call it magical.” Lois sniped. “The book, Lois.” Zatanna held out her hand, palm upward. “Fine, here’s your damn book!” Lois tossed the ancient text across the dusty road. Zatanna was barely able to snag it, before it would hit the ground. Clark brushed his tousled hair off of his forehead.

    “Anyway.” Lois smiled lustily. “I enjoyed your heroics, Clark, and your attempt at defending my honor.” Zatanna rolled her eyes. “Oh for…” Clark put up his hands in resignation. “Whatever! Zatanna, can you just get us out of here before something else happens?”

    “It’s not that simple, Clark.” Zatanna brushed off the spell book. “It never is.” Clark groaned. “Lois possessed the book and did magic. We must undo what she’s done.” Zatanna explained patiently.

    “Lois, have you ever had any magical experience before?” She inquired. “Well, there was this one guy, that I …” Zatanna’s eyes widened. “Oh pu-lease!” Clark grumbled.

    “Let me rephrase that question.” Zatanna sighed. “Have you ever been magically inclined, meaning given magical abilities or accidentally cast a spell?” Lois shook her head. “No.” Clark said, “Yes.” and explained about the ancient witch Isobel, aka Lana Lang.

    “That presents a problem.” Zatanna flipped through the spell book, and frowned. “You were really dancing around in your barn in your underwear?” Lois’s eyes sparkled. “That must’ve been quite a sight to see.” Clark reddened. “The problem is that only Lois can undo the spell.” Zatanna clarified.

    Four horsemen galloped towards them, but were riding at a more reasonable pace than the previous two. “Patrick! Look at this!” The first rider, a young man with long curled blonde hair began. “What is it, Liam?” A young dark-haired man asked as he slowed his steed to a trot.

    “Wayland! Thomas! Come quickly!” Liam called behind him. “It looks like a charlatan and his concubines!” Patrick observed with disdain. Clark groaned. “This just gets better.” He mumbled. The final two riders pulled up alongside his friends.

    “Hey! Who are you calling a concubine?” Lois challenged, rolling up the sleeves on her soiled blouse. “You dare speak to me, strumpet?” Patrick whipped a shiny sword out from its sheath on one side of the horse, pointing it at Lois. “Perhaps I should cut your lying tongue out!” He added angrily.

    “Ha! Don’t bother, brother!” Wayland chuckled. “Of what use would she be in her line of work without a tongue?” He taunted, as the other riders laughed rudely. Now Clark was getting pissed. “Zatanna, let’s go before this gets ugly!” His eyes flared briefly red.

    “The mouse roars!” Thomas challenged. “Yes, I think it best if you and your vile harlots left the vicinity before we call on Sheriff Wycliff. Edgarsborough is not a place for your type.” Lois gave the rude young men dirty looks before she crossed the road and joined Zatanna and Clark.

    The young sorceress flipped through the pages of the spell book looking for a specific reference. “Why don’t these things come with an index?” She muttered. “Clark, only the spell caster can remove his or her spell. It’s one of those myriad of magic rules.”

    “Magic? Spells?” Patrick hissed. “Witches! They’re witches!” Wayland echoed. “Let us take our leave, before they turn us!” Thomas urged. “Witches should be burned at the stake, my brothers.” Liam said, in a deadly tone. “We must report them to the Sheriff, and possibly Father O’Hara. Perhaps he can purge them of their demons.”

    Lois glanced at the riders briefly. “Well, its not the first time I’ve been called a witch.” She remarked sarcastically. “See brothers? She admits her alliance with the dark arts!” Patrick taunted. “Perhaps she is controlled by Lucifer?” Wayland speculated. “Now that, I’d believe.” Clark groused.

    “Clark! Not helping!” Zatanna scolded him. A new rider came up behind the young men. It was a beautiful young woman, roughly their age. She was dressed in a long, flowing, gray dress, which covered her body completely down to her thin ankles. Her curled blonde hair was piled high atop her head in an exaggerated manner.

    “Lady Martengale!” Patrick exclaimed. “Don’t look upon the vile harlots and their charlatan. They are cursed!” The woman checked out Clark first, than the girls, and shrugged. “Patrick, thank you for your concern, but I dare say that looking upon them will not turn me to stone.” The noblewoman forced a thin grin as she spoke.

    The cursed part, I believe.” Clark grumbled as Zatanna put her thin finger on a specific page. “Found it!” She announced proudly. Just before all hell broke loose.

    Last edited by gardy1; 07-08-2009, 01:26 PM. Reason: chapter update

  • #2
    The Sword, the Sorceress, and the Sisterhood

    PG-13 - The Hex Factor

    Chapter 2

    “Great!” Clark commented hopefully. “Lois cast an osmotic spell.” Zatanna explained. “Which means what?” He asked, ignoring the four horsemen and the lady rider. “Lois picked up the spell book without having a specific spell in mind, so the book in effect, read her thoughts when she touched it.” The leggy young sorceress continued. “All she has to do is recall what she was thinking about and then reverse it.”

    “Lois? What were you thinking at the time?” Clark watched as she glanced at him blankly. “Please tell me that you remember.” Zatanna folded her arms expectantly. Lois flushed. “It’s sort of embarrassing.” Clark’s patience was growing thin. “Lois! Out with it!”

    “Well, this is so dumb.” Lois smiled. “Today, Lois!” Zatanna encouraged. “I was thinking about the trashy romance novel that I’d read last night. It took place in Victorian England…it was about these swashbuckling noblemen…” Clark cut Lois off. “I never figured you for the trashy romance novel type.”

    Lois snorted angrily. “Give me a break, Smallville. I’ve been dateless for about a year…a girl’s got to have her relaxing, stress relieving hobbies!” Zatanna smirked. “So we’re in your fantasy, roughly two hundred years ago. Just think us back to the current time and place.” The magician directed sternly.

    “You’ll need the book.” Zatanna was about to hand Lois the spell book, when a bloodcurdling yell was heard from somewhere up above them. “Zounds!” Patrick yelped. “The varlets set a trap for us! It’s the savages!” Thomas hollered. “Protect Lady Martengale!” Liam ordered as the young men drew their swords and surrounded the defenseless noblewoman.

    Zatanna and Lois exchanged glances. “Zounds? Varlets? I mean seriously, Lois, who says that?” Before she could answer, an arrow spun through the air, catching everyone by surprise. The point skewered Patrick’s shoulder, and he screamed in pain, blood poured over his clean white shirt.

    Patrick bravely kept his sword before him, as he winced. From the trees, line after line dropped, and scantily clad young women slid down the ropes, some with wicked looking crossbows in hand. All wore variations of animal skin clothing, and homemade masks. “Amazons!” Thomas spat.

    Lois watched with detached interest. “Amazons? I don’t remember them in my fantasy trashy romance novel.” Clark instinctively protected Lois and Zatanna, squaring off against a few of the dangerous looking young women. “Maybe you skipped a chapter?” Zatanna reasoned.

    She made certain that she had a good hold on the spell book, pinning it against her body, as she edged behind Clark. “Ladies, relax.” He spoke softly to two of the nearest Amazon warriors. “We don’t want any trouble.” A cute young blonde Amazon closed in on Clark, double-edged sword in hand.

    “He smells good, Tara!” She remarked. “Unlike the usual scurvy dogs we fight.” She got into Clark’s face, and quickly circled him like a lioness. “Amarice! Remember what day it is! We are not allowed to mate before the moon is at its fullest.” Tara chastised her friend. “Mate?” Lois growled.

    A third young Amazon put an exceptionally large, sharp, knife to Lois’s throat, the type that fishermen use to filet fish. “Is he your consort, sister? If not, then he is fair game for Amarice, unless you prefer to challenge her to the death?” She challenged. “I might.” Lois hedged.

    “Do you wish to make challenge for Amarice’s mate?” Tara asked Zatanna, who shook her head. “Nope! You can have him!” The sorceress quipped. “Thanks a lot, Zatanna.” Clark grumbled. “Why not? We in the sisterhood have shared mates before, provided they’re worthy.” The third Amazon, named Jada, tempted. Clark gulped.

    Meanwhile the other Amazons that had dropped from the trees had covered the young riders and Lady Martengale from every conceivable angle with their crossbows, and normal bow and arrows with quivers. “We await the princess’s decree before Amarice can make challenge.” Tara said.

    “You know who’d really enjoy this?” Clark chuckled. “Oliver and Bart, and maybe even AC.” Lois grimaced. “Let them get their own fantasies.” Zatanna frowned. “You guys, this is serious. We may be in a sort of magical alternate universe, but those weapons are very real.”

    A taller Amazon walked up, commanding the attention of all the girls with the exception of those that had their weapons trained on their quarry. She had bright red orange straggly hair, and a homemade falcon’s head mask. She lifted the mask up as she spoke. “What have we here?”

    “Priestess Seponica, we have captured the intruders that dared cross our path and entered Amazon lands.” A young stocky brown haired Amazon warrior said. “Out for a bloody nice ride in the countryside, are you?” Seponica’s accent sounded like she’d had a traditional British or Irish upbringing. Seponica had a very large broadsword strapped across her back.

    Clearly, no one wanted to mess with her. “Amarice has made challenge to the tall, brown-haired intruder for her mate.” Tara explained to Seponica. “Truly?” She stared at Lois. “You would fight to the death for this one?” She drew her broadsword and waved it at Clark. Lois gulped. “Death is such a strong word…” She backpedaled.

    Clark reddened with annoyance. “Be that as it may, only the princess may rule on a challenge.” Seponica said and returned her attention to the riders. “You know, young riders, that to cross into Amazon lands carries a sentence of death.” Seponica’s eyes narrowed as she spoke.

    “We are not afraid to die, harlot!” Wayland challenged bravely, or stupidly, depending on one’s point of view. “Good!” Seponica sneered. “The heathen gods will smile on your disemboweled, rotting flesh!” Lois whimpered. “That is one mean girl!” Zatanna mumbled.

    “Again, that is not up to me.” Seponica walked slowly around the captives to face Lady Martengale. “Why do you cover your body so, lady rider? Are you in bondage?” Seponica inquired. “Now there’s a phrase you don’t hear too often.” Lois said as her voice dripped with sarcasm. Clark rolled his eyes.

    Lady Martengale ignored the Amazon Priestess proudly. “Sheath your swords, young riders. You stand no chance against my fully trained Amazon warriors. Who knows? If the fates smile on you, perhaps the princess will see fit to spare your scrawny hides.” Seponica boasted, aware of the clear advantage she had over their captives.

    “Just out of curiosity, Lois, which of these characters were you in the fantasy novel?” Zatanna asked warily. “Her.” Lois pointed to Lady Martengale. “A damsel in distress?” Clark scoffed as Lois blushed. “Clark, every now and then, even I like to be saved.” She defended.
    Last edited by gardy1; 07-08-2009, 01:27 PM. Reason: chapter update


    • #3
      The Sword, The Sorceress, and the Sisterhood cont'd

      PG 13 Mild Violence

      Guest Starring: Princess Diana aka Wonder Woman

      “The princess approaches!” A dark skinned older Amazon woman called from high above them in a tall Oak Tree. Seponica immediately sheathed her sword and strolled quickly to the edge of the Amazon garrison. She wanted to be the first to report to the princess, Clark assumed.

      “Now’s our chance!” Zatanna whispered, “Lois, take the book!” She handed it over to her behind Clark’s back. “Silence, whelp!” Tara snarled as Amarice sidled up next to Clark. The princess and her entourage rode up rapidly on their horses. There hadn’t been enough time for Lois to react.

      Clark’s curiosity had admittedly gotten the best of him. He towered over the shorter, slightly stocky Amarice, watching the roadway for the royal emissary. He spotted her and found her instantly attractive. Seponica bowed slightly as the royals brought their horses to a stop.

      Clark couldn’t take his eyes off the princess. She had long, flowing, raven black hair, bright, wide, bluish green eyes, a thin face with a thin chin, and wore a short, white, loose fitting tunic. Her high cheekbones flushed at the attention that everyone paid her. Clark guessed that she was only slightly older than Kara, roughly the same age as he, Lana, and Chloe, younger than Zatanna and Lois.

      Seponica greeted the princess by crossing her breast with her right hand. “My Lady.” She lowered her gaze briefly. “Priestess Seponica, greetings.” The princess’s voice was high and clear. She was obviously the most educated of the bunch, Clark imagined. To him, she seemed familiar.

      “Are these yours?” The princess gestured towards the rest of her entourage. A tall dark skinned Amazon, and a shorter light skinned warrior dismounted, and quickly walked behind them, returning swiftly with a body! The warriors dumped the man in the middle of the roadway.

      Two more Amazons, an olive skinned one and a pale skinned warrior, repeated the activity, dumping a second body in the roadway. Both men were beaten and bloody. Lois grimaced and Zatanna glanced away. “Don’t worry. We haven’t killed them.” The princess said haughtily.

      “Were it the week after the next full moon….” The princess began. “Let me put it this way, this roadway would be empty, except for my Amazon sisters and I.” The royal beauty let the threat hang in the air for a moment. She’d delivered the threat in an even, menacing, tone.

      “Princess Diana?” As Seponica used the royal’s name, it immediately clicked in Clark’s head. “Diana?” He muttered. “My Lady…” Seponica continued. “These men were found trespassing on Amazon lands. I know we are within the feast of the full moon, but shouldn’t there be some form of retribution made?” Diana’s expression soured, like she’d bitten into something that tasted horrible.

      “Indeed there should be, Priestess.” Diana stated nervously. “Princess Diana? May I speak?” Clark challenged politely. “Clark! Shut up!” Lois hissed as Zatanna shook her head. “You dare address the princess, dog?” Tara took a swing at Clark with her broadsword. Naturally it deflected harmlessly off his back. The blade splintered, and it was all Lois and Zatanna could do to avoid the metal shrapnel.

      This sent murmurs throughout the Amazons, and the men gaped with wonder. Even Seponica’s eyes widened. “I will hear his words. Step forward and approach me slowly.” Diana ordered. Immediately, Amarice and Tara held Zatanna and Lois at sword point. “Easy, girls, easy.” Lois muttered.

      Clark flushed as he wove his way between the Amazon warriors and ended up beside Diana’s white and black horse. “Surely you see the need to maintain discipline within the ranks.” Diana began as she looked approvingly at Clark. “Yes princess, I do.” He responded, calmly making eye contact with her. “It’s none of my business, but shouldn’t you take the high road?”

      Young Diana cocked her head, letting her long black hair spill onto her shoulders. “Explain yourself.” She directed. “I think that you should let all of us go. We can promise to no longer invade your lands.” Clark spoke softly enough to prevent most of the Amazons from hearing.

      “That is not the Amazon way.” Diana defended coldly. “Perhaps you should lead your people in a new direction?” Clark pushed, knowing that he had Diana’s full attention. “For example, do you have warnings against trespassers posted anywhere along this roadway?”

      “One would think that the hanging, decaying bodies at the fork in the road just ahead would be sufficient.” Diana argued. “That doesn’t tell travelers whose land it is though, does it?” Clark continued warily. “Amazons are known and feared throughout the land.” Diana countered, clearly enjoying her debate with Clark. She smiled at him briefly.

      “What is your name?” Diana’s tone softened. “Clark Kent.” He replied. “You somehow seem familiar.” She eyed him suspiciously. “You’re not from this land, are you? I mean I sense no fear at all by you of me or my sisters.” Clark grinned. “I believe that everyone should be treated fairly.”

      Diana’s smile widened. Meanwhile, Lois and Zatanna exchanged glances. “He’s trying to charm the princess out of killing us, isn’t he?” Lois said quietly. Amarice tightened her grip on Lois’s arms. “Ow!” She yelped. Tara sneered darkly.

      Diana considered Clark’s words carefully. He patiently awaited her decision. “Very well, Clark Kent, your words have meaning.” The young princess’s voice rose to command volume. “Sisters. I have decided to spare the lives of the intruders out of respect for the Fest of the Full Moon.”

      Seponica, Tara, and Amarice looked disappointed. “However, as penance for their transgression, we shall take their horses. Go! You have your freedom. I would advise you all to consider a different route the next time you decide to go riding. Next time, I will not be as forgiving.” Diana’s eyes narrowed to make her point.

      Clark bowed slightly. “Thank you Princess Diana.” The riders dismounted and begrudgingly helped their injured companions to their feet. The two severely beaten men had to be carried by Thomas, Wayland, and Liam. Lady Martengale breathed a sigh of relief as Clark returned to them.

      “Thank you stranger, for your kind words on our behalf to the Amazon Princess.” The British noblewoman said. “No problem, Lady Martengale. Now we ought to get out of here before the girls change their minds.” Clark stood next to Lois who glanced away, embarrassed.

      Zatanna had suggested that they not make a scene with the spell book. The Amazons could’ve gotten their grubby little hands on it, and wreaked all kinds of havoc. The younger Amazons gathered the pilfered horses and guided them past Seponica, who glanced at Clark with disdain.

      “There is one other matter to discuss.” Diana said loudly from atop her steed. “Amarice of Goshen has made challenge to claim the mate of the stranger, a battle for the man called Clark Kent.” Lois gulped and faced the princess. “Can we just go?” Clark urged Zatanna. “Not yet. The spell book would be too obvious. The Amazons must not claim it, or they’ll disrupt the course of history.”

      “Lois?” Clark asked. “I can take her, Clark, but you’ll owe me big time!” She replied confidently. “No, Lois! You can’t! The fight is to the death, remember?” He paled as he spoke. “I won’t allow you to kill for me, even in this creepy fantasy.” Lois’s eyes began to tear. “You’d do the same for me, wouldn’t you?” She asked as Clark went silent.

      Zatanna interrupted before Clark could answer. “Neither one of you can kill or be killed.” She pointed out. “This is more than a fantasy. This is an alternate reality. If Lois kills Amarice, we don’t know what would happen to the Amazons or the population in general.”

      “If Amarice kills Lois…” Zatanna began. “I won’t let that happen.” Clark said with conviction. “Enough talk!” Amarice snarled. Diana was very curious about the women and Clark in particular. “Amarice! We will settle this in Amazon fashion, with the approval of my mother, Queen Hypolita.” Diana said sternly, as Amarice bowed and stalked off.

      “Let us head back to my mother’s village.” Diana directed everyone, after checking that the riders were safely out of range of the Amazon weapons. “Clark Kent! Attend me!” Diana ordered, making Clark redden. To keep the peace, he walked over to her. “Catch me!” She playfully jumped off the horse, somersaulting forwards, and instinctively Clark caught her in his outstretched arms.

      “I was testing your strength.” Diana admitted as she smiled and let herself down from his grip. Clark once again gazed into Diana’s big eyes, hoping to see a little of his old Justice League companion in them. This Diana was different. She was younger, and seemingly a bit immature.

      “She’s flirting!” Zatanna whispered to Lois. “That is very interesting, and could be made to serve our advantage.” The other Amazons, with the exception of Amarice, who stared daggers at Lois, and Seponica, who seemed generally irritated at the whole situation, dutifully ignored the strangers.


      • #4
        I totally love it!!! AWESOME chapters!!


        • #5
          The Sword, The Sorceress, and the Sisterhood

          “Walk with me.” Diana directed Clark. “Tara, release Clark’s friends and tend my horse.” She commanded. Tara silently but begrudgingly submitted. “Clark, who are your companions, and of what relation are they to you?” Diana interrogated, politely but firmly.

          “Lois Lane and Zatanna, are my good friends and fellow travelers.” Clark explained. Lois was trying to catch up to them, but two mean looking Amazon women barred her way with swords and spears. “You are not subservient nor a controller of them?” The princess asked.

          Diana’s youthful curiosity began to shine through. “No, Princess. Where we come from, all people are free.” Clark purposely wanted to keep Diana talking. “All people? There are no servant men, and no good breeding stock?” Clark wasn’t sure how to answer that.

          “No, if men serve each other, or serve women, it’s because they wish to, not are commanded to on threat of death.” Clark felt like he was explaining society to his young cousin Kara. “It sounds dreadfully chaotic and disorganized.” Diana commented. “That it is.” Clark smiled, trying to win the young princess over. So far, he appeared to be winning.

          “Princess Diana, a word please?” Seponica requested. “Certainly, Priestess.” Diana said diplomatically. Clark dropped back past the Amazon guards to talk to Lois and Zatanna.

          “Smallville! You’re not trying to sweet talk the princess, are you?” Lois snapped. “That’s exactly what I’m trying to do. I figure it may save your lovely face from being ripped off by Amarice.” Clark toyed with her. Zatanna allowed herself a chuckle. Lois clutched the spell book. “I wish I was in Kansas.” She playfully clicked her boot heels together. Zatanna cracked up.

          “I’m afraid it doesn’t quite work that way, Lois.” Zatanna smirked. “Good try though.” Suddenly, Clark’s hearing picked up a heated exchange between Diana and Seponica.

          “What is it, Priestess?” Diana asked warily. “I feel it is my place to remind the princess that it is not good to be seen on the same level as a man. I almost died when you leapt into his arms like a bloody gazelle. Now you walk by his side as if he was your equal?” Seponica was instigating.

          “That is my affair, Priestess.” Diana snapped. “In his world, women walk hand in hand, side by side. They fight and work the land together.” Seponica’s patience was growing thin. She still had to be careful about challenging the princess directly. It tended to be suicidal.

          “Listen to me as your friend, Princess.” Seponica relaxed her tone, diffusing the confrontation. “The others are beginning to talk, the murmurs bring dissention.” Diana took her criticisms to heart, but still something told her that Clark was right. “Let them talk.” Diana said petulantly. “Anyone may challenge my authority, or my mother’s. They just must be prepared to accept the consequences.”

          “The outsiders are part of the man’s world.” Seponica continued to feed the flames. “A man is not allowed to set foot on Amazon lands, unless specifically instructed to for subservience and breeding purposes. The Queen must consent to this.” The priestess reasoned.

          “Do not quote the rules and decrees to me, Seponica!” Diana snarled. “You have voiced your opinion, which I value, but in my mind, Clark Kent and his friends are guests of the Royal Amazons.” With that, Seponica bowed in submission and stalked off to tend her horse.

          “Uh oh!” Clark began quietly enough for Lois and Zatanna to hear. “Uh oh? There is no uh oh, Clark.” Lois remarked anxiously. “Diana and Seponica are fighting over us.” He informed them, amazing the women. “How do you know?” Lois questioned. “Um…I watched their body language.” He defended weakly. “I bet you did.” Lois smirked, bringing a grin to Zatanna’s dour face.

          “Can’t we just say the magic words like abracadabra or something?” Lois clutched the book. “I mean the girls aren’t really watching us now.” Zatanna shook her head. “In this case, when you unwittingly cast the spell, the book took over. It wants you to learn something before it will send us back.”

          “What could I possibly learn from a band of backwards malcontents with bad hygiene habits?” Lois scoffed. “That is what you must realize before we can return.” Zatanna replied patiently. Clark sighed with disgust. “I have to back Lois on this one. What can we learn from people that existed over two hundred years ago?” He protested.

          Zatanna shrugged. “Maybe it’s a case of you both teaching them something? Magic isn’t an exact science. In fact, other than chemical mixtures of elements for potions, magic has no scientific basis. That is why most people don’t believe in it.”

          “Again, I thought that you could control this magic realm!” Clark was getting frustrated. “Not at the moment.” Zatanna confessed. “We have to let this all play out without getting ourselves killed, losing the spell book, or killing anyone else.”

          Their debate was interrupted by a gesture from Diana. “My sisters, we approach the Queen, my mother, Hypolita.” She announced loudly, mostly for Clark, Lois, and Zatanna’s benefit. Just over the next rise was a fully functional, Elizabethan style village, manned by women exclusively. At the far end of the village, was a rocky drop off leading to a large body of water.

          The Hex Factor: Home of the Brave

          “This is actually kind of fascinating.” Zatanna commented as she watched Diana signal for their approach. “That’s one word for it.” Lois whined as Clark grinned thinly. “Don’t be so smug, Smallville, you’re just enjoying the possibility of a bevy of women fighting over you.”

          “Lois…” Clark began, before Diana cut her off. “Clark Kent, would you attend me?” She offered pleasantly, in an almost flirtatious manner. He strolled up besides her, causing a myriad of murmurs all across the huge village. Lois and Zatanna followed closely. The Amazon guards held their spears in a cross like manner. Lois and Zatanna stopped quickly.

          The guards released them, provided that they walk several paces behind Clark and Diana. At the center of the village stood a well-constructed ancient looking temple. Its architecture resembled the palaces of ancient Greece. Gothic designs with large cement pillars adorned its façade.

          Several dozen cement steps led to its oversized twin doors. Surrounding the temple, were dozens of roughly constructed huts, hewn from the local forest woods. The structures roofs were fashioned from gigantic palm tree leaves, crooked wooden planks, and thick layers of animal skins.

          Diana and Clark walked side by side up the myriad of stone laden stairs. None of the other Amazons dared to approach the temple. Seponica was the only exception, heading across the stairs from their left flank. Lois and Zatanna were forbidden to walk on the steps. The Amazon guards barred their way, patiently awaiting their orders.

          From somewhere to Zatanna’s right came the blaring of ancient horns, nearly making Lois jump in the air. She nervously stood before the massive staircase, clutching the spell book. Seponica pounded the top step with her black hued staff, likely carved out of ebony wood. Clark and Diana stood on the third step below the entrance platform. Decorative jade lions perched on either side of it.

          “Her majesty, Queen Hypolita.” Seponica shouted as the murmuring crowd gathered and silenced. Clark reddened, as Diana purposefully held his hand. Lois and Amarice were furious. The Queen walked regally out onto the top stair, and her eyes widened. “Diana? What have you done?” She hollered, obviously shocked, wiping the broad smile off of young Diana’s face.



          • #6
            totally love it


            • #7
              The Sword, The Sorceress, and the Sisterhood con'td

              “That can’t be good!” Zatanna grumbled. Lois sighed. “Someone punch my ticket, I want off of this crazy ride.” She muttered. “Diana! I will speak with you alone!” Hypolita waved her errant daughter towards her. “Clark Kent, please wait with your friends below. I’m sorry.” Diana apologized as her face reddened. “Um…take your time, we’ll be here.”

              Clark bowed to the queen and hustled back down the steps, zipping past the unsuspecting Amazon guards. The girls were slow to react. Lois and Zatanna shook their heads, knowing that all the eyes of the Amazon nation were on them. “This is a nightmare, not a fantasy.” Lois remarked.

              “Tell me about it.” Clark growled. The amorous Amarice casually walked past them, eyeing Clark and giving Zatanna and Lois dirty looks. “She’s a hoot, isn’t she?” Lois sniped. “I can’t believe that we can’t just zap our way out of here, unless you want to stay and play with your little Amazon friends, Smallville.” Lois didn’t even bother to keep the hint of jealousy from her voice.

              Diana and Hypolita sauntered into the temple, presumably to have a little mother, daughter discussion about obedience. “What can we do, Zatanna?” Clark’s tone was desperate. “We have to continue on, until the book has reached a satisfactory resolution.” Zatanna answered vaguely.

              “We might as well have a look around.” Zatanna seemed very curious. “Let’s ask first.” Clark suggested. Lois checked on Seponica, and the priestess had taken up a position standing rigidly in front of the temple entrance. She watched them like a hawk, likely waiting for Clark, Lois, and Zatanna to do something stupid.

              “Excuse me…Tara, isn’t it?” Clark gave the young warrior the puppy eyes. “Can we have a look at the village, or is that forbidden?” Tara shrugged. “I don’t care. Just as long as two guards are along with you at all times.” Clark nodded. “Fair enough.” Tara flipped her long stringy brown hair over her shoulder, apparently trying to make herself look more presentable.

              Zatanna found her reaction intriguing. She began to wonder if Diana had changed their culture dramatically just by bringing Clark into the fold. “I shall take you around myself.” Tara unexpectedly offered. “La Mira! Escort us please.” Tara ordered another young warrior, perhaps someone in her charge. The olive skinned La Mira nodded respectfully, and waved her sword ahead.

              La Mira seemed to be of a completely different ethnic origin than most of the other girls, Clark observed. She appeared to be of the Hispanic, or Pacific Islander culture. Tara guided them through the puzzled Amazons, as Seponica watched with great interest. She clapped her hands twice.

              Immediately, the attentive warrior women dispersed, going back to their respective duties. A few gazed at Clark’s backside as he walked away. “Isn’t your girlfriend going to miss you?” Lois needled Clark as they made their way across the main courtyard, La Mira hot on their heels.

              “Funny.” Clark grimaced. “You ought to be concentrating on learning whatever it is that you’re supposed to learn.” Lois snorted derisively. “Whatever! How do you know its me that’s the problem?” Clark narrowed his eyes. “You’re the one who’s fantasy we’re stuck in.”

              Zatanna found Lois and Clark’s bickering amusing and annoying at the same time. She began to get the feeling that deep down, way down, they truly loved each other. “I’m not convinced that this is Lois’s fantasy.” The young sorceress began. “She may have been the catalyst, but I think that we were meant to be here at this place in history.”

              Tara continued to lead them down the main village concourse, past the loosely organized structures that served as the women’s homes. “Are you sure that there were no Amazons in your book?” Clark asked suspiciously. “No. I swear that I read it cover to cover. No Amazons, period.”

              “I’ve never even heard of Amazons other than the South American River.” Lois added. “Aren’t they supposed to be mythological beings?” Zatanna smirked. “Oh? Like magicians, sorceresses, and super powered beings?” Lois nodded. “Point taken.”

              Clark considered all this, and began piecing a plan together. “Sometimes, mythology is based on fact. It may be a small fact, but nonetheless it exists.” Zatanna concluded.
              “Is this a type of reality?” Clark pondered aloud. Zatanna nodded. “It would seem so.” Lois had lost interest briefly in their budding philosophical exchange. She watched every Amazon she could see, expecting them to jump at her on a moment’s notice.

              Tara hadn’t really explained anything about the girls to this point, instead focusing on her sisters’ reactions, as she walked before Clark and the strangers. Zatanna took up the challenge of determining what they were observing. “This society is purely hierarchical.” She analyzed.

              “Queen Hypolita has absolute control over everyone in the village, similar to common monarchies in our own cultural history. They seem to have lived more like Native American Indians back in the good old U S A.” She took a breath to watch two young Amazons sparring with broadswords.

              “Notice that there are no males, children or otherwise present.” Zatanna stated the obvious. “This is therefore a closed society, and doomed to perish. There are no very young women, nor very old women.” Lois felt a shiver crawl up her spine. “I don’t like where this is going.”

              Zatanna noted two of the youngest Amazons they’d seen. The girls appeared to be in their early teens, and wrestled in the soft, green, grass at the edge of the thoroughfare. Lois followed her gaze. “They seem to be enjoying themselves.” She remarked. “They are practicing Shak Tar, or hand to hand, weaponless combat.” Tara finally spoke as La Mira edged closer towards the strangers.

              Another group of young girls scurried about the village with trays of food, mostly fruits, nuts, and unusual looking leaves. Still other youngsters swept up the hutch landings with homemade brooms. Zatanna viewed as much as she could. “This is a highly organized society, though mostly agrarian.”

              The young sorceress continued: “It’s like they’ve been stopped in time, as the rest of the world evolved around them. It reminds me of our own subcultures, like for example, the Midwestern Amish. Through strict interpretations of antiquated rules, the society thrives, yet refuses to submit to the pressures of change.” Zatanna concluded, as Lois and Clark stared at her.

              “What? In between my father and I doing magic shows, I benefited from a diverse education. We toured the world, learning about other cultures as we performed.” She explained. Clark nodded. “It sounds fascinating.” Zatanna smirked. “Clark, after we leave this alternate reality, maybe you should learn more about the world you’ve been entrusted to save.”

              Lois missed the subtle hint, but Clark didn’t. Zatanna knew! The sorceress had somehow learned of his secret, and possible destiny. The magician let her comment hang in the air, moving forward past Lois. Clark flushed, dropping back to speak with La Mira.

              “Clark.” He extended a hand towards the young Amazon. She draped her broadsword over her shoulder, and shook it. “You’re new here aren’t you?” He pressed her for information. “As are you.” La Mira replied coldly. “What made you join the Amazons?” Clark interrogated.

              “My country is in the process of being conquered by the Spaniards. Our village was attacked, and many of us, the youngest and fastest runners, escaped into the countryside.” La Mira explained. “I boarded a ship, stowing away to come here. I learned the way of the Amazons. One day I will return to my country, defeat the Spaniards, and avenge my family’s deaths.”

              Clark felt bad for La Mira, but understood her position. “Many girls share the same upbringing and motivation.” La Mira continued. “We all strive for the day that the Amazon Nation will rise up and conquer Man’s World. It is decreed by the goddesses, Artemiss, Hera, and Percephany.”

              Clark sighed. La Mira had been totally brainwashed by the Amazon leaders. Suddenly a circular object, similar to a Frisbee, about ten inches in diameter, whizzed past them, impacting a nearby tree. “Whoa! That could take someone’s head off!” Lois exclaimed as she warily glanced around.

              “Sorry about that.” A tall, dark haired woman a bit older than them said. She was dressed in all black, and carried a vicious looking, sheathed broadsword across her back. She smiled at Clark, a very unusual reaction for an Amazon, Zatanna mused. The woman pulled the circular object, which was actually a type of metal ring, from the tree and tossed it to a short haired, blonde Amazon nearby.

              Tara yanked a large rope down from an old tree. Lois stopped in her tracks. “She’s not going to hang us, is she?” Zatanna glanced at her worriedly. “I hope not, Lois. Don’t give her any ideas.” Clark had rejoined his friends, and La Mira now walked side by side with them.

              The rope Tara yanked on had opened a large wooden door just ahead of them. Clark noted that the door acted similarly to a garage door, and was about the same length, height, and width. The door had barred the entrance to a small courtyard. More huts were visible on either side of the large pathway.

              Children played in the courtyard, kicking homemade balls around, roughly the circumference of a soccer ball. Others challenged each other with small wooden swords, practicing their sparring ability. Still others practiced tying strands of rope and vines together. All of the kids were female.

              Lois gasped, asking Tara the obvious question: “Where are the male children?” The Amazon warrior glanced back at her strangely. “Male children?” She echoed as the chills again ran up and down Lois’s spine.


              • #8
                this is totally awesome!


                • #9
                  The Red Shard: Amazons!


                  Chapter 3

                  What did you do with the male children?” Lois’s voice rose, attracting unwanted attention. Tara’s eyes widened, shocked that the strange woman would challenge her. Women of the man’s world are very unusual, she mentally observed. Don’t they fear death?

                  “As always, after an Amazon is permitted to mate, the offspring is brought to term.” Tara somehow found the patience to explain. “All female offspring are cared for, nursed, fed, and trained in the Amazon tradition of warfare and self reliance.”

                  “The male offspring…” Lois steeled herself for Tara’s comments. “The male offspring are nursed for a bit, and then sent upriver to the man’s world.” She pointed to the nearby rushing river that snaked through Amazon country and into the nearest neighboring villages.

                  “Sent upriver?” Lois was horrified. “In what?” Tara stared at Lois blankly. The woman was fearless, she mused, gaining some respect for Clark’s best friend. “In a large basket. The males are picked out of the river upstream by the others.” Tara continued.

                  “What if they’re not?” Lois snapped angrily. “That is not our concern.” Tara said defensively. Lois put her hands on her shapely hips, and then brushed her hair back, obviously trying to control her temper. Clark was disgusted. In his mind they still had to respect the Amazon culture’s tradition.

                  “Lois! Relax!” Zatanna urged. “I’ve seen quite enough!” Lois complained loudly. In seconds, Diana was once again by their side. She’d moved so quickly, that even Clark hadn’t tracked her. Tara bowed to the Princess. “Thank you, Tara. You may resume your duties. I will lead the visitors.”

                  “As you wish, Princess.” Tara said, and quickly jogged off, glad to be rid of Clark and his friends. Diana resumed her spot, putting her arm within Clark’s, Lois noted jealously.
                  “How did your talk go with your mother?” Clark prodded, smiling again at Diana.

                  Lois rolled her eyes as she and Zatanna trailed them at a slight distance. “Thank you for asking, Clark Kent.” The young princess beamed. “She was able to understand my quandary.”

                  “Which is?” Clark probed. “How to win you from Lois and Amarice to be my mate.” Diana replied, resting her head on Clark’s shoulder. Thankfully, her hair smelled of fresh flowers, Clark observed. Lois gasped and Zatanna cursed under her breath.

                  Terrific! Clark mentally grumbled. “Diana, thank you for the complement, but you know as well as I that we don’t belong here.” Lois’s eyes widened. We’re dead! Her mind filled with dread. “I don’t understand.” Diana’s eyes showed that she was truly hurt by Clark’s rejection.

                  Clark stopped and put both of Diana’s hands in his, and looked deeply into her eyes. He almost wanted to stay with her. “We can’t stay.” Clark said a bit more sternly. Lois mentally visualized the three of them hanging upside down from the trees at the entrance to the Amazon’s forest glen.

                  Go ahead, Clark, piss the princess off, Lois thought sourly. “You said yourself that we were part of the man’s world. Your mother would never accept us.” Superman reasoned with Diana. “I shall go with you then!” Diana held Clark tightly, and he actually felt her crushing embrace.

                  “Ouch! Didn’t see that one coming!” Lois muttered, as Zatanna frowned. Clark was about to explain further, when his enhanced hearing picked up a new sound echoing throughout the placid forest. “What’s that?” He asked no one, turning his head sideways. He’d heard three distinct booms.

                  “Canon fire?” Clark gasped, freaking out Lois and Zatanna. Sure enough, three whistling cannonballs hurtled through the air towards them. From what he remembered about world history around 1812, warring armies on the land and the sea mostly used canons. They were used as the ultimate weapon for this time period. Where were they exactly? He wondered, though it soon became irrelevant.

                  “What is that horrible noise, Clark Kent?” Diana had picked up the sound of incoming ballistics shortly after he had. “It’s death!” Clark snarled and spotted the first of the cannonballs. “Diana! Call a retreat! Have your Amazon sisters gather the children and head towards the sea!” He ordered.

                  “Retreat?” Diana was stunned. “An Amazon never retreats! We either die in battle or claim victory!” Lois shook her head, and said: “There’s a whole gray area there called self preservation!” She commented. “Diana! Give the order! Trust me! You don’t want this much heat!” Clark urged.

                  “Do it!” Zatanna yelled at Diana. “You trust Clark Kent’s judgment, sorceress?” The young princess asked warily. “Always!” Zatanna confirmed. “I trust Clark with my life!” Lois added, as she prepared to sprint for cover. Suddenly, the spell book lit up in Lois’s hands.

                  “That was the key!” Zatanna exclaimed. “The spell book wanted you to earn Clark’s trust!” Lois stared at her. “Why didn’t it just tell me? Wait a minute, what am I saying?” Diana was confused, but noted that Clark had suddenly disappeared. “Where is Clark Kent?” She demanded. “Did he flee?”

                  Clark zipped towards the oncoming cannonballs, leaping upward and catching one in his hand like a baseball shortstop. He hurled it right back at the attacking war party, making certain that it missed any soldiers. The cannonball blew a hole in a commanding officer’s tent, startling him.

                  He found the other two canon shots, but one had already gotten past them, and had luckily only damaged Queen Hypolita’s temple, smashing and fracturing one of the ancient stone columns.

                  Clark caught the second cannonball and slammed it into the ground, like a player spiking a football. It created a deep hole in the forest floor. A stream of underground water spewed out like a fountain. Clark closed in on the advancing army. His intention was to obliterate the army’s weaponry.

                  Meanwhile, a few of the Amazon patrol girls returned from scouting, bloodied and beaten up, but alive. They each carried a standard issue musket, or a bayonet rifle. “Queen Hypolita!” Tara yelled as the eldest Amazon scrambled down her temple’s steps to meet the injured warriors.

                  “What have you brought us?” Hypolita asked curiously. “These are man’s weapons!” A younger Amazon replied. She fiddled with the bayonet rifle, trying to gain an idea of how to use it. Diana joined them and gawked at the oddly crafted devices. “I suppose we can use these like swords, staffs, or javelin spears.” The princess observed. Lois noticed their artifacts.

                  “Give me that!” Lois grabbed one bayonet rifle. “You’re going to put your eye out!” Lois examined the piece under the close scrutiny of Hypolita and Diana. “Here! You cock this end, and aim, looking from behind the butt.” Lois explained calmly as Diana glanced at her backside. “The butt?”

                  Lois sighed patiently. “The butt of the rifle, genius! Observe!” She aimed the bayonet rifle at a tree trunk some distance away and squeezed the trigger. Blam! The Amazons covered their ears and scattered. The ordinance impacted the tree, blasting a hole in its bark.

                  “It’s rather noisy.” Hypolita commented. “Not at all good for stealth.” Zatanna grimaced at Lois. “Don’t encourage them!” She grumbled. “I just want them to have a fighting chance. I hate one sided battles.” Lois argued as she re-cocked the rifle.

                  Clark had reached the enemy camp and began to systematically destroy canon after canon. He proceeded with blinding speed until he found the army’s commander. He slowed to a stop and was beside General Napoleon!

                  The commander was about half Clark’s weight and barely reached five feet in height. Napoleon swore in French, as all of the local soldiers trained their weapons on him.

                  Next up: Girls With Guns.
                  Last edited by gardy1; 07-08-2009, 01:28 PM. Reason: chapter update


                  • #10
                    love it. Hey, may I friend you?


                    • #11
                      Friends it is

                      Sure Chlarkcare, go ahead and friend me. Have you read my Last Daughter of Krypton story yet? It appears in general pairings and such.



                      • #12
                        Yes I have. It was cool to read a story like that. Not many people do that.


                        • #13
                          Girls With Guns

                          Chapter 4 Girls with Guns

                          Guest starring a certain well known warrior princess:

                          Diana examined a two shot musket, waving it around aimlessly. “How does this one work?” She asked Lois as Hypolita edged away. “Let’s see.” Diana handed Lois the antique musket. Lois deftly snapped the musket in half at its hinge. “You’ve broken it!” Tara complained loudly.

                          “It’s supposed to do that.” Lois deadpanned. “Here’s the flint…” She remarked, as Zatanna grew impatient. “It’s of no use without the powder and balls.” Lois said. “Tara, did you see…?” The young Amazon was a step ahead of her. “You mean the balls, and the odd smelling spice?” Tara retrieved them from her sword sheath. “Yes.” Lois took the items from her.

                          The tall dark haired Amazon clad in black leather and her shorter, blonde friend, dressed in brown fringed buckskin, approached Lois and the other girls cautiously. “May I see it?” The shorter one asked. Lois reluctantly handed her the musket. She immediately sniffed the powder.

                          “What do you think?” The black haired one asked. “It smells like the spice our friend found in Chin.” The blonde replied. Lois eyed her suspiciously. The short one reminded her a lot of Chloe. “Chin? As in China?” Zatanna contributed. “Yes.” The tall black haired one confirmed. “It’s called gunpowder.” Lois added. “Is it?” The black haired one sniffed the muzzle again to be sure.

                          “What are your names, and how do you know about the powder?” Hypolita grilled. “I’m Zina (American Sp) and this is Gabrielle.” The tall one answered. “What tribe are you from?” Diana inquired. “We’ve just recently arrived here from Greece.” Zina replied vaguely.

                          “Really?” Hypolita was skeptical. “Who was your local queen?” The short blonde faced Hypolita. “Ephiny.” She said without any further elaboration. Gabrielle is a queen in her own right.” Zina mentioned as Lois glanced at them with confusion. “Indeed?” Diana was surprised.

                          While the girls discussed politics, Zatanna grew even more impatient. “At least the guns have stopped.” She pointed out. “Walk with me Zina, and Gabrielle.” Hypolita ordered in an even tone. “I don’t believe this.” Lois grumbled. “The girls are in the middle of a war, and decide that they want to chit chat?” Zatanna shrugged. “They always seem to be at war. It’s normal for them.”

                          “Where’s Clark?” Lois asked no one in particular, as she waved the antique musket around carelessly. Suddenly Lois swore that she heard a series of gunshots in the distance. “Uh oh! Zatanna, give me the book.” Lois took it and opened it up. “Be careful with it this time.” Zatanna reminded her.

                          Meanwhile, bullets, musket fire, and cannonballs were shelling Clark. His patience was wearing thin. He quickly disarmed the garrison with his blinding speed. It would take them quite a while to restock their weaponry. Clark hoped that he’d bought the overmatched Amazons some time.

                          He disappeared just as Napoleon ordered his cavalry to reassemble. The Amazons hadn’t much time left. Clark zipped into the warrior women’s camp, startling the young girls. Some of which dropped their crossbows and buck knifes in the grassy, muddy field.

                          “Move the children away from the camp!” Clark yelled, as Diana rushed to his side. Lois imagined that the Amazon Princess moved much faster than the average warrior. She made a mental note of that, assuming she’d get the chance to question Diana further.

                          “Do it!” Diana turned and bellowed at the Amazons. The girls scurried in all directions, gathering supplies, and hastily crafted wooden shields. “They’ll be slaughtered!” Clark snarled at Lois and Zatanna. “There’s a full garrison of Napoleon’s French Army just across that ridge. I managed to delay them a bit, but the girls have to leave now!”

                          “Napoleon?” Lois echoed. “I suck at history.” Diana barked a series of orders, as she directed the chaos. Even Lois was impressed with the young princess’s grace under pressure. “Where’s the queen?” Clark asked, though he could’ve just as easily located Hypolita on his own. “She took a couple of the warriors into the temple with her.” Zatanna explained.

                          Clark vaulted up the steps, shocking the local tribal members. No one, absolutely no one, was allowed into the temple without Hypolita or Diana’s expressed permission, let alone a man. Tara assumed her second in command status, helping to lead the younger Amazons towards the sea.

                          “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Lois commented as Zatanna rolled her eyes. Clark blasted into the temple, where Hypolita openly gawked at his brazen effrontery of their sacred ground. The one called Zina smirked, making sure that Hypolita hadn’t seen her. “Just like Hercules.” Gabrielle muttered.

                          “Ladies! Let’s go!” Clark urged. “There’s a full fledged army heading in this direction!” Zina and Gabrielle exchanged glances. “The more things change…” Zina began. “The more they stay the same.” Gabrielle finished. “Clark Kent! I have been more than patient with you…” Hypolita began. Before she knew it, Clark had knocked the queen out, and held her carefully in his arms.

                          “I always liked the direct approach.” Zina commented as Clark headed for the rear of the temple. He’d spotted a secondary passageway, which led from the temple into a dark tunnel and presumably through the hillside to the sea on the other side.

                          Clark carried Hypolita at about half his hyper speed. Zina and Gabrielle couldn’t keep up. “He runs like Hermes!” Gabrielle muttered as they lost sight of him. Diana, meanwhile, had entered the temple, and ventured into a hidden room. There she located the blessed outfit given to the Amazons long ago by Hera or Artemis themselves. The outfit was alleged to have magical powers.

                          Alongside the red, blue, and gold outfit was a golden lasso and two silver bracelets. Diana collected everything and stuffed them into a sack made from animal skins. She returned to the compound where Lois and Zatanna began to jog behind the rest of the warrior women.

                          “We can’t leave without Clark.” Lois said excitedly. “Trust me Lois, Clark Kent is well on his way toward the sea.” Gabrielle remarked, having come up beside them. “What good will that do?” Zatanna wondered. “Wouldn’t we be trapped between the sea and the advancing army?”

                          Zina joined them. “We’ll have to help ourselves to a ship.” She grinned, as her light blue eyes sparkled. “A ship?” Lois echoed. “Are we just going to ask a ship captain nicely for a ride?” Gabrielle snickered. “Something like that.”

                          Last edited by gardy1; 07-08-2009, 01:29 PM. Reason: chapter update


                          • #14
                            All I Ask is A Tall Ship

                            Chapter 5

                            All I Ask is a Tall Ship...

                            Clark carried Hypolita out of the tunnel, and as he suspected, the Sea was just beyond it. The wharf was filled with nearly a dozen early nineteenth century ships. Captains and crew, as well as dockworkers, scurried about the busy port. Would the hyperactive seaside business district even notice several scantily clad young Amazon women? You bet they would, Clark thought.

                            Zina, Gabrielle, Lois, and Zatanna gawked at the ludicrous sight. Just before them were two huge merchant ships, made from the various forms of the popular available woods of the day. One ship was a brightly colored, three masted, schooner, its sails still furled. The Perth Amboy, was the ship’s name, as painted proudly across its huge bow. The ship easily stood three stories high above the wharf.

                            The second ship was slight in frame, sporting two masts, it’s light blue sails flapped gently in the onshore breeze. It still stood two stories above the ebony wood dock. Its name was Dark Angel. Lois whistled. “Will you just look at that, Smallville? Live museum pieces!” Clark ignored her comment as he gently placed the still unconscious Hypolita against some soft cargo sacks piled high on the dock.

                            Zina, Gabrielle, and Zatanna scrambled to keep ahead of the fastest running Amazon girls. Tara, Amarice, and another youngster skidded to a stop beside them on the slimy wharf. “Can the Amazons board the ships unnoticed?” Zatanna inquired. “I doubt it. We’ll need a plan B.” Clark replied.

                            Using his x-ray vision, Clark surveyed both ships. As luck would have it, they had a skeleton crew. One hoped that he didn’t mean that literally. There were but five crewmen on the Perth Amboy, and about a dozen on the Dark Angel. The Amazons could easily overrun them.

                            Clark wanted to avoid any killing, keeping in mind that they could very well be interfering with history on a grand scale. “We’re going to try and book passage on both ships.” He announced. Lois glanced at him like he’d grown a third eye in the middle of his forehead.

                            “With what money?” Lois grumbled. “I doubt that credit cards have been invented yet, let alone travel agents.” Clark shrugged. “I’ll have to give it a try.” Lois nodded. “Be quick about it. Napoleon and his goon squad ought to be here soon.” Clark searched his pockets for coins, knowing that the paper dollar bill wouldn’t be invented for nearly another fifty years.

                            He came up with three quarters and two dimes. Clark spied a person who appeared to be the captain of the larger vessel. Lois took a step in that direction. “Wait! Lois, you and the others stay here, and let Diana know what we’re up against.” Clark directed. Lois sighed angrily. “Whatever!”

                            “You two, come with me!” He gestured towards Tara and Amarice. “We take orders from no man!” Tara hissed. “Fine! Please come with me!” Clark retorted. Amarice fell into step behind him, and Tara reluctantly followed. Lois crossed her arms with disdain, or was it something else?

                            Clark hustled up to the captain of the Perth Amboy. The dark skinned seaman stared at him blankly, but quickly spotted the partially clothed young women, and smirked lustily. “Excuse me, are you the captain of this ship?” Clark began warily. “That depends who is asking.” Clark extended a hand to him. “Clark Kent.” The captain’s eyes narrowed. “Captain Imaglia, out of Cape Town.”

                            “We’d like to book passage on your ship.” Clark didn’t waste any more time on pleasantries. “Really?” Imaglia laughed. “The Perth is not a passenger ship, mon. We sail with cargo only, unless you have something to offer in trade.” He stared at the young women.

                            “Would this be enough?” Clark opened his hand, revealing two of the quarters. “Two pieces of silver?” Imaglia looked closely at them. Clark expected the captain to laugh in his face. Instead, Imaglia nodded grudgingly. “You must be desperate to leave, mon.”

                            “Where is it you wish to travel to, and how many of you are there?” Imaglia glanced around nervously. “Um...Greece?” Clark hadn’t thought of where to go to. “Greece?” Imaglia groaned. “That is many days travel from here. Have you business there, mon?”

                            Clark gulped, quickly spinning some more lies. “My wives and I would like to visit the homeland.” Tara gasped and Amarice stifled a giggle. “Would you? Your wives, eh?” Imaglia was skeptical, yet amused. “Can I take a look around, at least? You know, on your ship.” Clark baited.

                            “Fine, but de women stay here.” Imaglia insisted. “It is bad luck to sail with a woman.” Tara was about to go off, but Amarice cast her a threatening gaze. “Good enough.” Clark said, turning back to the girls. “When I give the signal, you two untie the ship’s ropes, got it?”

                            Amarice nodded. “What signal?” Tara asked with irritation. “You’ll know it when you see it.” Clark’s eyes sparkled. He followed Imaglia up the gangplank and on board the Perth. Once out of the girls’ sight, he super sped throughout the Perth, gathering and tying up the remaining crew.

                            Clark shoved the captain and the others into a meat locker beside the galley. “Now!” He shouted at the girls from high on deck. Tara and Amarice whipped out their daggers and sliced the ropes tying the ship to the dock. Simultaneously, Clark zipped down the gangplank.

                            All this time, Diana had been herding the Amazons through the temple and into the tunnel. She trailed the group, making sure that every last one of them escaped. “My sisters! Take only what is most needed, water, food, and weapons. Take all that you can carry. We will not be returning!”

                            The Amazons poured out of the tunnel, across the ridge, and onto the wharf. “Let’s move!” Zina shouted, as Gabrielle, Lois, and Zatanna stormed the smaller vessel. “We can’t kill anyone!” Zatanna yelled over the din of a thousand Amazon feet padding along the wooden dock.

                            “We’re taking a ship, no two?” Lois hollered. “Where will we go?” She asked Gabrielle, who preceded her up the Dark Angel’s gangplank. “Greece?” She asked Zina. “That’s a long way from here. I don’t think we have enough, actually any, supplies that would last that long.”

                            Hypolita had awakened, and angrily ran up the gangplank beside them. “I may have an idea, but it is by no means written in stone.” She shouted, as the first wave of Amazons overran the ship. Clark’s speed had gotten him aboard the Dark Angel first. He’d subdued the crew without hurting them, much.

                            “Who’s going to drive this thing?” Zatanna complained as she scrambled down the Dark Angel’s gangplank. “Zina?” Gabrielle inquired. “Well, it’s been a while, Gabrielle, say almost two thousand years, but I suppose it can’t be much different than my old ships.”
                            “Without the stars to guide us, how can we find our way?” Gabrielle questioned. “Compass!” Lois snapped, handing the antique relic that she’d found beside the giant wooden steering wheel to Zina. “It always points due North.” Zina nodded. “Handy.” Lois vaulted onto the pier.

                            Clark and Diana waited on the wharf, back to back, as the last of the Amazons boarded the vessels. The irate crews of the soon to be hijacked ships had noticed the girls stealing their livelihood. They came at Diana and Clark with swords drawn. A few had simple one shot muskets. Some merely picked up boards, wrenches, and other tools and began to swing at them recklessly.

                            “Cast off!” Diana shouted over the din. Two more Amazons obediently cut the ship’s tethers. Lois had boarded the Perth, along with Zatanna. “Lois! Can you sail this thing?” The young sorceress yelled. “I guess! I mean how hard can it be? I’ve sailed boats before.” Lois took the large wheel.

                            Zina, Gabrielle, and Hypolita remained aboard the Dark Angel. The ancient warrior princess immediately took command as Hypolita watched helplessly as her daughter and Clark staved off the attacking longshoremen.

                            The Perth, with Lois at the helm clumsily shifted away from the dock. She’d already given the order for Tara and Amarice to weigh anchor. Zina fared only slightly better, steering the Dark Angel away from the larger cruiser. The mob closed in on Clark and Diana.

                            “Diana, do you trust me?” Clark whirled to face the young princess. “With my life, Clark Kent, and this is a helluva time to ask.” Diana replied. Clark immediately grabbed Diana by her slim waist, and leapt upward high into the air, soaring over the churning water between them and the Perth.

                            Last edited by gardy1; 07-08-2009, 01:29 PM. Reason: chapter update


                            • #15
                              All I Ask is a Tall Ship cont'd

                              Clark soared through the air with Diana in his arms, landing softly atop the main deck of the Perth. “Great Aphrodite! You are blessed by the Gods!” Diana exclaimed, as Clark reddened. “Hardly.” He said with humility. “I’m just different.”

                              Lois had assumed command of the Perth by default. The young Amazons stood nearby, staring vacantly, as Lois maneuvered the huge schooner away from the dock. She noisily slammed the Perth into a marking buoy. It did no damage to the ship, but gave everyone a jolt.

                              Zatanna held onto the magic book tightly with both hands. It was still their only ticket back to their own time. Clark set Diana down, and she followed him closely towards Lois. Immediately, the Amazons bowed as their young princess leapt to the captain’s level like a gazelle.

                              “Lois! What the hell are you doing?” Clark yelled as he came up behind her. “What’s it look like I’m doing, Smallville? I’m piloting a three-story, two hundred year old, multi-masted ship away from a strange European dock! It was good of you to join us!” She snarled. “Princess!”

                              Diana rolled her eyes at Lois’s acknowledgement. “Gods protect us!” She remarked. “Hoist the sails!” She barked orders at the still bowing young Amazons. Clark found the scene ludicrous, but amusing, as he helped Lois steer the ship towards the open waters.

                              Zina piloted the Dark Angel skillfully taking care to avoid the Perth’s blindside and wake. Hypolita glanced over her shoulder at the ancient warrior princess. The Gods behave in strange ways, she silently mused. “I guess that it all came back to me, Gabrielle.” Zina commented.

                              By now, a couple of other ships had realized what happened. They began to set sail after the allegedly hijacked schooners. Lois muscled the Perth past the breakwater and the Dark Angel followed suit. Clark knew that he had to get some more running room out of the ship. He was certain that the pursuit craft were armed with starboard, and port canons. They could end their little sea cruise in a hurry.

                              The problem was where to lead and leave the Amazons, Clark considered. “Smallville! Are you going to stand there gawking, or help me steer the ship?” Lois hissed over the pounding surf. “You’re doing great, Lois! I’m going below deck and see if I can get more speed out of the Perth.” Clark said, and exited quickly over the side and onto the deck beneath them.

                              “Grrr! Men!” Lois grumbled, bringing a snicker to Zatanna’s lips. Clark made sure that no one was looking, and dove into the Mediterranean Sea. He could hold air underwater for long periods of time, but not indefinitely. Clark grabbed the rear section of the Perth carefully, and shoved the huge ship ahead of the rest, roughly in the general direction of Greece.

                              “Whoa! That’s quite the tailwind!” Lois commented, as the Perth lurched forward. The Amazons were caught off guard, and tumbled in every direction. Fortunately, none of the young women fell overboard. Clark doubled back to shove the Dark Angel along, just behind the Perth. “That’s not normal!” Zina remarked. “Something, or someone is guiding us!”

                              Hypolita rubbed her thin chin. “I wonder…” She mumbled. “Do you think that the Gods have returned, Zina?” Gabrielle asked worriedly. “Maybe…but I don’t see how. To be honest with you, I think we finished them off almost two thousand years ago.” Zina responded.

                              Hypolita caught Zina’s comment and stared daggers at the honorary Amazon. “You speak as though the gods were defeated by you!” The queen accused. “They were, actually.” Zina deadpanned. “But that is another story for another time.” Hypolita was skeptical. “I think our savior is much closer, and much more human.” Zina smirked. She was about half right…

                              Clark climbed aboard the Dark Angel, startling Gabrielle, who had just glanced in his direction by chance. She couldn’t help but smile at the mysterious young traveler from another place. “Welcome aboard, Clark Kent!” She greeted him cheerfully. “Decided to go for a swim, did you?” Zina teased. “Yeah, more or less.” Clark cast her a lopsided grin.

                              “Don’t tell me…” Hypolita challenged. “My errant daughter tossed you over the rail?” Clark smirked, shaking his head. “Queen Hypolita, I’m sorry about the improper way I dragged you through the temple and tunnels.” He apologized. Hypolita sighed. “Normally, to touch the queen in such a manner is a sentence of death, Clark Kent, yet somehow I believe that you don’t fear death.”

                              “Let’s just say that I believe in live and let live.” Clark deflected, as Zina chuckled. “A warrior, you’re not, Clark Kent. You seem to be more like my best friend, Gabrielle, here.” Clark nodded, and promptly changed the subject. “Queen Hypolita, you mentioned a place that we can sail to?” He hinted. “Yes, it is little more than a myth, but as we all know, some myths are based in truths.”

                              The Queen continued: “Legend states that an isle near the coast of Greece, fades in and out of existence. It is not known whether the isle is blessed or cursed by the gods. It seems illogical, but then it could be protected by magic, or a series of enchantments. Perhaps, your sorceress knows more?”

                              Queen Hypolita let the question hang in the air. Clark was choosing his next words carefully. Clearly, Hypolita knew of Zatanna’s powers. “Does this isle have a name?” Clark pressed. “Yes. It is called Themyscira, or Isle of the Lost.” Hypolita informed them.


